Health News (Week 48- 2015)
By Robert Redfern

I receive many emails from readers of my newsletter asking questions about various subjects and I then often refer them to my previously written articles at

The thought always occurs to me that I’m not making you aware of the thousands of articles on there – from getting an answer to a serious health problem or simply for educational interest, so I want to promote it as a regular place for you to go to.

You will soon see that once a month I will list the latest ten articles to keep you in the loop. FYI: Previous newsletters are always at the bottom of the email.

Your comments are welcomed at the bottom of any article for two important reasons:

  1. It allows me to understand if I am making sense.
  2. Commenting helps to spread the information around the web as Google shares the article when it has lots of comments – I look forward to your comments and help!

A Mini Guide to Improving Diabetic Retinopathy

The eyes are the window to the soul’ or so the old saying goes. But what you may not know is that your eye health can be determined by other factors going on inside the body. Diabetes is a condition that affects the blood sugar levels within the body but it is also the number one cause of reversible vision loss in American adults. This can contribute towards 5000 cases of legal blindness every year.

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Eat Yourself Happy with Really Healthy Pasta™

Eating a plant based diet involving plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes could help to prevent the onset of depression according to a large study that looked at 15,093 people. This suggests that depression is linked to a nutrient deficiency.

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Could Curcumin Be The Solution To Type II Diabetes?

A new study review published between 1998 to 2013 has emerged showing that the active polyphenol in turmeric known as curcumin can provide an ideal intervention for Diabetes Type 2 as it’s capable of mitigating characteristic and pathophysiological hallmarks of the disease. This includes elevated blood sugar levels (hyperglycaemia) and insulin resistance.

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Experiencing Chronic Pain? Find Relief with HealthPoint™

One hundred million Americans are estimated to be suffering with chronic pain during any given time. As more people are becoming aware of how addictive prescription painkillers can be, many are starting to look for alternative means of coping with their pain.

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10 Reasons To Take More Vitamin E…

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that contains powerful antioxidants that can promote and strengthen the immune system, while providing protection for blood sugar levels. It’s also ideal for preventing strokes and is super beneficial for heart health.

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In Pain? Try Meditation To Find Relief

Mindfulness meditation can provide greater pain relief than a placebo, according to new research published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

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Women Take This and Become 45% Stronger In Just Months…

Want to maintain your muscle mass after the menopause? Taking Vitamin D may help to rebuild muscles, according to a new study. The research to be published in the Journal: Osteoporosis International and Menopause in early 2016 looked into a study of 160 women aged between 50 and 65.

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Are You Getting Enough? Why You Should Take More Vitamin D3…

Researchers have analysed studies into Vitamin D and found that this essential vitamin can help to reduce heart disease, while lowering any signs of exertion. Vitamin D is actually a hormone that’s critical for numerous bodily functions including the formation of bones and teeth. It’s also necessary for the absorption of proper nutrients that can’t be achieved through diet alone.

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12 Health Benefits of This Most Hated Vegetable…

Broccoli has to be one of the most detested vegetables and it’s often missed out on many children’s plates. While adults have simply learned an acquired taste towards it, often adding spices or cheesy sauces to disguise its rather plain taste.

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Why Just ONE Coke Can Damage Your Heart Health

Drinking just one Coke on a daily basis can increase the risk of heart failure by around 20% it’s estimated. The shocking finding was discovered by the UK Government’s Scientific Advisory Committee on nutrition who recommended that adults consume no more than 30g of sugar a day – that’s less than a single 330ml can of Coca Cola.

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Lastly, while you are on my website why not look at the range of free books here:

For more health plans see my book ‘The Miracle Enzyme’. This book has 360 pages including 240 pages of health plans.