WEEK 40 (2022) – Staying Balanced With Your Blood Sugar Levels

Did you know that over 4.9 million people are currently living with diabetes in the UK? That’s according to a recent analysis from Diabetes.org.uk, whose findings show that people with Type 2 Diabetes are 50% more likely to die prematurely.

Taking care of your blood sugar levels is essential to ensure you stay healthy. As a condition caused by consuming excess carbs, sugars and other processed foods, Diabetes Type 2 can have many damaging effects on the body.

With Halloween coming up, it’s tempting to overindulge in sweet treats from well-meaning loved ones. However, eating sugary foods such as sweets, biscuits, chocolates, and cakes may be more trick than a treat when it comes to your health.

Our Lead Nutritionist Lindsay Powers has a live webinar coming up on Zoom next week that will explore diet and lifestyle advice in greater depth. Register Here For More Information.

Be Mindful of How Much Sugar You Consume

Research shows that high sugar levels in your bloodstream can damage your immune system and your organs. Over time, your body converts excess glucose into fat, leading to weight gain.

When blood glucose levels are extra high, the body immediately instructs your pancreas to produce insulin which is programmed to dump excess glucose into your cells.

With excess sugar in your cells, your body stops responding appropriately to insulin. This can lead your pancreas to start pumping out even more insulin. Eventually, the overworked pancreas will break down; blood sugar levels rise, leading to the onset of Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease.

As diabetes is mainly a lifestyle condition, it makes sense that to avoid its damaging effects on the body, it’s essential to review your daily habits too.

Following a Ketogenic Diet Can Reverse Most Diseases

There is strong evidence to suggest that eating a ketogenic diet -i.e. a low carbohydrate and low sugar diet will start to reverse most diseases. A report from the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition has reported that a low carbohydrate diet is best for people with Type 2 Diabetes.

The comprehensive review included around 600 peer-reviewed scientific reports and was carried out over seven years, reflecting how long it takes to consider evidence ahead of changing dietary guidelines.

Wondering how to get started? The good news is that there are many healthy low-carbohydrate alternatives that you can include in your diet instead.

We suggest reading our free ebook, ‘Helping Diabetes Type 2, By The Book’ by our late founder Robert Redfern, as this outlines a diet, nutrient and lifestyle plan to support your health recovery.

If you’re unsure of what to eat on a ketogenic diet, we recommend visiting: https://reallyhealthyfoods.com for plenty of low-carb recipe ideas.

Nutrient Recommendations

Researchers have found that taking Cinnamon may help to lower blood sugar levels by imitating the effects of insulin and increasing glucose transport into cells. This may help to promote better blood sugar balance, making it ideal for people with diabetes.

Numerous studies also support that taking a Cinnamon supplement is more effective than diet alone in lowering blood glucose levels.

Taking a high-quality Ceylon cinnamon supplement is recommended because not only does it contain antioxidant compounds called proanthocyanidins that can strengthen capillaries, but they have also been shown to provide antioxidant protection against heart disease and cancer.

For all of these reasons, taking Cinnamon is recommended for anyone looking to improve their blood sugar levels, cardiovascular levels and heart health.

We recommend Cinnamon27® from Good Health Naturally…


Cinnamon27® – Contains 675mg of Ceylon Cinnamon Bark Extract, 300mcg of Chromium and 2gm of Nopal Cactus. It supports balanced blood sugar levels and average utilisation of hormones and may help Type 2 Diabetics. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 180 vegetable capsules.

Shop Now


SAVE 15% With The Essential Blood Sugar and Energy Pack
from our sponsor, Good Health Naturally

Alpha Lipoic Acid-R– Antioxidant and free radical neutraliser that provides powerful support for pancreatic function and normal blood sugar balance. Supports peripheral nerve and endocrine function. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 60 capsules.

Mega Benfotiamine 250mg – The most active form of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) that can help sugar convert into energy and provide support for normal glucose metabolic pathways. Supports normal energy-yielding metabolism, normal cardiac function and normal function of the nervous system. 120 capsules.

Cinnamon27® – A unique blend of seven powerful ingredients to support healthy blood sugar balance. Provides Ceylon Cinnamon that may help naturally lower blood glucose levels and reduce blood triglycerides and total cholesterol concentrations. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.180 capsules.

Serranol® – A combination of natural anti-inflammatory ingredients including Serrapeptase 160,000IU, 250mg of Curcuminx4000, 50mg of Ecklonia Cava Extract and Vitamin D3, 1000IU. Suitable for vegetarians. 90 capsules.

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Recommended Reading

Helping Diabetes Type 2, By The Book – Find out how to manage and REVERSE your Diabetes Type 2 by following this dedicated natural health plan. When following the rehab plan consistently, it’s possible to improve diabetic symptoms often in just a few short weeks. Available from Good Health Naturally.

Download Now


Coming Up


Diet and lifestyle approaches to support diabetes

With Lindsay Powers, Nutritional Therapist and Nutrition
Manager at Good Health Naturally

Tuesday 11th October at 7 pm BST / 11am PDT

Join us live to understand more about Type 2 Diabetes and what we can do to avoid and manage this condition naturally.

During the webinar, we will take a closer look into the following areas:

  • What is diabetes? How common is it, and how is it diagnosed?
  • What causes Type 2 Diabetes
  • Why conventional treatments may not be effective
  • How to support Type 2 Diabetes naturally, with diet and exercise
  • Product recommendations
  • Plus – exclusive webinar offer for all live attendees


Register for the Webinar Here

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