Health News (Week 21 – 2019)
By Robert Redfern

Over the next few years, up to 200 million people will experience their sight fading away.

This means it may go from this………………….to this?

Are You Scared?

Are you scared that as you get older, you’ll start to lose your eyesight? It is very common and may happen sooner than you think. When I first started helping people resolve eye conditions in 1996, Macular Degeneration (MD) was called Age-Related Macular Degeneration AMD (as it previously was only detected in older people). Now it is called MD as they are even detecting the start of MD in people in their twenties.

It’s not surprising really as it is a condition directly related to the diet and unhealthy digestive tracts and the diets of many younger people are getting worse. In fact, 99% of all eye diseases are caused by poor nutrition and while it used to only show up in older people, it is now showing up in younger and younger people. Of course, the medical system gets around this by calling it a disease name rather than malnutrition – the pharma mafia especially hates to ever admit that any health conditions can be caused by our diet.

Already Have AMD?

If you already have macular degeneration, then read on because help is at hand. It is estimated that 25% of people over 60 experience some form of macular degeneration.

How can you tell if have a problem? What are the early signs? You need to look out for the following symptoms:

  • Reading small print getting more difficult?
  • Adjusting to the dark after being in a well-lit area?
  • Squinting at the TV?

The biggest fear for most people is losing their driving license; or even worse their independence.

Help Is At Hand

If you are worried that this could happen to you then you can stop. I’ve got some fantastic news for you that’s going to put your mind at rest and help you restore or keep your healthy vision…even into your 70’s and 80’s (and 99 in the case of an amazing lady called Ethel).

I have been helping people since 1996 when eye doctors in the USA started using my HealthPoint™ microcurrent stimulator and other nutrients to reverse these conditions. Since then and mainly since 2000 when I introduced MaxiFocus sublingual lutein/zeaxanthin spray, I have helped many thousands worldwide to recover their eyesight.


To be clear, HealthPoint™ alone can be used to start the regeneration process of the macular and many people get an improvement in days of using the electro-acupressure device. Of course, the diet is essential. And because of that, and new discoveries, I know that most of these vision problems can be stopped before they even start!

While this is great news, it doesn’t mean you can just do nothing and expect your vision to remain the same. First, you have to eat healthily and then supplement.

I’ve got more help for you in my free eBook. More help is available with recovery plans for just about every eye condition including Cataracts and even Retinitis Pigmentosa (a supposedly incurable genetic condition).

My basic eyesight recovery plan can help most people to prevent or recover from various eyesight problems but we can always provide support if you need more specific help.

For those who want to know the science, they can purchase my ‘Turning A Blind Eye’ book.

This Basic Plan will help 90% of those suffering eyesight loss such as Macular Degeneration.

HealthPoint™ is especially useful and we can offer Health Coaching to make sure you get the great results for eye conditions and the other 160 pain conditions detailed in the manual such as arthritis, amongst others.


MaxiFocus: Delivers a complete spectrum of super eye nutrients and antioxidants including Lutein and Zeaxanthin

AstaXanthin+DHA: The most natural source of Astaxanthin and one of the most powerful antioxidants for reducing inflammation in the body and protecting against cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma.

Taurine: Delivers nutrients to the retinal cells and reduces oxidative damage to the eyes, while removing waste products and various toxins. May protect the retina against vision loss.

Krill Miracle: Contains high strength Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids that may protect eyes from macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome. May decrease risk of high eye pressure and glaucoma.

CureC: Is a high-quality Liposomal Vitamin C that protects healthy cells and may reduce the risk of cataract and vision loss from macular degeneration.

BrainPower: Liposomal Curcumin and Resveratrol formula that may help to reduce the loss of retinal cells and support early-stage glaucoma, amongst other eye benefits.

HealthPoint™: Allows you to locate and stimulate acupuncture points accurately, without the use of needles. Benefits over 160 health conditions and provides relief for most eye issues, by starting the regeneration process of the macula.


Eye diseases such as Macular Degeneration can show improvement in a matter of weeks and can be measured using a simple eye chart by yourself. All diseases are caused by incorrect foods, lack of nutrients and not walking enough…and we provide all the help you need to get things right. Start today to correct these and you will move towards Good Health.