WEEK 26 (2023) – New studies on fluoride exposure

My dad always spoke about the importance of drinking water, which needed to be pure. I grew up with various filter systems on the go – reverse osmosis, distillation, ceramic, and the list goes on. One of the main reasons we always did this was to remove fluoride from the water. This isn’t naturally occurring fluoride that you find in the soil. It’s a synthetic form called sodium fluoride or fluorosilicic acid, which is a waste product from fertiliser manufacturing or the aluminium industry.

This week there have been a number of articles written talking again about the links between adding fluoride to water and several health issues, notably decreased IQ in children. This interests me for a couple of reasons; 1) I have young children, and 2) I live in Melbourne, where we (some say unnecessarily) put fluoride in our already very pure drinking water.

According to reports, sodium fluoride has been linked in 76 studies to decreased IQ in children. The NTP, an interagency program run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that researches and reports on environmental toxins, conducted a six-year systematic review to assess scientific studies on fluoride exposure and potential neurodevelopmental and cognitive health effects in humans. Its ground-breaking report on those findings — consisting of a “state of the science” monograph and meta-analysis surveying the literature on the links between fluoride exposure and cognitive health effects — concluded that prenatal and childhood exposure to higher fluoride levels is associated with decreased IQ in children.

As well as possible lower IQs, Sodium Fluoride has been shown to have other disbenefits.

Dental Fluorosis – a cosmetic condition that affects tooth enamel. In areas with high fluoride levels in drinking water, excessive fluoride ingestion during tooth development can lead to white streaks or spots on the teeth. Severe cases may result in brown discolouration or pitting of the enamel.

Skeletal Fluorosis – a condition affecting the bones and joints. This is found In regions where drinking water contains very high fluoride levels. It involves the bones and joints, leading to pain, stiffness, and skeletal deformities.

Thyroid Health. Some studies have suggested a potential association between fluoride exposure and thyroid disruption. The mechanisms proposed for a possible link include fluoride’s ability to inhibit iodine absorption, interfere with thyroid hormone synthesis, and disrupt thyroid function.

To help you and your family avoid fluoride, there are two easy methods. Firstly, it is important to use a good water filtration system. Second, use a toothpaste that does not contain fluoride

So, if not fluoride, how can we protect our gums and teeth?

Ubiquinol: Take Ubiquinol, the active form of COQ10, to help support healthy gums.

Calcium: Calcium is crucial for maintaining strong teeth and bones.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is vital for calcium absorption and bone health.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an antioxidant that supports gum health. It aids in collagen production, which is essential for maintaining the integrity of gums.

Vitamin K2: Vitamin K2 helps regulate calcium metabolism and directs it to the bones and teeth. Some studies suggest that vitamin K2 may help reduce the risk of dental cavities. It is found in fermented foods, such as natto, and can be taken as a supplement.

Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids possess anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce gum inflammation.

As I mentioned, I’ve grown up around water filters and have used one in my home for the last six years. Alarmingly, the same filter I use to remove the fluoride has now been shown to potentially add aluminium to the water. It just goes to show that we need to keep reading, keep researching and be willing to be open to new research. We have since stopped using this filter and are in the process of looking for a new one. In the meantime, I’m using pure water from the supermarket.

Recommended product:

Coral Kids Toothpaste – Bubble Berry

Is scientifically designed to maintain optimum oral health without harsh chemicals. It is formulated with Eco-Safe™ ionic coral minerals and Xylitol, which are effective for cavity protection, whitening teeth, freshening breath and shifting the mouth’s pH.

SilverBiotics® Tooth Gel

Is a triple-action formula with SilverSol®, Xylitol and Therapeutic Grade Peppermint Oil to promote healthy gums and teeth. This tooth gel is free from triclosan, glycerin, fluoride, parabens and sodium laurel sulfates and is suitable for adults and children.

Xylitol Chewing Gum- Various Flavours Only available in UK Store

Can help protect teeth and gums. Xylitol is recognised as a preventative for tooth decay and has been shown to reduce plaque formation. It also has the potential to remineralise tooth surfaces by stimulating saliva flow. Positive effects may be achieved by chewing gum sweetened with xylitol at least three times a day after meals for around 20 minutes. It is suitable for people with diabetes.

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