November 4th is National Stress Awareness Day and what better way to look at this issue than to analyse why we feel stressed in the first place. Modern lifestyles can be very hectic; we are constantly connected and on the go with the world around us. Do we ever stop to just enjoy the moment?

The constant barrage of stimuli and jobs to do means we can feel overwhelmed by our every day situations. We may force ourselves to do things for other people that we don’t want to partake in or our ‘To Do’ list might be long and endless.

Stress comes when we are resisting the flow of life and taking on too many mental tasks, at the expense of our own wellbeing. When this occurs we need to take a step back and breathe deeply into our core so we can reconnect with ourselves and our true life purpose.

Meditation and mindfulness techniques are one simple way to do this as it can help you to feel at peace within the moment. Breathing exercises are another as they can enable you to release and let go of whatever is bothering you. Paying attention to your breathing slows down your thought processes and the repetitive cycle of emotions and worries that may be preventing you from gaining more clarity and creativity in your life.

Learn To Focus
Don’t rush through your task. This is similar to being mindful but applying it in your every day life. What you need to do is to consider the quality of the work you are doing, not the quantity. When you start applying this rule, it becomes easier to relax knowing you are focusing on producing high quality work rather than rushing to get it completed at the last minute. You are much more in tune and living a life of passion when you follow this principle.

Take the right nutrients
Magnesium is a mineral that’s vital for relaxing the nervous system. It does this by helping serotonin, a neurotransmitter send signals from the brain to the body. A lack of serotonin can lead to depression, eating disorders and even insomnia.

Researchers estimate the average person’s body contains about 25g of magnesium and half of it is found within the bones. Magnesium can be found within 300 chemical responses within the body. It is highly effective for relieving pain and promoting enzyme function.

Ancient Minerals Magnesium Ultra with OptiMSM is highly recommended if you want to achieve the above benefits. The OptiMSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) is made using a patented distillation process that can enhance cell permeability, meaning the magnesium is more readily absorbed within the cells.

L-Tryptophan and L-Theanine can provide powerful support for healthy sleep patterns and effective relaxation. It can also support healthy cortisol levels, a steroid hormone that regulates a wide range of processes including the immune response and the metabolism. Relaxwell® is recommended for this purpose.

Whatever you decide to do for stress relief, taking time out for yourself to relax and enjoy life outside of work is highly recommended and very important for your overall health and sense of wellbeing in the long term.