WEEK 22 (2021) – The Facts Of Health

Today’s Newsletter

Is about the facts of health for staying healthy into your 90s and beyond, and especially avoiding the real pandemic of Alzheimer’s/Dementia.

This is International Alzheimer’s Month when Big Pharma pretend they are researching cures. Their fundraising charities will tug at your heartstrings to give them your hard-earned money or worse still, beg you to leave them your wealth in a will. Don’t be fooled – with the right health plan you can avoid and beat these diseases!

For New Readers

Thirty-five years ago, my mother died of lung disease at age 62 and my 64-year-old father died a short while later of cancer.

These deaths drove me to research the causes of their deaths in-depth. I soon found evidence that the majority of diseases that people suffer and prematurely die from are completely preventable.

I discovered evidence that these diseases are mainly caused by an unhealthy diet, lack of critical nutrients, and lifestyle factors – all of which create unhealthy bodies.

I celebrated my 75th birthday in January feeling truly fit and healthy, and I want all my readers to achieve the same opportunity, at any age.

Secrets Of Being Healthy

This is not just for elderly people but the truth is the earlier you start the easier it is to achieve good health for all of your life. It’s not unreasonable to remind readers that the healthiest people are produced by parents who have a planned, healthy conception. I recommend this whole plan in my Fertility book.

I didn’t start my journey to health until aged 40 which only started as a result of my parents’ premature death. I had many health problems and at times it made life miserable. It took 5 years of research before I finalised my recovery plan. Even though the next 10 years were very difficult when I was flying all over the world, my health was steadily improving.

Why Do Some Live Longer?


There is no doubt that genes play a part but not as much as scientists claim. Of course, our ancestors all had good enough genes to make it through thousands of years of adversity. It took thousands of healthy ancestors over the past 2-300 years for you to have your life now.



Any single one of these ancestors who did not make it to childbearing age and you would not exist. I get to hear of many stories such as mine where their parents have died young. Why were they not healthy enough to live to my age now (75 years) and onwards to their 90 as many others do? Simply, their lifestyle did not meet the requirements. To be fair they believed in doctors and if those doctors had shared this type of health information rather than simply give them drugs they would still be here enjoying life in their late 90s, as many people I help do.


Before I get into the serious stuff for recovering from diseases that shorten your life or at least spoil the quality of it, I would like to look at the findings of some lifestyle studies that compared the lifestyles of people who died young, in comparison to those who lived into their 90s and enjoyed life.

These studies (statistically) show:

  1. Alcohol – limited to one or two glasses of alcohol (wine, etc) most days is beneficial to longevity.
  2. Coffee – 2-3 cups of black coffee (I recommend organic) is beneficial to longevity.
  3. Walking/Exercise – People who walk in excess of 2-3 miles per day and/or exercise live longer than those who do not.
  4. Sitting – People who sit down for more than 3 hours per day and over 8 hours per day increase their risk of premature death.
  5. Weight – People who are slightly overweight live longer than those who are slightly underweight.
  6. Active Minds – Being social and interested mentally in many things helps people to live longer. I plan to carry on working.
  7. A Good Night’s Sleep – 7 – 9 hours of restful sleep and aiming for 8 hours is perfect.

All of the above should be considered as part of a healthy lifestyle. It is not obligatory to drink alcohol or coffee but I only include these to stop you feeling guilty for which you have no need to.

Alzheimer’s Month

The plan for Alzheimer’s/Dementia/Parkinson’s can be tough since the carer has to be consistent as well as dealing with any challenges to help the sufferer stay on the plan.

If the sufferer is willing, these are the critical lifestyle steps to get started for the fastest results:

  1. Water Fasting: Fasting has been known since records began to be a powerful preventative and treatment for any disease. Up to one week is a good length to do a fast for achieving good health. The most effective fasting involves simply drinking the water as directed in step 2. Also, taking the appropriate missing supplements at the same time.
  2. Drinking 6 x 500ml glasses of water over a day with a ¼ teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in each glass. Also, use Pure Concentrated Organic Minerals™ Liquid Drops for powerful electrolyte support.
  3. Stopping all factory processed or unnatural foods, and especially factory-made meals.
  4. Stopping high sugar foods and drinks, as well as bread, pastry, biscuits, breakfast cereals, white rice, potatoes, parsnips, and pasta foods.
  5. Consuming mainly vegetables (after the fast): Leafy greens and other salad foods, avocados, mushrooms, dark-skinned fruits, tree nuts, seeds, and legumes. I have a website dedicated to this with numerous healthy recipes including Keto and Vegan recipes at www.reallyhealthyfoods.com.
  6. Taking 3-4 teaspoons of Himalayan or rock salts daily in food.

Health Coaches

I make no claim that reversing Alzheimer’s is an easy plan compared to other diseases but our Health Coaches have a good track record. Register at www.MyGoodHealthClub.com for an initial consultation.

You can download and read the eBook which also has a simple questionnaire to allow you to measure deterioration of memory.

Caution – There are a number of conditions that can cause memory/confusion:

  1. Urine infection easily resolved with antibiotics
  2. B12 deficiency is very common in elderly people and is easily resolved with a B4Health Supplement
  3. Damaged Brain Cells from Alzheimer’s/Dementia/Parkinson’s


“You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”
– Linus Pauling.

Nothing that comes from doctors via the Pharma/Medical Cartel is designed to get you and your family healthy (except emergency treatment in urgent cases).

Most disease and premature deaths can be prevented in a much safer way – by everyone taking 10-20,000IU of Vitamin D3 + Key Missing Nutrients.

Alzheimer’s Recommended Basic Supplements

BrainPower™ Liposomal Curcumin/Resveratrol

  • Liposomal Curcumin and Resveratrol
  • Provides natural anti-inflammatory protection
  • Made with natural non-GMO ingredients
  • Provides immune system support
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans

Lithium Balance™

  • Contains Organic Lithium Orotate, a possible healthy alternative to antidepressants
  • 100% natural, safe and effective to use
  • Supports balanced moods
  • Provides important nutrients for brain health
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans


  • Contains a full B Vitamin Complex
  • Provides superior delivery for improved absorption
  • Supports healthy homocysteine levels
  • Supports many bodily processes for optimum health
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans

CureC™ Liposomal Vitamin C with Quercetin

  • Contains 1000mg of High-quality Liposomal Vitamin C, 175mg of Quercetin, plus 1000mg PC per serving
  • Provides powerful antioxidant action that may protect healthy cells
  • May help to maintain healthy bones, cartilage and connective tissues
  • May help to promote the body’s natural healing process
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans

Ancient Magnesium Oil Ultra 100ml

  • Guaranteed 100% Zechstein Magnesium Oil
  • Provides all the benefits of the original magnesium oil, plus OptiMSM, the world’s purest MSM
  • Supports general relaxation and relief for sore muscles and various body aches
  • Delivers magnesium precisely where it’s needed most
  • Improves deep absorbability into skin and tissue
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans
  • Antioxidant and free radical neutralizer
  • Provides support for normal blood sugar balance and pancreatic function
  • Provides support for peripheral nerve and endocrine function
  • Up to 40x more bioavailable than the ‘free acid’ form of R-Lipoic Acid (RLA)
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans

Serranol® 90 Capsules

  • Contains x4 key ingredients in each capsule
  • 160,000IU Serrapeptase for accelerated healing support
  • 250mg Meriva® Curcumin for anti-inflammatory benefits
  • 50mg Ecklonia Cava Extract that may support HDL (good) cholesterol
  • 1000IU Vitamin D3 for supporting the body’s immune health
  • Suitable for vegetarians

Nascent Iodine

  • Consumable iodine in its atomic form
  • Provides a huge energy release when consumed
  • Supports thyroid health and hormone production
  • Best taken with Ionic Selenium
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans

Active Life™

  • A Full Spectrum Multi-Vitamin/Mineral Formula
  • 130 Nutrients in One Capsule
  • High Antioxidant Content
  • Uses the Biologically Active Quatrefolic® Folate
  • Suitable for vegetarians


  • A coenzyme Q10 that is up to 8x better absorbed compared to ordinary CoQ10
  • Coenzyme Q10 fuels each cell and process in the body
  • Supports the body’s ATP – the human source of energy
  • Supports a wide range of health conditions
  • 60 soft gel capsules

Take good care of yourself,

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