Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for good health and repair. Sleep plays a vital role in your physical health and this includes the vital maintenance of your heart and blood vessels.

There is also evidence that a sleep deficiency is linked with an increased risk of heart disease,  kidney disease, diabetes and stroke.

Sleep can support your brain health and emotional wellbeing, while some studies show it can improve your learning and problem solving skills.

If you’re not getting enough sleep then following these several tips should help…


 1. Aim to get a solid eight hours sleep










The recommended daily amount of sleep for an adult is at least several hours. Most people don’t need more than 8 hours in bed to reach this goal.

It’s important to stick to a daily routine with sleep as this will ensure you go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day.

Limiting the difference in your sleep schedule on weekends and weeknights to no more than an hour.

When you are consistent with your sleep routine, this reinforces the body’s sleep-wake cycle and may prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep.



2. Take the right nutrients

Certain nutrients like L-Tryptophan and B-vitamins can help to boost your general health and promote a good night’s sleep.

L-tryptophan is an amino acid and protein building block that after being absorbed from food, converts 5-HTP (5-hyrdoxytryptophan) to serotonin.

Serotonin is a hormone that transmits the signals between nerve cells and this causes blood vessels to narrow. Changes of serotonin levels in the brain can alter moods and taking enough is believed to improve moods in healthy people with sleep problems.


3. Create a peaceful environment

A good night’s sleep is best achieved within a peaceful environment. A cool, dark and quiet room can ensure you are in a peaceful mindset before going to bed.

A dark room with shades, earplugs and involving yourself in quiet and calming activities such as meditation and yoga can help to promote a sense of relaxation before going to sleep.


4. Avoid ‘unnatural’ foods before sleep

Asides from being full of chemicals, processed or ‘unnatural’ foods are hard to digest in the body especially before bed.

Nicotine, caffeine and alcohol should all be treated with caution as they can take hours to wear off and may potentially wreak the quality of your sleep, or disrupt you later on.


5. Exercise on a daily basis








Engaging in physical exercise on a regular basis can help you to have a better night’s sleep.

You may want to consider walking, jogging, pilates or yoga to stay active and flexible, amongst other activities.

The key is to stay active and enjoy your workout to reap the full health and wellness benefits.


6. Limit daytime naps








Taking too many naps during the day, even if it’s  just a short rest, can interfere with your night time sleep.

Try and limit your naps to just 30 minutes a day for best results.

If you work at night, you may need to nap late in the day however to make up your sleep debt.


7. Learn to de-stress

Anxiety, stress and worry about work, health problems or any other situation is counterproductive to enjoying a good night’s sleep.

When you take these worries with you into the bedroom, it makes it more difficult for the mind to find peace.

Learning how to manage your stress can help you to have a good night’s sleep. Delegating tasks, organising your schedule and practising meditation and relaxation techniques can all help you to find calm.


Getting Into Healthy Habits For A Good Night’s Sleep

If you’ve been struggling to achieve a good night’s sleep then try implementing each of the above tips into your daily routine to see if it makes a difference. You may also want to consider adding the following recommended nutrients into your lifestyle, to support your relaxation.


Recommended Examples


Relaxwell™ – This formula contains L-Tryptophan, L-Theanine along with Vitamins B3 and B6 that can help to support sleep and effective relaxation. This complete formula can help to reveal a more rested and better focused version of yourself!