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WEEK 41 (2020) – Good Heart n’Healthy

WEEK 41 (2020) – Good Heart n’Healthy

Health News (Week 42 - 2020) By Robert Redfern Following on from a couple of weeks ago when I covered Lung Disease, today I am covering THE BIGGEST KILLER IN THE WORLD. I know you may be terrorised by the propaganda spouted by Governments, the Pharma/Medical Cartel...

WEEK 40 (2020) – Lung Health

WEEK 40 (2020) – Lung Health

Health News (Week 40 - 2020) By Robert Redfern Welcome to the Thursday Newsletter Hello, my name is Robert Redfern, of Naturally Healthy News (for those who are new to my newsletters) I’m aged 74, and healthier than I’ve ever been, which means I can continue to work,...

WEEK 39 (2020) – WHAT IS A VIRUS?

WEEK 39 (2020) – WHAT IS A VIRUS?

Health News (Week 39 - 2020)By Robert Redfern What is a virus? It’s a question I’ve been asked time and again, and having just looked back through my newsletters and articles, I’m amazed to say that I’ve never actually answered that all-important question in any of my...

WEEK 38 (2020) – D for Health

WEEK 38 (2020) – D for Health

Health News (Week 38 - 2020) By Robert Redfern It could be said, I spend too much time researching on the internet for my own good, and especially on YouTube (my wife Anne tells me), and I agree it can be depressing for the best of us. Today it’s all good news in this...