WEEK 41 (2020) – Good Heart n’Healthy

Health News (Week 42 – 2020)
By Robert Redfern

Following on from a couple of weeks ago when I covered Lung Disease, today I am covering

I know you may be terrorised by the propaganda spouted by Governments, the Pharma/Medical Cartel and the Bought Media but let me put things in context.

All World Deaths – First 10 months of this 2020 (Out of total 50 million deaths) the top 10 are:

  1. All Cardiovascular/Strokes – 13.5 million
  2. All Respiratory diseases – 5.1 million
  3. All Cancers – 4.5 million
  4. All Dementia – 1.61 million
  5. Diabetes diseases – 1.38 million
  6. Liver diseases – 1.32 million
  7. Road Deaths – 1.184 million
  8. Diarrheal diseases – 1.17 million
  9. Kidney disease – 1.00 million
  10. Worldwide CV-19 deaths anywhere from 200,000 to 850,000 depending upon which experts you believe since even road deaths were counted if the doctor ‘suspected’ CV-19.

For clarity, whenever I use the word ‘disease’, I am referring to an unhealthy lifestyle. Those following a healthy lifestyle rarely have any disease. I have never met a person following a healthy lifestyle that had a disease and I have communicated with hundreds of thousands in the past 35 years.

So, lung disease was covered in my newsletter and eBook from 2 weeks ago and now I want to cover Heart Disease/Strokes. I have an eBook available for Heart/Cardiovascular/Stroke disease prevention and also a separate eBook for Stroke Recovery. I will cover Stroke Recovery and Hypertension in my future newsletters.

Why Would Anyone Have A Heart Attack?

Personally, I am convinced that unexpected heart attacks are a result of a very unhealthy diet and a failure of the Doctors who are listening to their drug masters. They need to re-examine and start practising proper healthcare. Let’s be very clear, in this day of advanced technology there is no reason for anyone to have an unexpected heart attack.

A simple 4D scan of your arteries that you can simply have at any centre with a 4D scanner will clearly show any heart or arterial problem which can be resolved with my Heart Plan.

If you follow the plan in my book, along with the food plan, any problems should clear within months.

Having another scan a few months later is recommended to double-check it is clearing. In the UK, these scans are inexpensive and easily available from a centre. This is just an example of one of the many centres: https://www.ultrasound-direct.com

Another test which is not as easy to get from doctors is Heart Rate Variability (HRV). You can Google it to search for a private doctor, alternatively, you get an app for your mobile phone and combine this with a chest strap to test yourself.

An Example Of My Advice I Have Mentioned In The Past

Blood pressure is a measurement of the force necessary to maintain blood flow throughout your body. High blood pressure occurs when blood circulation is failing and the force required gets too high.

Blood Pressure Is Not A Disease, It’s A Warning!

It’s also not a shortage of drugs. You have probably heard about high blood pressure as it is claimed over 50% of adults over the age of 60 will develop it. What high blood pressure is as a measurement is debatable, but approaching or over 200 is definitely serious and if it is left untreated or is not properly monitored, it can be life-threatening.

It is said that long-term high blood pressure will damage blood vessels and increase the risk of a stroke. I say it’s the same cause for high blood pressure and is the same reason we get strokes or heart disease.

I repeat, high blood pressure is a warning that we have health problems and is not the cause of death.

Blood pressure warnings:

There are two types of irregular blood pressure warnings to consider:

  1. High blood pressure is called hypertension when blood pressure is too high.
  2. Low blood pressure is called hypotension when blood pressure is too low.

Both of these warnings should be taken seriously. I disagree that drugs are dealing with the cause of these warnings.
The health of your body depends on healthy blood circulation.

Heart Healthy Blood And Unhealthy Lifestyles

It is a fact that high blood pressure increases with an unhealthy lifestyle, especially as we age. The reality is that one in three people around the world has high blood pressure. These figures skyrocket as the population grows older.

50 per cent of adults in the Western world over the age of 60 have high blood pressure. A staggering 90 per cent of adults are at risk of developing high blood pressure within their lifetime. There are also certain lifestyle factors that contribute to a high blood pressure warning:

  • Unhealthy Diet – Consuming factory processed foods, grains, cereals, processed foods like ‘takeaways’, high sugar foods, overcooked foods, foods lacking in critical minerals and vitamins such as Vitamin D3, all the B vitamins and Chromium.
  • Obesity – Directly caused by eating the above unhealthy diet.
  • Diabetes – Directly caused by eating the above unhealthy diet.
  • Smoking – What can I say that you don’t already know?
  • Sedentary lifestyle – Sitting down for more than 3 hours in each day is a major factor as well as not walking for 3-5 miles daily.
  • Oral contraceptives – These and many other drugs can cause health problems that can trigger circulatory problems.
  • Depression – A direct cause of poor circulation.
  • Emotional stress – Causes high cortisol and is eventually a cause of poor circulation.
  • Drinking excess alcohol – An indirect cause of poor circulation.

Most At Risk

Women and men of Black and Asian ancestry have the highest risk of high blood pressure but they also have a higher intolerance to carbs and sugar, as well as a common lack of Vitamin D3.

Men have a higher risk of high blood pressure than women, although women are more susceptible to post-menopause, or after the age of 55.

Be Absolutely Clear

  • Lack of pharmaceutical drugs is not the cause of high blood pressure.
  • Lifestyle factors, taking pharma drugs and inactivity is absolutely to blame.
  • Walking and exercise help to lower the heart rate, and it can decrease the number of times the heart beats but the other lifestyle factors above are even more critical…

My Personal Example

When my elder sister arrived on a visit, I took one look at her and knew she was facing urgent health problems. She was on strong high blood pressure drugs and I knew I had to tread carefully to get her to accept my help (family are often the hardest to help). It was a pleasant surprise when after explaining my plan she agreed to stop the drugs and follow it. Of course, she wanted to monitor her blood pressure a couple of times daily, which is sensible in any circumstances.

The plan included green veggie smoothies, and some crucial supplements, such as the ones recommended below.

Within 24 hours her blood pressure was already healthy. The meals provided were all healthy (what else in our house?), so even though she has stopped the supplements (for 24 hours) her blood pressure only rose a little and has mostly returned to normal. All she has to do is stick to my plan, change her diet more to reflect ours and she will keep on getting healthier and healthier. On these things, I can only cross my fingers.

It goes to show how little steps and simple measures can make a big difference very quickly. Don’t ever think you can’t change, whatever problem you may have, there is always another solution.

My Blood Pressure book was in the mail to her after she left, as well as the plan she needed to get healthy.

That is all you need to do. No matter how serious your health problems, with the help from me and my team of health coaches, you can get the same one-to-one help as my sister.

Start today.

  1. Mаnаgе yоur strеѕѕ lеvеlѕ
  2. Avоіd sugar
  3. Limit your processed salt (sodium) intаkе
  4. Exеrсіѕе dаіlу
  5. Inсrеаѕе yоur mаgnеѕіum intake
  6. Include hеаlthу fats in thе diet еѕресіаllу omеgа 3
  7. Tаkе Bergamot


CV-19 is a minor factor in the world compared to Heart and Lung disease.

Download your eBook of choice and get on a really healthy plan today.

Your Heart/Cardio Plan



Blockbuster® AllClear
A careful blend of powerful enzymes such as Serrapeptase, Nattokinase, Digestive enzymes, antioxidants and proanthocyanidins (Grape Seed Extract and Pine Bark extract 95%). Provides powerful support for normal artery and cardiovascular health. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 120 veg capsules.

A powerful combination formula of four key ingredients in one capsule including 160,000IU Serrapeptase, Curcuminx4000, 50mg Ecklonia Cava Extract and 1000IU Vitamin D3. Available in a delayed-release capsule. Phthalate-free. Suitable for vegetarians. 90 veg capsules.

Vitamin D3 and K2 Sublingual Spray™
An effective sublingual spray combining 1000IU of Vitamin D3 and 100mcg Vitamin K2 MK7. Supports bone health, heart health and healthy immune system response. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 30m/1 fl.oz.

Exclusively contains high-potency Super BERGAVIT Bergamot 45%. Benefits overall cholesterol balance and heart health. Supported by clinical trials to improve CVD risk factors. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 60 veg capsules.

Active Life™
A multivitamin and mineral formula providing 130 nutrients in one capsule. Contains a patented form of 5-MTHF Folate and essential B vitamins to support good health. Suitable for vegetarians. 180 veg capsules.

Nascent Iodine
Nascent iodine is a highly bioavailable consumable iodine in an atomic form and is the ideal form of iodine to supplement with as its readily absorbed and utilised by the body. Iodine is well known for supporting thyroid function and plays a key role in detoxification and immune health. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 30ml/1 fl.oz.

UB8Q10 Ubiquinol
CoEnzyme Q10 is up to 8 times better absorbed compared to ordinary CoQ10. Acts as the body’s powerhouse enhancer and antioxidant. Supports the body’s energy levels and optimal health. 60 soft gel capsules.

Ancient Magnesium Oil Ultra 100ml
Guaranteed 100% Zechstein Magnesium Oil in a topical spray with OptiMSM, the world’s purest MSM for enhanced absorption. Essential for supporting all your daily magnesium intake levels. Recommended for applying to Chest, Back, legs, neck, shoulders and various body aches.

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