WEEK 48 (2020) – The Biggest Killer?

Health News (Week 48 – 2020)

By Robert Redfern

You may consider the current epidemic of CV and Flue are the biggest dangers in the world. Especially since the Pharma Criminal Cartel are using them as the excuse to mandate vaccination for everyone in the world. Well there is a something that kills 20x the number and along with malnutrition is the biggest cause of all diseases in the world, Sugars-Grains-Cereals.

Killer carbs are the prime cause of heart diseases, many cancers, lung diseases and many more.

For 25 years I have accepted this truth and I hope you will consider this carefully.

The most effective thing anyone can do to help their health recovery is changing their diet in particular, stop consuming all sugar, grains and cereals.

Many people find it unbelievable that something that is in the everyday diet can be so toxic and harmful to their health.

Especially when it is promoted by the authorities; and the so-called ‘scientific community’.

I tell them they have more trust in human sanity than I have; and refer them to the: Pharma Criminal Cartel, politicians, scientists, bankers, and the others, creating complete world chaos.

I have put together an article with all of the main points why eating Sugar, Grains & Cereals are bad for you.
For clarity, I am not including raw sprouted grains and cereals in this article which can be healthy.



Rice, sugar, all grains, cereals and white potatoes are what we need to avoid because they’re not part of a really healthy diet or lifestyle.

These all lead to unstable blood sugar levels, especially when refined.

Whole grains and cereals are different though, because they are after all whole grains, right?


This is what we are led to believe for various reasons, some of them monetary and funded by the food manufacturers. Whole grains are actually very similar to the more refined grains mentioned earlier and may be even worse, with the whole grain fragments not being much different than those produced from white flour.

We need to avoid all grains as they are associated with many health complications and diseases. Let’s take a look at the top twenty reasons why we should eliminate these foods right away.

Top 20 Reasons…

1. An Unhealthy High Glycaemic Index

The glycaemic index is a system that ranks foods by the elevation of blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels are linked to a multitude of chronic diseases.

2. Mycotoxins
Mycotoxins are poisonous substances produced by fungi which grow in yeast and mould. Grains contain mycotoxins and these toxins are linked to numerous diseases.

3. Inflammation
Grains contain an improper balance of omegas-3s to omega-6s, leading to inflammation. Adding sugars causes glycation that damages the walls of our arteries and joints.

4. Acid-Forming
Our body is naturally alkaline. Grains are acid-forming and acidifying to our body, leading to calcium loss in the urine and an increased risk of osteoporosis and disease.

5. Overgrowth of Unfriendly Bacteria in the Gut
An overabundance of sugar from consuming grains feeds the unfriendly bacteria in our intestinal tract. Unfriendly bacteria in abundance create illness.

6. Displaces other more nutrient-dense foods
Fruits and vegetables contain more of the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals, which are lacking in grains.

7. Fibre Content
Fruits contain twice as much essential fibre as grains; non-starchy vegetables supply 8 times more essential fibre.

8. Poor Source of Vitamins
Grains contain no vitamin C or B12 and contain only trace amounts of folate and biotin, another B vitamins. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and low levels of B12 and folate lead to increased levels of the amino acid homocysteine, increasing the risk of heart disease.

9. Provides No Calcium
Grains contain no calcium and form an insoluble complex with calcium. Also contains anti-nutrients, chemicals that prevent absorption of minerals and nutrients, damage the gastrointestinal tract and affect immune system function.

10. Inhibits Vitamin Absorption
Pyridoxine glucosides block the absorption of B vitamins in the intestines, including B6, which is also related to increased levels of homocysteine. Vitamin D metabolism is inhibited by the consumption of grains, reducing calcium absorption.

11. Inhibits Mineral Absorption
Phytates chemically bond the iron, zinc, copper and calcium within grains, blocking their absorption during the digestion process.

12. Enzyme Inhibitors
Enzyme inhibitors suppress the enzymes you need to digest food, compromising digestion and placing stress on the pancreas.

13. Acrylamide
A chemical created in some foods, e.g. breads, potatoes etc when using high heat or extended cooking times. Foods that contain high amounts of this chemical that can cause cancer and birth defects, diseases and disorders.

14. Glutinous proteins
Glutinous proteins are found in grains. These are responsible for food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities.

15. Celiac Disease
Celiac disease is a genetic autoimmune disease affecting the small intestine and possible the lungs. It may be triggered by eating too many grains early in life or a traumatic event creating stress in the body. Celiac disease causes great distress to the immune system and can be life-threatening. The only “cure” for celiac disease is to completely avoid gluten.

16. Dermatitis Herpetiformis

Dermatitis Herpetiformis is the skin form of celiac disease. Avoiding gluten completely applies here too.

17. Hashimoto’s Disease
Hashimoto’s disease is also an auto-immune disorder. It affects the thyroid. Again, gluten must be avoided.

18. Lectins and Leaky Gut Syndrome
Lectins are proteins in grains which are indigestible. Instead of being absorbed, these proteins attach to cells in the intestines, increasing intestinal permeability and allowing partially undigested food proteins and undesirable bacteria to enter the bloodstream. A leaky gut confuses the immune system, causing it to attack the body’s own tissues.

19. Autism
This condition along with epilepsy see significant improvement on a grain/cereal gluten-free diet in many studies.

20. Schizophrenia
Wheat may contain a narcotic-like substance that impacts on behaviour. Removing gluten-containing grains decreases schizophrenic episodes.

Health Complications

Some of the health complications already mentioned and others associated with consuming grains are:

  • Weak Immune System, Heart Disease
  • Many Cancers
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Increased Risk of Kidney Stones
  • Aggravated Asthma
  • Vitamin/Mineral deficiencies
  • Anemia
  • Hyperinsulinemia
  • Osteoporosis
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Weight Gain
  • Increased Triglycerides
  • Insomnia
  • Stroke
  • Epilepsy Attacks


Eliminating grains and replacing them with more low sugar fruits and non-starchy vegetables will lead to better health. This can sometimes leave a void where grains used to be.

Are There Any Alternatives?



Alternative Grains

Alternative grains are foods thought of and used as grains but are actually seeds. These substitutions are healthy, nutritious and gluten-free.

Four Alternatives to Grains

  • Quinoa
  • Amaranth
  • Buckwheat
  • Chia

These can be enjoyed in recipes you currently make with grains. Get creative with these new foods and they will open up a whole new world of flavours and foods.

To summarise, a 3-point action plan that you can start today:

  1. Eliminate all sugar, grains and cereals
  2. Increase dark-skinned fruits and berries, and non-starchy vegetables
  3. Replace grains and experiment with ‘alternative grains’ such as quinoa
    See www.ReallyHealthyFoods.com for healthy recipe ideas


If you have any questions on health or diet feel free to Contact Me at the top.

Your question will come to me directly and I will answer in the strictest of confidence.


Strengthen Your Immune system

Whether you stop killer carbs or not, the other reason your immune system will let you down is a lack of essential nutrients and no matter what government or the Pharma Cartel say, a lack of these nutrients leave you open to virtually every disease.

Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, Zinc, Selenium and Magnesium are rarely sufficient in the average diet and even with our good diet, my whole family supplement with all of these and more.

The Essential Immune Nutrients



Vitamin C™
The range includes:1000mg of High-Quality Liposomal Vitamin C with 175mg of Quercetin, 1000mg Liposomal Vitamin C and Cam Camu Capsules. For all ages from infants to seniors. Protect healthy cells and has various health benefits that may support immune function, brain health, blood sugar and heart health.

Daily Immune Protection™ (D.I.P.)
Contains Epicor®, eXselen™ and a high dose of Beta Glucan with a strong dose of Vitamin D3 to support a balanced immune response. Contains Selenium to further protect against infections, boost immune response against allergens, and provide extra support for healthy cell growth. Suitable for vegetarians. 90 veg capsules.

A super antioxidant, olive leaf is considered to potentially offer immune protection against colds, flu and other viral infections. Oleuropein, one of the primary compounds in olive leaf, is believed to exhibit potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, offering wide-reaching immune support. The addition of zinc, also critical for a strong immune system and often deficient in the diet, enhances the power of this product. Can be used all year round or for more occasional targeted support. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 90 veg capsules.

Taking probiotic supplements is recommended to help balance the bacteria in the gut, which in turn supports digestion and nutrient absorption, as well as overall immunity. PrescriptBiotics™, contains a custom cultured blend of soil-based organisms, in its own prebiotic food source, to help balance the diversity of the microbiome; supporting digestion, immunity and overall health. Soil-based probiotics are the first choice for optimum health, as they are well adapted to the environment of the gut and offer long-term benefits. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 90 veg capsules.

Vitamin D3™ (4000IU)
An essential combination of Vitamin D3 4000IU and 100mg of Calcium from coral per capsule. Supports and maintains bone health and the immune system. Suitable for vegetarians. 100 veg capsules.

Hydrosol Silver
The active ingredient in the Hydrosol Silver Spray is a unique patented Silver Technology, using nano-particles for superior absorption, containing 10ppm hydrosol silver. Using a silver spray can act as the first line of defence against unwanted pathogens. Being anti-microbial it is able to support immunity, by targeting invading bacteria, viruses, fungus and so on. By boosting the immune system, you allow your body’s own natural defences to work much more efficiently. Suitable for all the family. 113 mls/4 fl.oz.

Vitamin D3-K2 Spray
Combines 1000IU of Vitamin D3 and 100mcg of Vitamin K2 MK7 in an easy-to-use sublingual spray for maximum absorption. Helps to support a normal immune system response, support better calcium absorption and phosphorus absorption in the bones. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 30m/1 fl.oz.

Ancient Magnesium Oil Ultra
Genuine Zechstein 100% Ultra-Pure Magnesium Oil with OptiMSM for enhanced cellular absorption. Apply the Ancient Magnesium Oil Ultra to the skin each day, for immune support, and to help calm the nervous system, encourage relaxation, anxiety relief and aid sleep.

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