WEEK 34 (2023) – Animals in Your Life

I hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits!

Should we get a dog…? That is the question being asked in my house at the moment. The kids both want one, as do I. My husband is being a little more…. undecided.

Pets are often said to make a home. I grew up with many animals and then went on to have my own cat and dog. Since living in Australia and having children, I haven’t had any animals. We often discuss this in our household, ‘ When are we going to take the leap’! We have even been to check out some kittens and somehow resisted.

My parents have a dog called Rafa, who you may know from my dad’s newsletters and photos. He has been like their 4th child and has broken all the old rules of being a dog. He sleeps on the bed, is fed at the dinner table and is given more leeway than my children! Since losing my dad last year, Rafa has provided my mum with a massive amount of stability and support.

Pets are said to have a tremendous calming effect on stress levels. One study by Washington State University found that petting and playing with a dog or cat for just 10 minutes significantly lowered cortisol. Top neuroscientist, Andrew Huberman, has previously explained that he used to walk other people’s dogs to get that boost and to increase his happiness when he was at university and couldn’t have his own dog. Going to the local dog home/pound and walking dogs for charity can also give that extra reward for doing the right thing!

Owning a dog has many positive effects on our lives. I’ve seen this in my family in the past, and I am excited to let my children experience this in future.

Simply having the responsibility of exercising a dog naturally adds to our own physical activity. Dogs are natural exercise buddies! Their need for regular walks and playtime encourages us to get outside and move.

Unconditional love and companionship from dogs provides a significant boost to our mood and can reduce feelings of loneliness. Their presence has been shown to release oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding and affection, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety.

We live opposite a dog park and often stop to pat and engage with the local dogs. They are wonderful icebreakers and conversation starters and increase our social interaction. We have started many new friendships with people, and the kids have learned to chat confidently.

Caring for a dog requires a routine, including feeding, walks, and grooming. This consistent routine can help establish structure in our lives, improving time management and overall organisation.

Dogs depend on us for their well-being, giving us a sense of purpose and responsibility. This feeling of being needed and essential can positively impact our mental and emotional state.

The simple joy of coming home to a wagging tail and an exuberant welcome can instantly lift our spirits. Dogs have an innate ability to bring joy and happiness into our lives, even on the most challenging days.

Studies have shown that owning a dog can lead to lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of heart disease. The regular exercise and emotional support provided by our furry companions contribute to improved cardiovascular health.

Having a dog can strengthen family relationships. Caring for a pet as a team fosters a sense of unity, cooperation, and shared responsibility among family members.

Dogs require patience and understanding, teaching us valuable life skills such as empathy, tolerance, and the ability to put another’s needs before our own.

Owning a dog goes beyond providing companionship; it can enrich our lives in ways we may not even realise. From better physical health to improved emotional well-being, the positive effects of having a dog as a part of our lives are undeniable.

These simple daily tasks help many people, such as older people, people living alone, or someone struggling with mental health, to live fuller lives; their presence truly enriches our days and reminds us of the importance of embracing simple joys.

And if you want to look after your pet naturally, the following supplements are recommended by Rafa –

SerraPet (available in various strengths)
Serrapeptase for animal consumption, available in SerraPet 250,000U tablets, SerraPet 250,000U capsules and SerraPet 80,000U capsules (SerraPet Capsules EU/UK Only).

Happy Tummy® Feed Supplement (EU/UK Only)
Happy Tummy® pure hardwood charcoal is naturally ‘active’, absorbent, and ground to a size suitable for equines and other animals. HappyTummy® charcoal feed supplement can support digestive health and your animal’s overall health, condition, behaviour and performance.

Hydrosol™ Silver Spray 113ml and Hydrosol™ Silver Gel 44ml
Antimicrobial support suitable for pets. Add a little spray to their drinking water, and apply the gel topically when needed.

Probiotic14™ (120 capsules)
Friendly bacteria to support your pet’s gut health. It can be opened and mixed with food.

CurcuminX4000® Original (180 capsules)
Curcumin can support your pet’s normal inflammatory response, ideal for times of injury or illness.

Wishing you good health and happiness.

Warm regards,
Olivia Redfern

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