WEEK 19 (2021) – Turning A Blind Eye

Today’s Newsletter

is about the various eye conditions I have helped people with for nearly 25 years. These include Macular Degeneration, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Diabetic Retinopathy, and many others including dry eyes, Computer Fatigue Syndrome and even Conjunctivitis.

Your Doctors or Ophthalmologist (if you could get an appointment?) may tell you nothing can be done or worse still offer expensive or risky options but consider my option first. Also, their treatments do not get you healthy.

My option which is successful in the majority of conditions is simply to help you get healthy and in turn, recover your eye health.

I have hundreds of testimonials since it is rare not to get success.

For New Readers

Thirty-five years ago, my mother died of lung disease at age 62 and my 64-year-old father died a short while later of cancer.
These deaths drove me to research the causes of their deaths in-depth. I soon found evidence that the majority of diseases that people suffer and prematurely die from are completely preventable.

I discovered evidence that these diseases are mainly caused by an unhealthy diet, lack of critical nutrients, and lifestyle factors – all of which create unhealthy bodies.

I celebrated my 75th birthday in January feeling truly fit and healthy, and I want all my readers to achieve the same opportunity, at any age.

Turning A Blind Eye

My interest in eye health started in 1996 when I was touring around the USA demonstrating and teaching the use of HealthPoint™. I had feedback from some of the eye doctors telling me they were getting good results treating macular degeneration. They also told me of how it recovered the eyesight of a World Champion Golfer, Sam Sneed, who was able to restart his golfing career.

‘Turning A Blind Eye’ is the name of my 130-page book I wrote over 20 years ago detailing the causes of eye problems and the plans for all of the various conditions. It is a pun based upon my frustration after trying unsuccessfully to get Doctors and Ophthalmologists in the UK to consider it. They turned a blind eye to its potential.
In the book I cover the causes of eye health problems and essentially the plans for:

Specific Action Plans For Conditions Listed Below:

❖ Macular Degeneration (Wet and Dry)……………………………………………………………….
❖ Glaucoma………………………………………………………………………………………………………

❖ Cataracts ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

❖ Diabetic Retinopathy ……………………………………………………………………………………..

❖ Floaters…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

❖ Hereditary (Genetic)-Retinitis Pigmentosa, Juvenile Macular Degeneration………….
❖ Conjunctivitis………………………………………………………………………………………………..

❖ Multiple Sclerosis (MS) eye problems ……………………………………………………………..

❖ Computer Fatigue Syndrome……………………………………………………………………………

❖ DryEye/Blepharitis…………………………………………………………………………………………
❖ General Vision Problems ………………………………………………………………………………..


Number One Cause Of Blindness

The number one most common reason we lose our eyesight as we age is called MACULAR DEGENERATION. This is a condition where the Macula cells at the back of the eye degenerate and die and we slowly lose our central vision.

The prime cause of this is the lack of blood flow through the capillaries in the macula and the critical nutrients we need to maintain and protect these cells from the corrosive effects of sunlight.

There are two types of Macular Degeneration but since the damage is the same, Diabetic Retinopathy and Retinitis Pigmentosa also respond to the same plan.

Dry Macular

This is the most common cause of eyesight loss and nearly everyone will suffer to some degree as they age. It is a very slow progression for most people. Many will eventually lose all of their central vision with nothing on offer from Doctors. It is also the easiest and fastest recovery of any eye condition.

Wet Macular

This a rare type of Macular Degeneration and less than one in 10 cases of Macular Degeneration is the wet macula. That is not to underestimate its seriousness as it is faster acting than dry macula. This is where the capillaries in the macula are leaking and damaging the macula cells. This person needs to act fast with my plan as if they go to Doctors, they will be offered various injections and laser treatments that will leave them with irretrievably damaged retina cells. My plan used before these treatment options will likely ensure complete recovery in most cases but cannot repair damaged cells from lasers and injections.

The Essential Plan

I cover the essential health plans for the main causes of eyesight loss in the Macula in my step by step guide, ‘Helping Eye Disease By The Book’.

My HealthPoint™ electro-acupuncture device, combined with MaxiFocus™ will give most people a visible improvement within a couple of weeks. In the book is an eye chart to test your improvement. Following my plan below will also successfully work for most people. However, these two solutions are not dealing with the cause and therefore, following a healthy lifestyle as detailed in the eBook is strongly recommended.

My Recommendation – Most disease and premature deaths could be prevented in a much safer way – by everyone taking 10-20,000IU of Vitamin D3, + the Missing Nutrients every day.

Critically, by also following a healthy lifestyle and detailed nutritional supplement plan, for preventing or recovering a condition, consider solutions such as:

  1. Water Fasting: Fasting has been known since records began to be a powerful preventative and treatment for any disease. Alternate day fasting (ADF) is the easiest. Up to one week is a good length to do a fast for achieving good health. It’s critical the fasting involves drinking the water as directed in step 2. Also, take the appropriate missing supplements at the same time.
  2. Drinking 6 x 500ml glasses of water over a day with a ¼ teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in each glass. Also, use Pure Concentrated Organic Minerals™ Liquid Drops for powerful electrolyte support.
  3. Stopping all factory processed or unnatural foods, and especially factory-made meals.
  4. Stopping high sugar foods and drinks, as well as bread, pastry, biscuits, breakfast cereals, white rice, potatoes, parsnips, and pasta foods.
  5. Consuming mainly vegetables, leafy greens and other salad foods, avocados, mushrooms, dark-skinned fruits, tree nuts, seeds, and legumes. I also have a website dedicated to this with numerous Keto recipes at www.reallyhealthyfoods.com.
  6. Taking 3-4 teaspoons of Himalayan or rock salts daily in food.
  7. Walking and exercising (when able to) can further improve critical oxygenation of the blood and you can further strengthen the immune response by going out in the sun with as much skin exposed, up until 1pm. You can exercise lying down as appropriate, e.g. cycling the legs or using weights for the arms.
  8. Breathing properly; take every opportunity when lying down to practice diaphragmatic breathing.
  9. Sitting less; sitting down for more than 3 hours in a day is unhealthy so choose to walk, stand, or lay down rather than sitting as much as possible.
  10. Getting 7-9 hours of restful sleep. This means dealing with snoring and sleep apnoea. Ask our health coaches for help with this challenge.


If I am correct with the above, you and your family need to protect yourself by getting as healthy as possible. If I am wrong, you and your family still need to get as healthy as possible. The consequence is landing in a care home and then you cannot have any health solutions unless they come from doctors, and nothing via the Pharma/Medical Cartel is designed to get you and your family healthy.

Macular Health Product Recommendations

MaxiFocus™ – is a liposomal formula that contains high levels of the key carotenoids Lutein and Zeaxanthin, together with 26 vitamins and minerals identified in a major study as being essential for eye health. They have been shown to protect the retina against sunlight and oxidative damage by free radicals, strengthen the blood vessels and improve blood flow to the eye. Taken under the tongue, it is the most effective way to deliver these nutrients to the eye in a few minutes.
Recommended dosage: 1 dropper, 3 times per day for the first 3 bottles then reduce to 2 droppers per day.

HealthPoint™MicroCurrent Stimulation uses a gentle cotton bud probe to safely apply a tiny electrical impulse to the acupressure points around the eyes. Stimulates ATP and cellular regeneration in the macula and has been shown since 1996 to improve the overall success.
Recommended use: Stimulate appropriate MicroCurrent Points as shown in the Appendix of the HealthPoint™ Mastering Acupuncture Book that recommends 2 treatments per day for the first 2-4 weeks and once per day thereafter.

Taurine™ Spray – offers better absorption than capsules. Studies have shown Taurine to reduce the oxidative damage caused by sunlight to the eyes. It helps stimulate the body’s ability to clean up waste by-products that accumulate in the retina.

Recommended dosage: 8 sprays per day for the first month, and then 2 per day thereafter.

The Krill Miracle™ – Essential Fatty Acids – in liquid form must contain DHA and EPA. This helps improve circulation, integrity of blood vessels, brain function, flexibility, and permeability of cell membranes. It also helps protect the retina’s photoreceptor cells.

Recommended dosage: 3 capsules per day.

AstaXanthin+DHAHighly Recommended Antioxidant Formula – Astaxanthin, an extremely powerful antioxidant that is particularly recommended for preventing damage to the retina caused by strong sunlight. Studies show that it is many times more effective than Vitamin E and Beta-Carotene.
Recommended dosage: 3 capsules per day.

MSM+Silver™ DropsMSM+Silver Water Drops are recommended for all eye conditions and are an inexpensive health aid.

Pure Concentrated Organic Minerals™ Liquid – High fulvic acid content, containing more than 70 trace minerals, trace elements, electrolytes, amino acids and additional organic acids. Includes Organic Selenium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper and others. The 18 amino acids were formed over the course of 38 million years – proof of its plant and organic origin. Contains electrolytes, each mineral carrying its own unique bio-electric signature to support a more restful sleep, clearer mind and brain function, balanced appetite, along with better absorption of nutrients from foods and supplements. Also available in capsules.

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