WEEK 06 (2023) – An Increasing Number of Deaths? Here’s The Truth About What They’re Not Telling You…

While many of us have moved on from the dark days of 2020, we may mistakenly believe that now that society has reopened, the number of deaths must be at pre-2020 levels.

Yet we were highly interested to read that recent reports from the Office of National Statistics highlighted how, in the week ending 20 January 2023, the number of deaths was higher than it has been for over five years!

The statistics show that the number of deaths was above the five-year average in private homes (28.7% above, 970 excess deaths), other settings (12.6% above, 114 excess deaths), care homes (12.1% above; 375 excess deaths) and hospitals (1.6% above, 108 excess deaths) in Week 3 in England and Wales.

The number of deaths registered was 11.6% above the five-year average (1864 deaths).

This is an astounding revelation. Not only is the number of deaths higher than during the 2020 era…but the media is staying quiet about it and isn’t even scaring us all with horror stories about social distancing and wearing masks! Neither are they locking us down in our homes or forcing us to take a shot. There is barely any mention of this in the news at all.

Even though December and January are notorious for being known as ‘flu season’, it has barely made headlines compared to previous years.

That’s why we want to inform you of the real truth – that the number of deaths is higher, and yet, we aren’t being given any details about them, and no one seems to be highlighting how to stay healthy to reduce your risk of getting ill in the future.

Taking care of your good health doesn’t begin with repeat rounds of boosters or other drugs, as the pharmaceutical industry would have you believe. Research also shows that they have many side effects and cause health complications that may need to be addressed in the future.

Instead, good health is achieved through following a lifetime of healthy habits. Building a foundation of good health is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of getting ill.

In this newsletter, we’d like to share some of our top recommendations that our founder, Robert Redfern, always encouraged people to follow to avoid getting ill and achieve optimal health.

Our Best Recommendations for Whole Body Health

Vitamin D3

Recent studies have proven that supplementing with Vitamin D3 substantially reduced the risk of admission into intensive care during the 2020/21 season – up to 72% is the probable figure, with a 51% protection against death according to randomised controlled trials. [1]

Recent data suggests it plays a protective role in promoting the body’s immune response while acting as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Vitamin D3 has been proven to maintain pulmonary barrier function, produce antimicrobial peptides and enhance neutrophil activity – which can patrol the body for microbial infections, killing invading pathogens.

As a nutrient, humans get Vitamin D3 from the sunshine, which is why we need to supplement it, as we often don’t get enough. We recommend taking Vitamin D3 4000IU each day for the best results.

Vitamin C

As a potent antioxidant, there’s a substantial body of evidence-based studies showing Vitamin C’s health benefits, especially for its role in protecting cell health and disease prevention.

Studies show that when more than 700 patients in New York took this nutrient, they saw ‘significant improvements in their health conditions from being treated with high doses of intravenous Vitamin C’. [2]

We recommend Liposomal Vitamin C as the body more readily absorbs this for optimal health.

Take a Good Quality Multivitamin

One of the best ways to ensure you stay healthy and support your immune system is to take a high-quality multivitamin and mineral supplement daily to get a wide range of nutrients.

Many of us may need more nutrients from food alone. This is why supplementing with a multivitamin is essential. Nutrients such as Vitamin E, for example, have been proven to function as an antioxidant in the body, protecting cell membranes. While Vitamins A and K have been shown in studies to potentially lower the risk of developing emphysema, a deadly lung condition. [3]

Immune Support

Research shows that you can protect yourself from illness by taking care of your immune system.

Along with Vitamin D3, other nutrients that may support your immune health include Beta Glucans and Selenium, both of which have immune-boosting benefits. Many studies suggest that Selenium, along with other minerals, can help to increase white blood cells, which improves the body’s ability to fight illness and infection. It also plays a powerful role in regulating immune function. [4]

Curcumin is also recommended as it is a powerful antioxidant, anti-viral, and anti-fungal, plus it has anti-inflammatory properties that can support your body’s immune health. (For a limited time, Good Health Naturally are offering 50% off their Curcumin range for Naturally Healthy News readers – see below.)

Stay Active

Keep your body moving to stay healthy. Regular aerobic activities such as walking, running, jumping or swimming are all recommended for keeping your heart and lungs working efficiently.

Studies show that exercise can get your immune cells moving throughout your body, which can have benefits when it comes to reducing your risk of illness and staying healthy.

Deep Breathing

By breathing deeply from the diaphragm, you can ensure maximum uptake of oxygen and nutrients into your body. This has multiple benefits, including relieving stress, and this can also trigger positive immune responses.

We recently wrote a weekly newsletter on how to breathe correctly for the best health, so you can use this as a resource to learn more.

[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9864223/
[2] https://jintensivecare.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40560-020-0432-y
[3] https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2020.00047/full
[4] https://www.ejcancer.com/article/S0959-8049(21)00462-7/fulltext


Recommended Examples from our sponsor,
Good Health Naturally

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Vitamin D3 4000IU Refill Pouch

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