WEEK 38 (2022) – Keep Your Focus on Good Eye Health

Taking good care of your eye health should be an essential part of your health and wellness routine. That’s because your eyes have the important task of ensuring you can see the world clearly.

However, there are a growing number of people dealing with the devastating experience of sight loss and the impact it has on their quality of life. In the UK alone, it’s estimated that over a million people are affected by age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and for this reason, it is considered the nation’s largest cause of sight loss.

Now, new research is highlighting how daily lifestyle factors such as eating simple carbs could increase your risk of age-related sight loss by as much as 49 per cent!

Here at Naturally Healthy News, we have been informing people for many years about the hidden dangers of eating carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, cereals and even potatoes. That’s because carbohydrates and starchy foods have a high glycemic index (GI) meaning they may increase your risk of developing conditions such as AMD.

The glycemic index measures how quickly food affects your blood sugar levels when it’s consumed. Simple carbs such as bread and potatoes are easy for the body to break down meaning it quickly spikes blood sugar levels.

As a result, this causes the LDL or “bad” cholesterol to rise, leading to more C-reactive protein being released. When inflammation becomes chronic, research shows it can then contribute to the onset of many diseases.

While conditions like AMD are considered to be one of the top causes of vision loss and blindness in adults aged over 65, early onset macular degeneration is becoming increasingly common and is affecting people at younger ages.

Making simple lifestyle changes can help but it’s also helpful to know what the symptoms are, so you can spot the signs early before they develop further.

AMD Symptoms To Look Out For…

AMD affects the eyes in many ways. For example, it may result in blurred or distorted areas in your vision. You may also:

  • See straight lines as wavy or crooked
  • Objects may look smaller than normal
  • Colours may appear less bright than they used to
  • It can also result in hallucinations or seeing things that aren’t there

If you or a loved one are experiencing any of these symptoms of AMD, then it’s important to get checked by an eye health specialist such as an optometrist who can check your overall vision.

Along with following the advice of an eye care professional, the good news is there are also health solutions you can implement to support your eye health.

Lifestyle Recommendations For Healthy Eyes

Good nutrition and lifestyle are key to maintaining healthy eyes. If you can make a simple lifestyle change to improve your eye health, avoiding sugar and starchy carbs should be the main ones to consider. Eating sugars and carbs lead to excess body fat that can eventually contribute to insulin resistance while increasing your risk of inflammation.

These days you can easily find many healthy alternatives in your supermarket or local health food store. For example, instead of eating wheat bread, you can find bread made from coconut flour, buckwheat, almond flour or even amaranth. All of these have a lower GI index than traditional wheat bread, meaning they are kinder to your gut health, and general health too.

By avoiding carbs and choosing to eat plenty of green leafy vegetables along with healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, seeds and legumes you can ensure your good health – including the overall health of your eyes.

Studies also show that eating dark-skinned berries such as blueberries, blackberries and cranberries all pack powerful antioxidant benefits that can help to maintain eye health.

Not sure where to start? You can find plenty of tasty low-carb recipes to inspire you on your journey to good health, at https://reallyhealthyfoods.com.

Good Eye Health Support

Alongside a healthy diet, you may also want to consider taking an eye health supplement that contains key carotenoids such as Lutein and Zeaxanthin – two nutrients that have been found in the human macula and retina. These are known for protecting the eyes and preventing age-related eye diseases.

Taurine is also recommended as it can support the delivery of nutrients into the retinal cells, thereby reducing oxidative damage to the eyes.

You can find all of these eye-healthy nutrients in MaxiFocus® from Good Health Naturally. As a sublingual liposomal, MaxiFocus® delivers a complete spectrum of eye nutrients to support and maintain healthy eyes.

Our founder, Robert Redfern originally introduced MaxiFocus® as NewFocus, a sublingual spray back in 2001. Then in 2006, the best-selling eye health supplement developed into MaxiFocus®, combining the essential eye carotenoids of Lutein and Optisharp™ Zeaxanthin, plus an additional 24 vitamins and minerals to support good eye health.

Don’t just take our word for it, here are some of the many amazing MaxiFocus® testimonials that customers send in about how this supplement has helped to improve their eye health…

“This product certainly does what it says on the tin! I began using MaxiFocus® about a year ago and saw massive improvement in my eyesight…….then I stopped taking it. It took a few weeks for the eyes to deteriorate somewhat so I began taking it again. This time I will not stop!!”

– Pat Nightingale

“I was diagnosed with Dry ARMD in 2005 and was told by Specsavers opticians there was nothing they could do and that I would lose my tunnel vision. I called into a local health shop when visiting a relative in North Wales and he recommended NewFocus. After 9 months, I started to see a marked improvement in my condition. I now regularly take MaxiFocus and have even recommended it on radio. Over the years it has helped me to fulfill my duties as a County Counsellor and become Chairman of the Mid Wales Fire and Rescue Service. At aged 82, I can now lead a normal life thanks to MaxiFocus.”

– Roy L, Wales

“Firstly, thank you so much for your support and newsletter, it is very welcome. I am not very far off being 88 and have recently had my annual eye test. There’s been very little change and no change at all for years in the macular because for many years I have taken your MaxiFocus®. Thank you”

– Janet B.


For a limited time only, you can now get 25% off MaxiFocus® Sublingual Liposomal, while supplies last.

Save 25% Off MaxiFocus®

MaxiFocus® Liposomal Sublingual – Contains 26 super nutrients and antioxidants, including Vitamin D3. Delivers Lutein, Zeaxanthin, L-Taurine, Bilberry Leaf Extract, along with Vitamins A, C, E, Zinc and Copper as recommended in the AREDS formulation. Delivers a complete spectrum of eye nutrients that absorb better in a sublingual formula than the tablet equivalent. In most cases, the nutrients are in the eye within 2 minutes. Suitable for vegans. 120ml.



For extra eye health support, you may want to consider the nutrition recommendations as found in the Essential Eye Health pack.

Save 15% On The Essential Eye Health Support Pack

SAVE 15% on these recommended nutrients by purchasing the Essential Eye Health support pack from Good Health Naturally.

The Krill Miracle™ – A blend of ultra-pure omega fatty acids formulated to promote wellness and longevity. Contains omega-3 fatty acids (EPA/DHA) which can help support the eyes and conditions such as dry eyes, glaucoma, eye fatigue, AMD and much more. 60 Fish Licaps™ capsules.

AstaXanthin with DHA™ – AstaReal® Astaxanthin™ is known to be one of the most powerful antioxidants and free-radical scavengers found anywhere in nature. This formula is a powerful combination of pure DHA and AstaREAL Astaxanthin. Provides a perfect balance resulting in efficient and effective absorption by the entire body as well as the brain and eyes, where all three play such a protective role. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Serranol® – Provides 160,000IU of SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase, 250mg of Curcuminx4000, 50mg Ecklonia Cava Extract and Vitamin D3 1000IU. This combination formula helps to clear inflammation and scarring, so may be beneficial for eye health. Suitable for vegetarians. 90 capsules.

MaxiFocus® Liposomal Sublingual – Contains 26 super nutrients and antioxidants, including Vitamin D3. Delivers Lutein, along with Vitamins A, C, E, Zinc and Copper as recommended in the AREDS formulation. Delivers a complete spectrum of eye nutrients that absorb at least 900% better in a sublingual formula than the tablet equivalent. In most cases, the nutrients are in the eye within 2 minutes. Suitable for vegans. 120ml.



Learn More About How To Improve Your Eye Health

Helping Eye Disease, By The Book

Discover how to naturally improve your eye disease and overall eye health in this book by Health Coach and Author, Robert Redfern. Follow Robert’s recommended health and lifestyle plan to achieve optimal eye health and to avoid, manage or prevent future eye problems.


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