WEEK 41 (2021) – Who Am I?

Today’s Newsletter

Every month, many thousands more people are following NaturallyHealthyNews.info and are reading my emails and posts. Many of these after being shared by you, the long-time readers.

Because these new readers are meeting me for the first time, they don’t really know who I am, and so here is my updated introduction.

My latest Magazine, Issue 41, is available to download HERE

Please download it and share it with as many friends as possible. Telling them about what we do will be much easier if they can read my articles.

For New Readers

Thirty-five years ago, my mother died of lung disease at age 62 and my 64-year-old father died a short while later of cancer.

I researched the causes of their deaths in-depth. I soon found evidence that the majority of diseases that people prematurely die from are completely preventable. I discovered evidence that these diseases are mainly caused by an unhealthy diet, lack of critical nutrients, and lifestyle factors – all of which create unhealthy bodies. I was also skeptical about the pharmaceutical companies that pushed drugs and influenced medical opinion even though they were guilty of many crimes.

Since discovering this scientifically obvious, yet commonly unknown evidence, I have followed my own health plan. I celebrated my 75th birthday in January feeling truly fit and healthy, and I want to help all my readers to achieve the same feeling, at any age.


I get emails and messages asking me questions.

Questions including:
Am I a doctor?

What are my qualifications?

Where do I get the information for my books?

I think it is critical for everyone to understand where I come from, to understand my success, helping hundreds of thousands of people to get healthy.

After all, they may be trusting me with their life.

In the last 30 years, hundreds of thousands of people have sought my help from around the world.

They were suffering from: cancer, heart disease, infertility, macular degeneration, back and joint problems, autoimmune diseases, and many more health problems.


  • I have no degrees of any kind
  • I have no qualifications in medicine
  • I have no desire to have such an education since I now believe much of what is taught in these courses is wrong.

So, how did I write over 30 books on critical health problems that have worked for hundreds of thousands of people?

How come I am helping to educate so many people that pharma drugs do not get them healthy and are really only recommended in life-threatening situations or a few rare conditions

I have to go back a long way to 1962.

My education after I left school was to become an electronics technician, provided by the company (Metropolitan-Vickers), who gave me a chance in spite of not being qualified.

I was able to pass the interview by explaining my knowledge of the electrical system of motorcycles.

I had been repairing and riding since I was age 11.

The interviewer realized I had a passionate technical mind.

My First Realisation

So, I had my first realization that being passionate about something will take you a long way.

I split my time between six months at college and six months experiencing the different facets of design and manufacturing in the factory.

When I finished college and qualified at aged 20, I was part of a team commissioning the UK’s first digital computers (The AEI 1010) at Metropolitan-Vickers in Trafford Park.

I only stayed for 12 months as I could see that the company with its 26,000 staff and poor culture was doomed to failure. So, I left in 1967 to try my hand at business.

My Next Realisation

Soon after leaving Metropolitan-Vickers the company failed and ceased to exist. I realized then that 26,000 employees (many very clever educationally, many with PHDs) were not collectively (bestowed with common sense) intelligent enough to save that company.

After I got married in 1970, my wife Anne and first child moved to North Wales to a smallholding and ended up with a Wood-Burning Stove and Heating business. We had three children, 2 goats, a dog, 3 ducks, and lots of land to grow food. It was a great 17 years but in the end, was blighted by some bad news.

My Next Realisation

I received the news that my 62-year-old mother had died suddenly from lung disease. Not long after, my 64-year-old father was diagnosed with cancer and subsequently died.

I immediately set about researching why the doctors in our free healthcare system had not prevented this from happening. The realization I found was that doctors do not get people healthy, they mostly just look after the disease; treating symptoms, not causes.

Doctors’ whole training is decided by the pharmaceutical industry that brainwashes all information out of the doctors’ minds that nutrition and lifestyle can cure disease. More to the point, many of the drugs that doctors are told to prescribe have severe side effects and often lead to premature death.

My Next Realisation

Although we had tried to live a healthy life on our smallholding, my research showed that there were many facets of getting and staying healthy. Especially needing a really healthy diet as the foundation of good health.

As an example, I was not as smart as my wife Anne and I did eat junk foods, and smoked cigarettes, especially when I was on the road. I suffered from many niggling health problems. It took a few years before I was able to stop this habit.

Next Step – Dealing with stress. It was becoming topical that stress was an integral part of health problems. We started to sell relaxation tapes after I successfully used one to get over my terrible fear of flying.

In 1987 I invented a Smart Watch (calling it the StressWatch and HealthWatch) and patented it. The sensors on the watch took signals from the skin and displayed the stress levels of the wearer. It showed how stress could be reduced very quickly just by breathing correctly. Unfortunately, I ran out of funding for this development and had to let the patent lapse.

The next development was our Electronic Acupressure device. We purchased an early model device and Anne used it on her father’s arthritic knee. To be fair we were all surprised he was soon able to resume our long walks without a twinge. This led me to develop HealthPoint™, a more advanced and user-friendly device.

HealthPoint™ is still in production 30 years later and going strong.

It is used for 160 different Human Conditions shown in the manual, including reversing Macular Degeneration, treatment on horses, and dogs, to name but a few.

Next came ActiveLife™ to deliver the most complete multi-vitamin available, then MSM+Silver™ Drops and MaxiFocus™ to partner with HealthPoint™ for treating Macular Degeneration.

In 2000 I introduced Serrapeptase to the worldwide internet as well as a powerful Curcumin formulation. The results from these nutrients were so dramatic that I wrote the book, The MiracleEnzyme™.

This shows how these supplements and others could help an array of health issues.

More books came thick and fast as I developed action plans for all of the main conditions causing premature death and disability, including what killed my parents. You can view and download my eBooks HERE

My Next Realisation

How do we get healthy from virtually every health problem causing premature death and disability?

For most conditions, you don’t need any medical degrees or qualifications in medicine to get or keep healthy.

However, it does take Innate Intelligence or Common-Sense Intelligence + Dedication to be healthy or regain health.

My definition of Common-Sense Intelligence is an innate understanding of cause and effect.

An example is the old saying ‘Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a ‘lifetime’.

I convert this too, ‘Give a person a drug, and they feel better for a while. Teach a person how to be healthy, and they are better for a lifetime’.

Common Sense Intelligence

To cure any disease, you have to deal with the causes.

These include:

  • Stopping eating factory processed foods and drinks
  • Stopping eating high sugar foods and drinks (e.g. grains, cereals, sugar drinks, etc)
  • Stopping consuming anything that has chemicals contained in them.

Common Sense Intelligence also says that you need to get better habits to be able to prevent disease and promote good health, these include:

  • Eating fresh (or frozen) vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, pulses, etc. (organic when possible) plus wild seafood and pasture-raised meat (for non-vegan)
  • Consuming around 3 litres of pure water over the day (with a small amount of bicarbonate of soda and organic trace minerals added for extra benefits)
  • Supplementing the critical nutrients missing from the foods grown on now deficient soils such as Magnesium.
  • Walking for more hours than sitting down
  • Breathing correctly all of the time (diaphragmatic breathing whilst standing or laying down)

Yes, there are also numerous herbs/spices/nutrients that help us back to health and many of them can be in our daily foods or from supplements. The point is there are many things that can be effective, and many things that may or not be essential, most of which are common sense!

What I’ve learned in the last 30 years is that passion to achieve good health (naturally) always works (or at least in 99% of all cases).

My Qualification?

  • I am passionate about being super fit and healthy at every age.
  • I am passionate about researching the studies that prove the nutritional and lifestyle changes for good health.
  • I am passionate about helping others to be fit and healthy.
  • I am passionate about exposing the Pharma/Medical Cartel for the danger they are and they are now becoming more dangerous with their worldwide plan to vaccinate everyone with their dangerous drugs.


If the Pharma/Medical Cartel were fit and proper people to look after your health then why is there so much sickness and disease?

Why are they continually fined $/£ Billions for Criminal fraud, killing people, and seriously harming many more people? More to the point ask yourself why are these Criminals being allowed to force draconian laws for a virus more harmful than the Flu Virus?

Some of my product revelations:

Healthpoint™ – HealthPoint™ allows you to locate and stimulate your body’s acupuncture points accurately. Provides the benefits of acupuncture – without the needles. Helps with over 160 health conditions. Stimulates the body’s healing system. The HealthPoint™ Kit contains 1x HealthPoint machine, 1x carry pouch, 1x gold probe, 1x cotton bud probe, 1x ear clips, 1x Quick start guide and 1x Mastering Acupuncture manual covering over 160 health conditions.

Sublingual GABA+ Ashwagandha and L-Theanine – Powerful and fast-acting Liposomal GABA for effective support during times of anxiety and stress. Combines GABA that acts as a “calming” neurotransmitter to support the body’s rest and relaxation. GABA helps to keep us in balance in these disturbing times. A teaspoon of GBA+ helps to calm and balance moods, to manage stress and insomnia and especially getting to sleep or getting back to sleep.

AncientMagnesium® OIL ULTRA – Topical Magnesium with 100% Genuine Zechstein Magnesium Oil. All the benefits of the magnesium oil plus OptiMSM (organic Sulphur), the world’s purest MSM for enhanced absorption. Magnesium Oil is one of the critical missing nutrients responsible for immune health, healthy cells and enzyme function throughout the body. Recommended for general relaxation, relief from arthritis, sore muscles, various body aches, and meeting your daily requirements of this essential mineral for achieving optimal health. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

MSM+Silver Drops – A unique MSM+ Silver formulation with a proprietary blend of OptiMSM®, Hydrosol Silver (10ppm), N-Acetyl-L-Carnosine and Colloidal Zinc (10ppm). Supports healthy membrane tissues, makes outer tissues soft and permeable. May help to reduce infection. 1 fl.oz. (30ml).

MaxiFocus™ Sublingual Liposomal Drops – Delivers a complete spectrum of 25 super nutrients and antioxidants including 100mg of Lutein to support eye health. Absorbs at least 900% better in a sublingual formula than the tablet equivalent and in most cases, will be in the eye within 2 minutes. Contains nutrients listed in the AREDS formulation. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 60ml/2 fl.oz.

ActiveLife™ – A fullspectrum multivitamin/mineral formula providing 130 nutrients in one capsule for good health, including critical minerals selenium and chromium. Contains a patented form of 5-MTHF Folate, perfect for 100% of the population including those who cannot absorb Folic Acid. Suitable for all ages. Lasts for up to six months. Suitable for vegetarians. 180 veg capsules per container.

SerraEnzyme® 250,000IU Maximum Strength Serrapeptase – Maximum strength SerraEnzyme™ Serrapeptase formulated to give maximum benefit in minimum time. Supports the body’s anti-inflammatory processes and provides effective support for accelerated healing. Phthalate-free. Available as 90 delayed-release capsules or maximum-strength tablets. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

CurcuminX4000™ with Fenugreek Capsules – Curcuminx4000 contains the powerful benefits of Meriva® Curcumin, the most clinically studied Curcumin on the market. Backed by clinical studies, Meriva® Curcumin is shown to be up to 45x better utilized by the body compared to ordinary Curcumin. Provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits that can support your good health. Now with added Fenugreek to enhance the absorption of the Curcumin. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 180 veg capsules per container.

PrescriptBiotics™ – Provides soil-born organisms (SBOs) coupled with a proprietary prebiotic. Contains a custom-cultured super strain of x8 species of soil-based organisms. Rebalances good gut flora and supports stronger digestion, immunity and overall health. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 90 veg capsules.


You can be the healthiest anyone can be by following the recovery plans in my books. Those 160 recoveries include Alzheimer’s, Lung Disease and Stroke Recovery. It’s what we do.

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