Welcome to 1984

Below is my newsletter from nearly 18 months ago. I had quite a few people unsubscribe from my newsletter then claiming that I was exaggerating. I honestly did not blame them since I took no pride in writing it.

To be clear when it started I ‘hoped’ the Pharma/Medical Cartel was just being its usual self-interested self. Position themselves as your savior.

I considered they were taking another opportunity with V@c’s to make money with their fake health care as they have done for 30+ years.

I Was Wrong.

For New Readers

Thirty-five years ago, my mother died of lung disease at age 62 and my 64-year-old father died a short while later of cancer.

I researched the causes of their deaths in-depth. I soon found evidence that the majority of diseases that people prematurely die from are completely preventable. I discovered evidence that these diseases are mainly caused by an unhealthy diet, lack of critical nutrients, and lifestyle factors – all of which create unhealthy bodies. I was also skeptical about the pharmaceutical companies that pushed drugs and influenced medical opinion even though they were guilty of many crimes.

Since discovering this scientifically obvious, yet commonly unknown evidence, I have followed my own health plan. I celebrated my 75th birthday in January feeling truly fit and healthy, and I want to help all my readers to achieve the same feeling, at any age.


The reality is there are four situations unfolding before our eyes.
These situations may be planned or opportunistic, but they are happening.

Situation 1 – Is taking advantage of a pandemic to solidify the authority of the Pharma/Medical cartel over the health of the world’s population.

Situation 2 – Is to Jag everyone in the world, to replace the immune system, creating an enslaved population and needing vaccinations once or twice per year.

Situation 3 – The crashing of the economies of the world by the Private Central Banks to transfer the wealth back from the populations to a hundred or so by the super-wealthy.

Situation 4 – The rise of National Socialism supported by the Deep State and the Corporate Media to crash democracy. Am I being dramatic? It’s Come True!.

Situation 1 – Solidifying Authority

I think most of my readers will agree that Situation 1 clearly unfolded and the evidence includes:
The Pharma Medical Cartel was so dedicated to achieving control, they were prepared to see hundreds of thousands of deaths around the world by ignoring and outright denying proven treatments. The proof of this statement is clear for everyone to see.

The countries with doctors that did not exaggerate and downright lie, include:

  • South Korea – where a population of 50million live, yet only 280 attributed to CV.
  • British Columbia in Canada – with a large Chinese population travelling between Wuhan in China and yet they have a death rate of less than 200.
  • Hong Kong – with 7 million densely packed population and a social distance of maybe 12″ has a total number of deaths of 5 (this is not a typo)
  • Australia – with a population of around 20million and the declared deaths attributed to C.V. is under 200. That means the UK with 3x the population C.V. death numbers should be around 600.
  • Sweden and Denmark – living a normal free life.

In comparison to other countries/areas:ƒ

  • New York – 8 million population with 20,000 claimed deaths from C.V.
  • United Kingdom – population of 65 million claimed 40,000 deaths (Simply not true according to burials and cremations)

C.V. is a treatable infectious disease. If the C.V. death numbers from the last two examples are to be believed and the proven treatments used around the world are simply ignored, then most of the deaths in these last two examples could be said to be Manslaughter or Third Degree Murder.

Situation 2 – Mandatory Vaccinations

Bill Gates and the rest of his gang make no attempt to hide their plan to vaccinate everyone in the world. There are various V@c’s being researched but there is no doubt who is in charge.

For the V@c’s to be accepted by ‘The Gates Gang’, it must modulate a person’s immune system so it will create a population enslaved to require vaccinations once or twice per year.

The UK is the last major country in the world to withstand mandatory V@c’s but already being announced by politicians that they will be mandatory and your life will be very difficult for those who refuse.

Situation 3 – Crashing the World Economy

I have no evidence that any collusion took place with the Pharma/Medical Cartel to crash the economies so that blame could be attributed to the lockdown.

Do you think the Banksters are not in daily contact with the Pharma/Medical Cartel?

Call me suspicious but everyone who follows world finances and banking predicted since 2008 the crash would take place, but they did not know when. Is it a coincidence that the very first lockdown for a pandemic gave the Banksters the opportunity to pull the plug and blame it on the lockdown?

Situation 4 – Rise of National Socialism

For the last 60-70 years the populations of the world have expanded and become healthier and wealthier. Democracy has become transparent and I am in no doubt the Deep State and Banksters must have felt they were losing control of the wealth of the planet. I am certain they felt voters have been getting too much information about the inequalities (i.e. Bill Gates is worth $100 Billion yet pays very little tax).

Wealthy people, The Deep State, and other Organisations have been financing groups such as Antifa, who are basically anti-democratic. They may feel they can control them if they get into power.

Instead of voting for change, they are bulling for change. For some confusing reason, some people call these groups “Liberals” whereas they are really acting in the same way that National Socialists (Nazi’s) did in the 30s. If they cannot find an excuse to riot they will create one. I get the feeling this pandemic is and will be used for many reasons.

Knowledge is Power

  1. I would like all doctors to convert to health care programs and inform the public about health care as opposed to disease management.
  2. I would like Jags to have double-blind placebo studies with a declaration and discussion for the purpose of each ingredient, and to have vaccinations as optional.
  3. I would like all central banks to belong to the citizens in each country and work for the good of everyone.
  4. I would like all politicians to serve no more than 2 x 4year terms, making all private lobbying illegal. Only publics’ lobbying in government offices ‘on the record’ and in the publics best interest should be allowed.

Yes, I may be dreaming but until then I will do everything I can to stay strong and healthy, I have to carry on working since I want to stay around for 30+ years.

I will carry on helping people beat the Pharma/Medical Cartel and avoid their drugs, so I can help people get and stay truly strong and healthy. I do get a buzz from the feedback/testimonials and here are my fundamentals

Health Care Fundamental Rules

All of these rules are detailed further in my eBooks that you can view and download at www.NaturallyHealthyNews.com/eBooks

    1. Breathe Properly – Oxygen is the most critical element for life and health since most people cannot live more than 5 minutes without it. Oxygen is critical for healthy cells, regeneration of your body and is the essential fuel for your immune system.
      You can improve oxygenation of the body by learning to breathe from the diaphragm (tummy) and try laying down instead of sitting down
    2. Sit Less – Those who sit for more than 8hrs per day are more likely to have health problems and die younger than those who sit for less than 3 hours per day. When you are sitting you are breathing the least effective. If you are unable to stand, laying down is better than sitting.
    3. Drink Plenty of Water (with Sodium Bicarb) – Water is the second most critical nutrient and most people would die after 7 days of no water. Consuming around 3 litres of pure water over the day (with a small amount of bicarbonate of soda and Organic Liquid Trace Minerals added for extra benefits) Tip; make up these in bottles in the morning and take them with you or leave them on the table to remind you.
    4. Walk More – Walking is vital for two reasons; improving breathing and intake of oxygen and circulating blood around the body. The heart is not a pump and does not pump blood around the body it is a circulator and needs walking movement to work efficiently. To get the most benefits; walk at a good pace with longer strides whilst keeping your pelvis slightly forward and tucked in at the bottom of the spine. If you cannot walk then lay on your back with your legs elevated and cycle your legs every few minutes.
    5. Stop eating all grains, cereals, and other high-sugar foods and drinks – Research indicates that the consumption of wheat contributes to the growth of pathogenic bacteria in our gut, adding to the mounting concern that grain/cereal (often contaminated with Roundup herbicide) is one of the worst types of foods to consume for gut health. The foods to avoid include; high-sugar foods and drinks, breads, pastry, biscuits, breakfast cereals, rice, potatoes, parsnips, and wheat-based pasta. See alternative recipes at my www.ReallyHealthyFoods.com, select Keto for the best health options.
    6. Eat more greens, other colourful vegetables, and dark-skinned fruits – Organic options are best if possible. Many of the discount supermarkets offer organic foods at low prices.
    7. Take Nutritional Supplements – Your body and cells nееd specific nutrіеnts to funсtіоn орtіmаllу. Most of the critical vitamins and minerals are no longer in foods in sufficient quantities. Particularly important for if/when children are planned, and as we age. The Government Nutritionists will claim that eating a balanced diet contains all of the nutrients needed. This is simply not true. Most critical minerals are dangerously deficient.

Examples of some of the most critical, often deficient nutrients include:

    1. Magnesium; reduced by 50% in the food as a result of intensive farming over the last 60% years. A Magnesium deficiency can contribute to sleep problems, depression, muscle aches, cramps and spasms, and weakness in the bones, heart and lungs.
    2. D3; an еѕѕеntіаl nutrient fоr best health. Lоw levels оf Vіtаmіn D аrе аѕѕосіаtеd wіth a weak immune system, dерrеѕѕіоn, ѕеаѕоnаl аffесtіvе dіѕоrdеr and schizophrenia in аdultѕ. We саn gеt Vitamin D3 frоm bеіng out іn thе ѕunѕhіnе or frоm tаkіng a hіgh-ԛuаlіtу supplement for best results.
    3. Omеgа 3 and 6 fatty асіdѕ DHA аnd EPA; саn ѕuрроrt brаіn function fоund іn oily fіѕh such аѕ ѕаlmоn, ѕаrdіnеѕ аnd mасkеrеl.
    4. B Vitamins; ensuring you gеt enough B-Vіtаmіnѕ саn regulate brain funсtіоn аnd ѕuрроrt healthy homocysteine. Taking Vitamin B9 (fоlаtе; not fоlіс aсіd) and Vitamin B12 саn аlѕо рlау аn important rоlе іn healthy pregnancy and balancing оut dерrеѕѕіvе moods. Good ѕоurсеѕ оf B Vіtаmіnѕ include grаѕѕ-fеd оrgаnіс rеd meat, оіlу fіѕh, dаrk leafy vеgеtаblеѕ, lеgumеѕ, nutѕ and seeds.
    5. Other critical minerals are Selenium, iodine, and Boron are dangerously deficient.


My Recommendations for General Health
In Order Of Importance:



Provides 130 Essential Nutrients along with a patented form of 5-MTHF Folate in one capsule. 180 capsules are enough for 1 to 6 months depending upon the requirement and age. Suitable for infants to seniors and vegetarians.

Ancient Magnesium Oil Ultra
Genuine 100% Zechstein Magnesium Oil with OptiMSM for maximum cellular absorption. Essential for good health and may provide fast relief for sore muscles, leg cramps, headaches, migraines and various body aches. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Vitamin D3-K2 Spray
Combines 1000IU of Vitamin D3 and 100mcg of Vitamin K2 MK7 in an easy to use sublingual spray for maximum absorption. Helps to support a normal immune system response, support better calcium absorption and phosphorus absorption in the bones. It is also the world’s only Vegan and Vegetarian Society Registered Vitamin D3.

Prescript Biotics™
Provides custom cultured “Bio-Identical” SBO Probiotics Consortia to rebalance good gut flora. Supports stronger digestion, immunity and overall health. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 90 veg capsules.

Nascent Iodine
Consumable iodine in its atomic form, recognised by the body as the same iodine that’s required by the thyroid and effortlessly absorbed by the body. May support increased energy and immunity levels, thyroid, general health and hormone production. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 30ml/1 fl.oz.

A powerful combination formula of four key ingredients including Serrapeptase 160,000IU, 250mg Curcuminx4000, 50mg Ecklonia Cava Extract and 1000IU Vitamin D3 to support total body health. Suitable for vegetarians. 90 veg capsules

The Krill Miracle™
Provides high-strength Omega-3 fatty acids (DHA/EPA) with phospholipids. Supports anti-inflammatory processes in the body – beneficial for brain health, joint health and skin health. 60 fish Lipcaps™ capsules.

Pure Concentrated Organic Minerals™ Liquid
High fulvic acid content, containing more than 70 trace minerals, trace elements, electrolytes, amino acids and additional organic acids. Includes Organic Selenium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper and others. The 18 amino acids were formed over the course of 38 million years – proof of their plant and organic origin. Contains electrolytes, each mineral carrying its own unique bio-electric signature to support a night of more restful sleep, clearer mind and brain function, balanced appetite, along better absorption of nutrients from foods and supplements. Also available in capsules. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.


Really healthy people don’t die.

Read and follow the plan in my eBooks, even if you can’t afford everything. The more you do of the things that don’t cost money, the bigger difference in your health you’ll see. You can see great improvements specifically from taking sodium bicarbonate and Ancient Magnesium™

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