WEEK 41 (2023) – An update from Anne on her hip replacement operation

As regular readers will be aware, it has been an emotional year for me with losing Robert and, more recently, our beloved dog Rafa. However, it was time for me to make a decisive decision over my own health and have a long-overdue hip replacement, which I did last week. My long-standing and very dear friend Marie is staying with me indefinitely to help with my care as my mobility is limited. I’m also lucky to have my daughter Lucy and family close by, who have been giving me support with my recovery.

As far back as I can remember, I always had some restrictive mobility in my right hip.
As a child, I could never sit properly with crossed legs with my knees to the floor, and this became more apparent as an adult when I used to do yoga. It was never painful, just stiff.

As an adult in my late thirties, Robert & I joined a swimming group called Masters Swimming, which is basically swimming training for adults. Although I have a very strong leg kick, I used to get told off by our very strict swimming instructor for doing screw kicks while doing breaststroke. Try as I might, I couldn’t ever rectify it.

Still, later on our journey, when we developed the Healthpoint electro-acupuncture machine, I regularly used it to help loosen my hip joint. At this point in my life, I was also doing regular pilates, which was wonderful.

Even further on the journey, when serrapeptase came into our lives, I have taken it every day since and, together with the Healthpoint, kept me mobile.

We always enjoyed regular long walks without me having any discomfort.

At age 57, we achieved the wonderful dream of our own house in Mallorca, so walking was part of our lifestyle. Until the day we walked up a hill, which for me had a particularly steep gradient and then, waking up the following day, I found that I could hardly move my hip. This resulted in me finding a good osteopath and mega doses of serrapeptase and Healthpoint treatment three times a day.

Eventually, after a couple of weeks, I was okay again but always continued the Healthpoint treatment a few times a week and daily serrapeptase.

Life continued with lots of wonderful walks, then fast forward 10 years, and my hip started to become a problem again.

Robert, who was always searching for radical solutions, had read about PRP injections (platelet-rich plasma), which is taken from one’s own blood and then injected back into the damaged joint.

We found a German orthopaedic surgeon who had set up his clinic offering these injections. After contacting him, he examined me, took some X-rays, and it was agreed I would have a course of three injections. This was magic, and I again found myself pain-free but always carried on a few times a week using Healthpoint on the hip treatment points.

In March 2022 it became apparent Robert was very poorly, and at that time, I was aware that my hip started to bother me, although I ignored it.

I persevered until Spring 2023, when sleeping was very uncomfortable because of my hip, and the final straw was when I couldn’t reach down to fasten my shoes no matter how hard I tried. Also, when out walking our dog Rafa, I felt that my legs, although not painful, just didn’t want to work.

For those of you who are aware of how our emotions can trigger weaknesses in the body, particularly with the hips, which is associated with any grief, this is undoubtedly what happened to me.

So ……. I made an appointment to see an orthopaedic surgeon.

After examining me and then doing X-rays, she advised me that she didn’t know how I was coping, and the only solution that she recommended was hip replacement surgery.

To keep me going in the few months leading up to the surgery, I carried on using Healthpoint and Serrapeptase daily and can honestly say the pain I experienced was minimal. It was more a case of the stiffness and the inflexibility.

So……. Last Friday, I had hip replacement surgery, which I must admit has been more extreme than I anticipated, but having said that, I know it will be worthwhile. My daughter Lucy has been using the Healthpoint on my recovering leg until I can reach it myself, and then I will continue.

My goal now is to get back to my fitness with, so I am told, more flexibility than I ever had.

In December, I am off to Melbourne to hopefully be able to paddleboard while being supervised by my 6-year-old granddaughter, who is an expert.

I’ll keep you updated ………

Because I am taking pharmaceutical drugs for the next few weeks, I am restricted with what I can take from our supplements to aid my recovery.

I am taking our Joint & Skin Formula, Pure Organic minerals, Prescript Biotics and Ionic iron, and using the Healthpoint.

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