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WEEK 30 (2021) – Update a Year later

WEEK 30 (2021) – Update a Year later

Today’s Newsletter This is an update on a year ago when I wrote ‘Facts not Fiction’. I have been writing about the ‘Plan’ since February 2020. I genuinely thought it would be just a few weeks before the overreaction by the authorities was exposed. Here we are over...

WEEK 29 (2021) – Interesting News

WEEK 29 (2021) – Interesting News

Today’s Newsletter I am back from my holiday in sunny Mallorca and have returned to a heatwave in the UK. Unfortunately, I don’t have a nice pool to jump into to cool off and my little study is not even big enough to have a fan. No complaints though, except I had an...

WEEK 27 (2021) – Fake Alzheimer’s Drugs

WEEK 27 (2021) – Fake Alzheimer’s Drugs

Today’s Newsletter This is an update on my April Newsletter for brain diseases. This includes a report of a new drug that is going to be hailed in every media as a wonder drug for Alzheimer's. Like the many drugs before it, they are fake in that they do not reverse...

WEEK 26 (2021) – The Story Of SerraEnzyme

WEEK 26 (2021) – The Story Of SerraEnzyme

Today’s Newsletter Many of my readers will already know the story of SerraEnzyme, especially those who have my book ‘The Miracle Enzyme’. However, there are so many new subscribers that I feel it should be repeated as much as possible to help everyone understand how...