Health News (Week 22 – 2014)
By Robert Redfern

This week I am sharing reader’s feedback but first a sample dialogue of typical support over the first few weeks with a new client. Note how line questions are easy to ask and easier to answer.

Dear Robert Your offer to defer payment was very kind. However I have realised that there will be more than sufficient funds in my account to clear my visa when it is due. So I have ordered everything including 1st Line Defence – no use being half hearted about it. I have already given up cheese and milk. I will find fruit a real sacrifice, but there are some very good frozen berries in the supermarkets. A month being very strict should see an improvement. Then I might be able to have some of the fruits just coming into season. Thank you for your help


Email me your plan every few days so I can give you feedback.
Today at my local health and fitness session my blood pressure was 173/91. Usually it is 120-140/80. I also have fluid retention in hands and feet. Could this be caused by the bicarbonate of soda I have been putting in my water for the past four days?
How much have you been putting in?
I have worked out that it is about 5ml in 2 litres of water. Did not use any at all yesterday, swelling has gone down about 50% and 2lb of the 4lb I had gained has gone too.
Keep testing it
After only a week on your regime I have seen improvement. I have less bloating and wind. My breathing is easier, enabling me to be more active and I have lost seven pounds! The diet is a struggle but is getting easier to follow and seeing results make it all worthwhile. My condition is slowly improving. I still find myself craving carbs when I face a stressful situation, but I am sure this will improve. Now that I am gaining more energy I realise I have been running between tired and exhausted for years.
Have some nuts (soaked for 24hrs) on hand to snack on.
Thank you for all your help, everything is on the mend. None of my issues arrived overnight and I realise that I will have to persevere with the supplements and diet for a long time. In fact your 30 day diet is a change for life.I admit to falling off the diet on occasion – when out with friends or on holiday – however that has taught me that more than a small amount of wheat product will make me thirsty and sugar brings back the acid reflux.

My nausea in the morning has completely gone, I have had no more vomiting since starting your protocol. I have much more energy and I am sleeping better. I am doing more exercise and trying to improve my lung function. I still produce a lot of phlegm, but am hoping that will also improve given time. Even the medical profession is waking up to the fact that natural medicine does work but their hands are tied by NHS directives. My own GP admits that he has patients who would benefit from Serrapeptase but he is not allowed to recommend it.

However a step towards preventative medicine is actually happening, at least it is locally. Our clinic is running lung function classes, exercise classes and walks and intend on expanding this scheme. They are even suggesting that people with breathing problems avoid wheat and dairy for a few weeks to see if there is any improvement. Makes a change from just handing out a prescription. Perhaps we will see a move to holistic medicine, where the cause gets treated, not the symptoms. If so you will have been one of the pioneers.

Many thanks and best wishes

Mr. Redfern I would like to thank you for your info on serrapeptase and Ancient Magnesium Spray; I started taking it for nerve seizures, dizziness, depression, nervousness (Body vibrations) which no MD could explain…In three weeks it’s gone, all of it – just gone! I am whole again, laughing and being my old crazy self. The roped varicose vein on my left leg is slowly disappearing also a major plus 🙂 Everyone says I look so much better and honestly I never thought I’d feel like I’m among the living again, feeling flat is not joyful: (It’s a horrible feeling, I’m taking all the info to my Amazing Dr. in June. He will be amazed and quite honestly as one of God’s doctors he will simply have to try it himself 🙂 Thank you from the bottom of my heart 🙂

P.S My best friend’s mom has had Parkinson’s for 15 years, she lost her sense of smell due to disease progress, guess who is out smelling roses 🙂 Miracle yes, God has blessed us with people like you to help us heal….

God bless,


I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the product. I am in my mid 60’s and have suffered from constipation most of my life. I have tried many remedies but taking medicine is not in anyone’s long term benefit. You sent me some with an earlier order some years ago but I never used it until recently. I have normal bowel functions for the first time in my life and no matter what the medical profession says about up to 3 days being normal – I have never believed it. The Magnesium Oil is probably doing more to ensure that I don’t get bowel cancer or disease than any other product I have tried. I ordered a few bottles and it took a while to act – but normal bowel movements are such a relief!

Thanks again.


I have just now finished a bottle of High Strength Serrapeptase, after a road traffic accident 8 weeks ago. All pain and discomfort has now disappeared but I would like to continue taking it – or a lower dose, on your advice, in order to for me to make less mucus.

Dear Robert,

I just want to say ‘Thank you ‘ for all your newsletters, I do find them very helpful and was particularly interested in this week’s issue…

I used to be one of the trustees for The Green Network looking into the causes and prevention of cancer, set up here in the 1980s by Vera Chaney now retired and in her mid-90s, before it had to close through lack of funds as we were all volunteers except the experts in their own fields. We put on two presentations to Parliament with so much information and evidence from independent highly qualified researchers and medics and only our own two local MPs bothered to turn up and then only put in an appearance, not to stop and listen so it was the converted preaching to the converted and was somewhat disheartening.

And as for the pharmaceutical companies now just thinking about them … I can feel the stress rising! and their aggressive efforts to rubbish natural medicine (it has stirred up memories I prefer to forget)

….and thank you too for all your research and your passion, and all the help you are offering to people to improve their lives…God bless you in all you do!

With good wishes,

Sue L

All feedback (good or bad) is welcomed and both of them give me the opportunity to give further help or simply improve communications or the plans.