WEEK 48 (2023) – Being Mindful of Forgetfulness

I hope this week’s email finds you in good health and high spirits.

It’s nearing the end of the school year here in Australia. Over Christmas and into January, children have six weeks off school. It’s a busy time for everyone at this time of year anyway, with all the preparation for Christmas, work parties, school concerts etc. But the children here are all exhausted, nearing the end of their school year, and life generally feels pretty hectic. Add to that we are due to move house and my mum is arriving for a six-week visit so my brain is frazzled!!

In the last year or so, since we lost my dad, I’ve seen various psychology experts. One thing that often comes up is, ‘Do I often miss appointments?’ I realise I have to use a diary; otherwise, I forget/miss appointments. Just this week, a friend asked if I’d stand with her daughter at school pick-up as she would be a few minutes late; I said yes, but within 30 minutes, I had forgotten and wandered off to the playground, leaving my daughter’s friend at the classroom! Once I realised, I felt so awful! How could I forget such an important little person? (It didn’t matter so much from a safety perspective as she was with the teacher, but still!)

It got me thinking about my dad; he was notorious for forgetting possessions. Over the years, he left laptops, coats, and money in various hotels and planes worldwide. He often wouldn’t even know he’d lost the thing until Mum asked where it was or the airline called him!

For some, being forgetful can be a sign of a serious brain issue. For my Dad (and probably me), I think it was the intriguing link between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and absentmindedness. Numerous studies have highlighted a correlation between ADHD and forgetfulness, with individuals experiencing challenges in memory retention and recall. The unique neurological makeup associated with ADHD can contribute to difficulties in focusing attention, leading to forgetfulness as a common symptom. Dad was single-minded and very focused on tasks he had a passion for (researching and writing about health, for instance), but he let slip the mundane and anything that wasn’t interesting to him at the time.

Of course, there are many other reasons to be forgetful. Sleep, stress, mood, thyroid problems, medication, alcohol and dehydration can all lead things to slip our minds. Eating a well-balanced diet, reducing alcohol, taking regular exercise and practising meditation will all help towards a ‘sharper’ you.

It’s not hopeless, however, with many simple ways to help yourself remember. Keeping a calendar to remember dates (vital for me) is an excellent first step. Writing visible reminder notes, setting alarms and alerts on your phone, and sharing with others allows for cues to get you remembering. Following a daily routine, such as keeping keys and wallets in the same place, numbering essential items you need to leave the house, and doing tasks at the same time can help you to somewhat autopilot your day.

Some supplements are also good to help support brain function. These supercharge your brain and, therefore, hopefully, reduce moments of forgetfulness –

  1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, play a crucial role in brain health. Some studies suggest that omega-3 supplementation may help improve attention and reduce forgetfulness.
  2. Vitamin B Complex: B vitamins, such as B6 and B12, are essential for brain function and may contribute to improved cognitive performance. These vitamins play a role in neurotransmitter synthesis, which is vital for memory and concentration.
  3. Zinc: Zinc is an essential mineral that supports various cognitive functions. Some research suggests that zinc supplementation may benefit individuals with ADHD by helping regulate neurotransmitters and supporting overall brain health.
  4. Magnesium: Magnesium is involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body, including those related to brain function. Some studies propose that magnesium supplementation may have a positive impact on attention and memory.
  5. Ginkgo Biloba: Known for its potential cognitive benefits, Ginkgo Biloba is believed to enhance memory and concentration. However, it’s important to note that individual responses to this supplement may vary.
  6. Rhodiola Rosea: Rhodiola rosea is an adaptogen shown to improve alertness, attention, and accuracy. Rhodiola supports brain function by stimulating the reticular activating system and elevating levels of neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine.

Forgetfulness is something that most people will experience at some point in their lives. Don’t beat yourself up about it too much. But, if you think what you are experiencing is more than this then do seek medical help.

Have a great, happy and healthy week!


Product Recommendations

ActiveLife® The Krill Miracle™ Ancient Magnesium® Oil Ultra

Please note:
The product images represent the ongoing rebranding across Good Health Naturally range and may currently vary from actual stock.

Active Life™
A broad-spectrum multivitamin/mineral formula to support your daily nutritional requirements. With the full B-complex, Zinc, and much more.

The Krill Miracle™
Krill oil offers a rich source of Omega-3 (EPA and DHA), astaxanthin, phospholipids and choline. Krill is sustainably sourced.

Ancient Magnesium® Oil Ultra 200ml
A high-strength spray with magnesium chloride from the pristine ancient Zechstein seabed. Spray onto the skin for effective magnesium absorption, supporting your daily requirements of this essential mineral.

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