WEEK 12 (2022) – WOW

Today’s Newsletter

I normally get a fair amount of emails after the newsletter goes out but they turned into a small avalanche last week when I mentioned nebulizers.

So, I am including more information on this to make sure everyone is inspired to have this great therapy.

Every week I talk about fasting and how it’s helped a few people with serious conditions to understand how powerful it is – especially with cancer. I am including a video by someone who gives the best explanation for this I have ever seen.

For New Readers

I’m Robert Redfern, and I am not a doctor, but I am an educator of good health.

Until the age of 40, I wasn’t particularly concerned about health, but then: Thirty-five years ago, my mother died of lung disease at age 62, and shortly afterwards, my 64-year-old father died of cancer.

I researched the causes of their deaths in-depth to find out what went wrong.

I soon found evidence that the majority of diseases that people prematurely die from are mainly caused by an unhealthy diet, lack of critical nutrients, and lifestyle (and from Pharma Drugs).

Nebulizers For Lung Health

I have used a Nebulizer with hydrogen peroxide for nearly 20 years anytime family members came around with coughs, colds, or serious lung infections. It is very successful for quickly clearing lung infections, no matter how serious. Nothing works as fast as Hydrogen Peroxide since this is what your immune cells use to kill infection instantly.

These are the things you need below, although you can simply use saline for benefit, Hydrosol Silver, or even Iodine drops.

Above are the things you need: Ultra Pure Distilled Water and a Nebulizer. I purchased mine at Amazon.

If you are good at following instructions then fine but if not, get someone to check the mix.

If the Food Grade H202 purchased is 3% then use 6 parts of distilled water to 1 part H2O2 to make it 0.5% mix

If the Food Grade H202 purchased is 6% then use 12 parts distilled water to 1 part H2O2 to make a 0.5% mix

If the Food Grade H202 purchased is 15% then use 30 parts water added to 1part H202 to make it 0.5% mix

It is a simple ratio. I mix mine in a small glass 1/2-litre bottle (16fl.oz.) with a stopper which then lasts for many months. (Simply topping up the Nebulizer mask reservoir as needed).

Then add the Hypertonic Saline to the Nebulizer every few uses.

You can use the saline first just to get used to it.

I recommend the full mask to get you started. 5 minutes breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth and 5 minutes breathing in through the mouth and out through the nose. Saline is good but not as powerful as the hydrogen peroxide mix.

Once you have gained confidence then try the mouth breathing spout and the nose irrigation as this is especially good for spring hay fever.

It is perfectly safe if used correctly.

Serious Cancer Fasting

Every week I include fasting as the first step to recovery in my fundamentals list below but I had a call today from someone whose wife had ignored signs of breast cancer and it had metastatic and spread to the liver. He wanted to know the best solution in the circumstances.

I strongly recommended a 7-day fast only drinking water with a ¼ teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in each glass. Alternatively use Pure Concentrated Organic Minerals™ Liquid Drops.

For those who want to read through studies here are a few.

Fasting can be a mentally tough thing to do but an easy solution is to visit a hypnotherapist before they start and while they are on the fast to make it really easy.

I have used self-hypnosis many times over the last 35 years for various reasons and have recommended to many ladies to get hypnotherapy for a pain-free birth with great success.

It works for any condition but when a life is on the line it is critical.

This is a great fasting video if you need to inspire someone.

New Products Just Released

NAC 600mg Capsules

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is a supplement form of cysteine. NAC bonds with glutamine and glycine to form glutathione, a powerful antioxidant. Glutathione performs many functions throughout the body, including helping to maintain your immune system. Take as a food supplement. For adults, 1 capsule daily, preferably at mealtimes is recommended. Available in a refill bag. 600mg. 180 capsules.
Available from the UK Good Health Naturally store.

Lysine Lip Balm

Good Health Naturally’s Lysine Lip Balm is a unique formula containing Lysine and Monolaurin to heal and nourish your lips. Studies indicate that lysine benefits the recovery and recurrence of cold sores. The balm is also ideal for dry/chapped lips or protection from environmental stressors such as extreme cold or heat. Zinc oxide helps heal cuts and irritations and offers natural protection against sunburn. Certified organic and includes the nourishing benefits of coconut oil, olive oil, and jojoba oil with a pleasant mango flavour. Contains no artificial ingredients or preservatives. Suitable for daily use. Suitable for Vegetarians. 5g.
Available from Good Health Naturally – currently UK and EU stores only. Stock is expected to be available in the USA and Canada stores around 25th March.

Black Seed Oil
100% Cold-Pressed Black Seed Oil is rich in nutrients and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. Can support a range of health conditions including liver and digestion, heart, lung health, cell health, and immune health. Recommended for best skin and hair health. Internally, it can be used by adding to a smoothie or salad dressing or taken off the spoon with a little organic honey (to taste). Externally, it can be applied locally to the skin as required or massaged into the scalp as needed.
Available in the UK, USA, Canada, and Australia Good Health Naturally stores.

Liposomal Hysorb
Liposomal Coenzyme Q10 provides powerful and fast-acting absorption for maximum energy production. CoQ10 acts as an antioxidant to protect cells from stress and provides optimal health benefits, especially for healthy ageing, reproductive, brain, and heart health. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 100ml.
Available in the UK, EU, USA, Canada, and Australia Good Health Naturally stores.

Health Care Fundamental Rules

1. Water Fasting – Fasting has been known since records began to be a powerful preventative and treatment for any disease and especially diabetes/cancer, etc. Even 2 days is a good start – just sipping a litre of water over the day. Up to one week is recommended for a powerful fast.

The most effective fasting involves simply drinking the water as directed in step 2 and taking the salts in step 6 below.
Also, take the appropriate missing immune supplements.

2. Drink 6 x 500ml glasses of water over the day – with a ¼ teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in each glass. Alternatively use Pure Concentrated Organic Minerals™ Liquid Drops as this contains 75 minerals for powerful alkalising support.

3. Stopping all factory processed or unnatural foods, – and factory-made meals.

4. Stopping high sugar foods and drinks – As well as bread, pastry, biscuits, breakfast cereals, white rice, potatoes, parsnips, and pasta.

5. Consuming mainly vegetables, – This includes mainly vegetables, leafy greens, and other salad foods such as avocados, mushrooms, dark-skinned fruits, tree nuts, seeds, and legumes.

I also have a website dedicated to this with numerous Keto recipes at www.ReallyHealthyFoods.com.

6. Taking 2-3 teaspoons of Himalayan or rock salts daily – in food or divided into your glasses of water.

7. When able to; walking and exercising – can further improve the oxygenation of the blood and you can strengthen the immune response by going out in the sun with as much skin exposed, up until 1 pm. You can exercise lying down as appropriate, e.g. cycling the legs or using weights for the arms.

8. Breathing properly – take every opportunity when lying down to practice diaphragmatic breathing. Sitting down is unhealthy so walk, stand, or lay down rather than sit.

9. Getting 7-9 hours of restful sleep. – This means dealing with snoring and sleep apnoea.

What Can More Can You Do?

Detox your body using BlockBuster AllClear®, Zeolite Spray, NAC, and other immune products below to strengthen your immune system.

Read more at www.NaturallyHealthyNews.info.

Recommended Immune Supplements:

Vitamin C™
The range includes:1000mg of High-Quality Liposomal Vitamin C with 175mg of Quercetin, 1000mg Liposomal Vitamin C and Camu Camu Capsules. Suitable for all ages from infants to seniors. Protects healthy cells and has various health benefits that may support immune function, brain health, blood sugar, and heart health. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Daily Immune Protection™ (D.I.P.)
A unique formulation of proven ingredients to support immune health. Contains EpiCor® and eXselen Selenium with Vitamin D3 to protect against infection. Provides Immudyne Beta-Glucans 1,3 and 1,6 to boost immune response and provide extra support for healthy cell growth. Suitable for vegetarians.

Olive Leaf + Zinc
A super antioxidant, olive leaf is considered to potentially offer immune protection against colds, flu, and other viral infections. Oleuropein, one of the primary compounds in olive leaf, is believed to exhibit potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, offering wide-reaching immune support. The addition of zinc, also critical for a strong immune system and often deficient in the diet, enhances the power of this product. Can be used all year round or for more occasional targeted support. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

An award-winning probiotic supplement that contains 8 Bio-Identical S.B.O. (soil-based organisms) of Probiotics Consortia. Essential for supporting the growth of all-natural, friendly microorganisms that help to renew and create a healthy rebalance between the good and bad gut bacteria. May support stronger digestion, immunity, and overall health. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Nascent Iodine
Consumable iodine in its atomic form provides a safe energy release when consumed. May help to provide increased energy and immunity levels. Supports thyroid health and hormone production. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Hydrosol Silver
Hydrosol Silver Spray – The active ingredient in the Hydrosol Silver Spray is a unique patented Silver Technology, using nano-particles for superior absorption, containing 10ppm hydrosol silver. Using a silver spray can act as the first line of defence against unwanted pathogens. Being anti-microbial, it is able to support immunity, by targeting invading bacteria, viruses, fungus, and so on. By boosting the immune system, you allow your body’s own natural defences to work much more efficiently. Suitable for all the family.

Vitamin D3-K2 Spray
Combines 1000IU of Vitamin D3 and 100mcg of Vitamin K2 MK7 in an easy-to-use sublingual spray for maximum absorption.
Helps to support a normal immune system response, support better calcium absorption and phosphorus absorption in the bones. It is also the world’s original Vegan and Vegetarian Vitamin D3.

NAC 600mg Capsules
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is a supplement form of cysteine. NAC bonds with glutamine and glycine to form glutathione, a powerful antioxidant. Glutathione performs many functions throughout the body, including helping to maintain your immune system. Take as a food supplement. For adults, 1 capsule daily, preferably at mealtimes is recommended. Available in a refill bag. 600mg.

Ancient Magnesium® Oil Ultra
Topical Magnesium with 100% Genuine Zechstein Magnesium Oil. All the benefits of the original oil plus OptiMSM, the world’s purest M.S.M. for enhanced absorption. Recommended for general relaxation, relief from sore muscles, various body aches, and meeting your daily requirements of this essential mineral for achieving optimal health. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.


Whether you can afford everything, one thing, or no supplements, we still help and support you to get and stay healthy. NHN is a not-for-profit organisation.

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