Women who drink more than two cups of coffee daily especially during the first few weeks of pregnancy, may be more likely to miscarry according to a study by the National Institute of Health and the Ohio State University. The researchers found that women who are drinking coffee regularly run the risk of increasing their risk of pregnancy loss.

The study from 2005 to 2009 looked at 501 couples from within the four counties of Michigan and 12 counties within Texas. The scientists compared various lifestyle factors along with the use of cigarettes, how much caffeine they consumed, and the use of multivitamins within 344 couples, following a singleton pregnancy from before conception and over several weeks. Of all the 344 pregnancies, 98 of them ended in miscarriage (28%).

Researchers also showed that women taking multivitamins on a daily basis before conceiving, are less likely to have a miscarriage than those who don’t. They also indicated that other studies showed that taking Vitamin B6 and Folic Acid can reduce the risk of miscarriage happening. The results from the study were seen to be equally as problematic for the male partner as it is for the women hoping to conceive.

Reduce The Risk Of Miscarriage with a Naturally Healthy Lifestyle

Couples who want to ensure they have a healthy pregnancy should consider following a really healthy lifestyle and taking the right nutrients that can sometimes only be obtained through supplementing them into your diet. A Healthy Pregnancy Plan and the recommended supplements can be found here, as recommended by Robert Redfern of Naturally Healthy News. Couples who want to improve their fertility should follow the Men’s Health Fertility Plan and Women’s Health Fertility Plan here. It’s ideal to reduce coffee especially during the first few months of pregnancy, to be on the safe side and to avoid any increased risk. It’s also a good idea to keep taking a multivitamin such as Active Life™ capsules before, during and after the birth.

Recommended reading for help with a healthy pregnancy, along with lifestyle advice can be found in ‘Improving Fertility in 30 Days’ by Robert Redfern of Naturally Healthy Publications and the ebook can be downloaded for free from this site.