WEEK 49 (2020) – Jab Or Not To Jab?

To Jab Or Not To Jab? What else could I write about this week? The Prime Minister of the UK, Boris Johnson is under huge pressure from useless lockdowns, probably to detract from the fact that so few people are dying. So his sidekick, the Minister for Health, Matt Hancock, suddenly announced out of nowhere that a USA Vacs. has been approved by the MHRA in the UK and is going to be distributed immediately.

Let’s get some facts straight that you will never hear in the media before I answer, to jab or not to jab.

  1. How can the UK have reviewed this Vacs. so quickly when it has not even been approved by the FDA in the USA. They are still reviewing the reported side effects? The BMJ reported recently they had not seen the full data and warned to be cautious before approval. The BBC lied that it has been subject to the proper tests. They should take 2 years and this has been produced in 9 months.
  2. Its trials were not due to be reported until June 2021 but the trials were cut short. A press release claiming a 95% success rate was released but it was not released for peer review by independent scientists. It has not even been approved in the UK by any independent organisation.
  3. It is claimed that it was approved in the UK by the independent MHRA who receive their income and from shares in Big Pharma, and by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – hardly independent!
  4. Big Pharma including Pfizer has recently been fined $30 billion for fraud, bribery, deaths of children and other illegal activities. Hardly a trustworthy organisation!
  5. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and associate companies earn fortunes from drug patents and royalties from Big Pharma (and as a foundation avoiding tax in the USA). Why are they ‘donating’ huge amounts of money to the MHRA as well as the BBC? Who will investigate these payments?
  6. It was initially reported in the USA that 10% to 15% of Pfizer Vacs. recipients will suffer “significantly” ‘noticeable’ side effects. However, these side effects have suddenly been renamed to ‘beneficial immune responses’.
  7. Side effects of Vacs.s can take months or even years to show up, which is probably why it is being tried out on everyone working in the NHS. This particular Vacs. has never been tried on mass human populations. They may hope to hide the side effects on NHS staff but I hope the staff are honest enough to publish serious side effects and especially deaths.
  8. It is a BNT mRNA Vacs. containing cells grown from aborted human foetus and monkeys that interferes with your DNA, supposedly to protect the 0.05% of the population who may die. Of course, 99.95% who would not die from Covid-19 will be at a different risk from taking the Vacs.. No Vacs.s have ever been made that do not cause death and have side effects in a %, albeit a small risk in some of them.
  9. How will we know if this or any Vacs. is effective? It is claimed to be 95% effective but since the Vacs. was not tested on the 0.05% of the ‘at risk’ population for effects, that is a lie. It cannot be the PCR test as that is fake and does not indicate Covid-19. The inventor of the PCR said so, and countless virologists and infection experts around the world all agree. The Courts in Portugal asked for evidence from the government there and since they could not produce any, the Courts pronounced that it does not and banned lockdowns. Since we cannot trust the tests, then we cannot trust the claimed number of deaths from Covid-19. This leaves the total number of deaths as only the total number of deaths in a 12-month period, so how can we determine whether there was anything unusual that happened.
  10. In the USA the increase in deaths was relatively small as shown in the YouTube Video from John Hopkins University. See Here
    In the UK there was an increase in deaths of around 40,000. The majority of these may be explained by the NHS emptying the hospitals by discharging all of the very sick elderly people into care homes. Here they had no proper medical care and of course, they died. Then a fraudulent diagnosis of Covid-19 was applied. Around 5000 of the UK deaths could be attributed to this coronavirus which is a tiny amount to justify destroying the UK economy as well as jobs and business of many.
  11. Importantly, Drs Wodarg and Yeadon have started a petition to ban the Vacs. due to its risk of causing infertility in females. Read more here
  12. Lastly, the UK MRHA has announced it is seeking software to process the expected high volume of adverse reactions. So much for a tested and safe Vacs..

So, to Jab or not to Jab?

So, to jab or not to jab? If you work in the NHS or care homes I recommend you find an excuse to avoid it. If you are female and plan to ever start a family then you must avoid the Vacs. to avoid the risk of infertility.

To the rest of the population, it is not going to be available for around 6 months so hopefully, we will have some time to be able to make a better-informed choice.

It may be that to see our family and grandchildren in Australia my wife and I will have to consider having a Vacs. eventually to be able to travel. We shall be watching everything very carefully before making that decision.


Since last March I have declared this to be an evil plan by The Gates Gang/Pharma/Medical Cartel which may or may not quickly be defeated. Until then we can all prepare ourselves for whatever the future holds by becoming super healthy to deal with any eventual challenges. Nothing and nobody can protect you and your family as much as a really healthy lifestyle will.

The Essential Immune Nutrients



Vitamin C™
The range includes:1000mg of High-Quality Liposomal Vitamin C with 175mg of Quercetin, 1000mg Liposomal Vitamin C and Cam Camu Capsules. For all ages from infants to seniors. Protect healthy cells and has various health benefits that may support immune function, brain health, blood sugar and heart health.

Daily Immune Protection™ (D.I.P.)
Contains Epicor®, eXselen™ and a high dose of Beta Glucan with a strong dose of Vitamin D3 to support a balanced immune response and provide extra support for healthy cell growth. Suitable for vegans.

A super antioxidant, olive leaf is considered to potentially offer immune protection against colds, flu and other viral infections. Oleuropein, one of the primary compounds in olive leaf, is believed to exhibit potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, offering wide-reaching immune support. The addition of zinc, also critical for a strong immune system and often deficient in the diet, enhances the power of this product. Can be used all year round or for more occasional targeted support. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Taking probiotic supplements is recommended to help balance the bacteria in the gut, which in turn supports digestion and nutrient absorption, as well as overall immunity. Prescript Biotics, contains a custom cultured blend of soil-based organisms, in its own prebiotic food source, to help balance the diversity of the microbiome; supporting digestion, immunity and overall health. Soil-based probiotics are the first choice for optimum health, as they are well adapted to the environment of the gut and offer long-term benefits. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Nascent Iodine
Consumable iodine in its atomic form that provides a safe energy release when consumed. May help to provide increased energy and immunity levels. Supports thyroid health and hormone production. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Hydrosol Silver
Hydrosol Silver Spray – The active ingredient in the Hydrosol Silver Spray is a unique patented Silver Technology, using nano-particles for superior absorption, containing 10ppm hydrosol silver. Using a silver spray can act as the first line of defence against unwanted pathogens. Being anti-microbial it is able to support immunity, by targeting invading bacteria, viruses, fungus and so on. By boosting the immune system, you allow your body’s own natural defences to work much more efficiently. Suitable for all the family.

Vitamin D3-K2 Spray
Combines 1000IU of Vitamin D3 and 100mcg of Vitamin K2 MK7 in an easy to use sublingual spray for maximum absorption.
Helps to support a normal immune system response, support better calcium absorption and phosphorus absorption in the bones. It is also the worlds original Vegan and Vegetarian Vitamin D3.

Ancient Magnesium Oil Ultra
Genuine Zechstein 100% Ultra-Pure Magnesium Oil with OptiMSM for enhanced cellular absorption. Apply the Ancient Magnesium Oil Ultra to the skin each day, for immune support, and to help calm the nervous system, encourage relaxation, anxiety relief and aid sleep.

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