Health News (Week 37 – 2019)
By Robert Redfern

I am sure you have read or heard in the media that past exposure to lead may be to blame for over 400,000 deaths in the United States every year.

The Lead Story

Researchers found that exposure to low lead levels from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s was linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular and all-cause death over the next 20 years. They found that even low levels of lead exposure affected mortality in the U.S. and can pose significant harm to health.

Lead is naturally present in soil and water and for up to 100 years until around the 1960s was once widely used in petrol, plumbing pipes, roof lead, paint, children’s toys, and other consumer products.

In adults, exposure to lead may cause reproductive problems, a reduction in kidney function, and increased blood pressure.


Well, don’t be scared. The researchers admitted their conclusion used limited data. The use of lead had declined dramatically over the years of the study; from 1988 and 1994, when followed up 20 years later. Especially when compared to any 20-year period from the years 1900 to 1970 when lead was much more prevalent.

Where is the number of deaths from heart disease when lead was used in more circumstances? Where is the comparison against diet? Are they saying that those who died were eating a perfect diet complete with all of the essential vitamins and minerals and it was the lead that killed them?

I have no idea why these researchers conducted a poor study. This study was pointless, and I cannot see how they can profit from it. Maybe researchers are now so brainwashed by the Pharma Mafia conducting similar fake studies for profit they have lost all sense of proper science…?

Lead (the metal) Is Toxic

Be clear I am in no doubt that lead is toxic in its elemental state (metal) but colloids of lead absorbed by plants are not toxic as all of the other elements are toxic in their elemental state.

Silver, Iodine, Copper and many other minerals are toxic in their elemental state but critical for good health in their colloidal state once absorbed by a plant. I have no idea whether an organic colloidal lead is needed for good health but it has been in food for millions for years and is still in the diet of those where soils are rich in lead.

The question I would ask these researchers is…why am I not dead at 73? Growing up, cars had very inefficient engines and spewed lead fumes, the pipes in my house were lead, I made lead solders poured into cast-iron moulds, handling lead without any gloves, and I even used to bite with my teeth the waste lead off the lead solders. Strong genes? I wish.

The Causes Of The Deaths

Long-time readers I hope will never tire of me saying that the cause of diseases is unhealthy lifestyle. The causes of genetic diseases are an unhealthy lifestyle and particularly a lack of critical minerals in the diet at the time of conception.

Every day I take many supplements but one thing I have taken for 25 years is the full spectrum of 70+ minerals taken from 70 million years old plant material. My Active Life™ Formula contains over 70 minerals and a full spectrum of vitamins and other nutrients. I also have the 70+ Pure Concentrated Organic Minerals™ Capsules and 70+ Pure Concentrated Organic Minerals™ Liquid drops to take in your water.

Lifestyle Specification

  • Stop or cut down carbs and high sugar foods and drinks (these are a big cause of diseases)
  • Eat more real food: vegetables, dark-skinned fruits, nuts, seeds and pulses.
  • Reduce meat and fish to a minimum.
  • Drink water
  • Take a full spectrum of minerals
  • Walk 3-5 miles per day
  • Sit down for less than 3 hours per day
  • Meditate for happiness

A full spectrum multivitamin containing 130 nutrients including 77+ pure organic minerals, in one capsule. Contains a patented form of 5-MTHF Folate, perfect for 100% of the population and especially those who cannot absorb Folic Acid.

Pure Concentrated Organic Minerals™ Capsules

Contains 77+ Pure Concentrated Organic Minerals™ Capsules. Contains antioxidant minerals and 18 amino acids in capsule form. Includes Organic Selenium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper and others. Balances and energizes cell life and biological processes. Contains fulvic mineral complexes that are considered “the missing link of nutrition”.

Pure Concentrated Organic Minerals™ Liquid Drops

Contains 77+ Pure Concentrated Organic Minerals™ Liquid Drops. Contains antioxidant minerals and 18 amino acids in liquid form. Includes Organic Selenium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper and others. Balances and energizes cell life and biological processes. Contains fulvic mineral complexes that are considered “the missing link of nutrition”.


If these researchers know what causes disease and what causes good health they would be the healthiest people on the planet, but they are not.