WEEK 32 (2021) – Serrapeptase – Zoom webinar

Today’s Newsletter

Hello. Welcome to my Thursday Live. Something different this week. On Aug the 17th at 7pm in the UK I am doing another Seminar after the success of the HealthPoint Seminar. Many people appreciated hearing the information directly from me rather than reading all of the information. This one is about the SerraEnzyme serrapeptase and its many formulas. Since virtually every one of the 240 conditions in my book, The Miracle Enzyme, benefits from SerraEnzyme and so it has to be at the top of everyone’s list.

This is a preview and run-through of the seminar and I would be grateful if you could email me any questions you have so I can answer them on the 17th. I will try to answer a variety of questions so please email me as soon as you think of one to robert@goodhealth.nu

For New Readers

Thirty-five years ago, my mother died of lung disease at age 62 and my 64-year-old father died a short while later of cancer.

researched the causes of their deaths in-depth. I soon found evidence that the majority of diseases that people prematurely die from are completely preventable.

I discovered evidence that these diseases are mainly caused by an unhealthy diet, lack of critical nutrients, and lifestyle factors – all of which create unhealthy bodies.

Since discovering the scientifically proven causes, I have followed my own health plan. I celebrated my 75th birthday in January feeling truly fit and healthy, and I want to help all my readers to achieve the same feeling, at any age.


You’re Invited to... The “Miracle” Enzyme is Serrapeptase Zoom Webinar with Robert Redfern

The Seminar

Serrapeptase is set to become one of the most widely needed nutritional supplements of all time. This is due to its effectiveness with over 240 health conditions, including…

  • Supporting the natural healing process
  • Offering powerful pain relief
  • Joint mobility support
  • Heart and cardiovascular support
  • Offering post-surgical support
  • A powerful
  • General anti-aging support
  • Support for reproductive health


Robert Redfern, officially introduced the enzyme to the world wide web in 1999.


You’re Invited to the LIVE Serrapeptase webinar

I discuss the groundbreaking Enzyme and its miraculous benefits during the webinar on Tuesday 17th August at 7pm BST. You’re Invited to our LIVE Serrapeptase presentation with Robert and Anne Redfern.

Mark it in your calendar

Topics covered in this webinar:

  • What is Serrapeptase for?
  • The Origin of Serrapeptase
  • Comparing Serrapeptase
  • Introducing the World’s Bestselling Serrapeptase
  • Real Life Testimonials

Tuesday 17th August at 7pm BST

Where? on your computer, tablet or your mobile phone




The Serrapeptase Range

SerraEnzyme® 250,000iu

SerraEnzyme® 250,000U

SerraEnzyme® 250,000U maximum strength Serrapeptase for accelerated healing. Over 3x stronger than other Serrapeptase products. Phthalate-free. 90 delayed-release capsules.

“Have been taking these for a number of years,and have helped with my arthritis and would not be without them.”

June Smith



SerraEnzyme® 80,000U

The ‘Original’ Serrapeptase enzyme 80,000U. Support for natural healing processes.  Available in delayed-release capsules. Phthalate-free, 90 quad strength capsules.

“The very best product for pain relief without side effects that I have tried keeps my knee pain free and keeps me mobile – highly recommend for long term use.”

Patricia Smith




Powerful combination formula of SerraEnzyme® 80,000U, 250mg Meriva Curcumin from Curcuminx4000, 50mg of Ecklonia Cava Extract, and 1000IU Vitamin D3 in one capsule. 90 vegetable capsules.

“It works for me and has made my joints less painful and more importantly much more mobile. Before taking serranol I could only walk a few hundred yards now I walk 5+ miles every day.”

Paul Jackson


SerraEnzyme® 80,000IU of Serrapeptase with 350mg of MSM and 20% Fulvic Mineral Complex content. Available as delayed-release capsules. 60 quad strength capsules.

“I have found a big difference in my flexibility using this. I take 2 capsules each morning and that eases up my stiff back after about half an hour. Then I am set for the day. If pain is particularly bad any day I take a further couple of tablets later on. They really do work.”

Paul of Broomfield



BlockBuster® AllClear

A powerful blend of Serrapeptase, Nattokinase, Digestive Enzymes, antioxidants, and proanthocyanidins (Grape Seed Extract and Pine Bark Extract 95%). Powerful support for arterial and cardiovascular health. 120 vegetable capsules.

“I noticed a huge change in the coloration of leg circulation, my toes have been black for such a long time, and skin to ankles similar, since using this product, everyone is now making comments on how pink my toes are again. I am delighted with the results.”

Agnes Bond




Provides 250,000U maximum strength Serrapeptase tablets. Used by vets. Supports natural healing for a wide variety of conditions. Safe to take for all animals, including horses, cats and dogs. 90 max strength tablets.

“Brilliant product! My cat’s arthritis has improved immensely and she’s much more lively. Thank you from us both.”




The Miracle Enzyme Book

Read all about Serrapeptase, including the history, the studies, why it is called The ‘Miracle’ Enzyme, how it helps the body naturally heal itself, and most importantly, how it can benefit you.



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