Health News (Week 32 – 2014)
By Robert Redfern

Regular readers and those who ask for my opinion on the Help Desk know that I recommend Vitamin D3 as a core for most health problems. Whether it is in high amounts in my Serranol, Daily Immune Protection and Vitamin D3-K2 formulations or smaller amounts in Active Life, MaxiFocus etc, our personal goal is to achieve around 10,000iu per day and sometimes up to 20,000iu in the winter.

There are too many studies to mention showing that high levels of Vitamin D3 is a super essential nutrient and the recommended daily amount is much too low to achieve excellent health.

The studies range from anti-cancer to lung recovery to better immune systems (studies show D3 is better than flu vaccinations) and many more.

Latest Vitamin D3 Study, shows low levels double the risk… of developing Dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Since 25% of the population over 65 are destined to succumb to dementia (unless they follow my plan ☺) it makes sense to ensure good daily levels of Vitamin D3. As I point out, the recommended daily amount by the medical business is too low to achieve good health.

For those who have seen reports about taking too much, I can assure you that as long as you are eating leafy green vegetables or taking Vitamin K2 (an important co-factor) you are fine. The truth is we need all of the super nutrients to work in harmony.

25 years of change.

For those of you who have been with us for 25 years, you have seen amazing changes and improvements to everything we do. The goal is to get better results and we do this by improving everything we offer.

Serrapeptase is one of the things that has changed dramatically since 1999 when we only had 10,000iu tablets. The results were impressive because there was nothing else quite like it. I considered a daily dose of 90,000iu ground breaking at that time considering the studies all used 20-30,000iu. To be clear I am cautious with my family’s health as I am with my reader’s health when I make these recommendations.

Jump forward to 2014…

I now personally take a daily dose of 500,000iu and sometimes 1,000,000iu (a combination of 250K and Serranol), just for anti-aging and especially since the new study has emerged, to prevent dementia. Many with urgent needs take 2,000,000iu. The fact is enzymes that are not used within a few hours are recycled by the body to a different type of enzyme.

NEW Trial Size (x30):

The 250,000iu capsules are in a bottle containing 90 capsules but many people have asked for a smaller amount so they can either try the large dose before committing to the 90 count or for those who simply want to take 250,000iu in one capsule per day.

The 80,000iu capsule will continue as it has a place for those who want a lower dose, or to give to children.

Just to be absolutely clear, if you have a serious problem and need faster results 2,000,000iu is a useful minimum to take over the day. Only those with gastritis or experiencing detoxing effects may need to lower the dosage.

Click here for more information on the NEW SerraEnzyme 250,000iu Trial Size (x30)

If you have any questions on any health issue or following a really healthy foods diet, feel free to contact me Here. Your question will come through to me directly and I will answer in the strictest of confidence.

Serrapeptase and nattokinase intervention for relieving Alzheimer’s disease

Vitamin D and the risk of dementia and Alzheimer disease

Thomas J. Littlejohns, MSc, William E. Henley, PhD, Iain A. Lang, PhD, Cedric Annweiler, MD, PhD, Olivier Beauchet, MD, PhD, Paulo H.M. Chaves, MD, PhD, Linda Fried, MD, MPH, Bryan R. Kestenbaum, MD, MS, Lewis H. Kuller, MD, DrPH, Kenneth M. Langa, MD, PhD, Oscar L. Lopez, MD, Katarina Kos, MD, PhD, Maya Soni, PhD* and David J. Llewellyn, PhD* Conclusion: Our results confirm that vitamin D deficiency is associated with a substantially increased risk of all-cause dementia and Alzheimer disease. This adds to the ongoing debate about the role of vitamin D in nonskeletal conditions.