Pets give us so much joy, love and companionship in the time we spend with them. Worldwide, more than 56 percent of people internationally have at least one pet living with them, according to an online survey of more than 27,000 people across 22 countries. Studies also show that owning a pet can boost our immune system, improving our good health.
As pets give us so much, one of the best gifts we can give them in return is to keep them healthy so we can enjoy each others’ company for many more years to come. Feeding your pet a healthy diet and the right nutrients is the first step, along with following a healthy lifestyle to ensure they get enough exercise to stay active.
If your pet’s in pain or suffering an injury however, it can be challenging to know what works best to support their recovery. One major factor to consider behind any injury, health condition or pain problem is chronic inflammation.
How Does Inflammation Occur?
When an injury occurs, the body’s natural healing system starts an inflammatory cascade, drawing in immune cells to aid the repair process. Sometimes symptoms may be worse temporarily. This is why inflammation is critical for good health recovery – and any symptoms such as pain, redness or swelling are all signs of the healing process and the body beginning to repair itself. Without inflammation, the immune system can’t respond properly and then becomes incapable of effective healing after experiencing an injury. This is when a health problem can become ongoing or chronic.
Pet Health Problems
When chronic inflammation occurs, health problems can occur. As it continues, ongoing injury or infection can prevent the inflammation from being resolved. This results in the symptoms of pain or swelling continuing and manifesting in other health problems over the long-term.
If your pet has an ongoing health condition or injury, it can be challenging to know what might work best. Vets may suggest pharmaceutical drugs or solutions to resolve the issue, but these may have other unwanted side effects or contraindications.
Serrapeptase – A Natural Solution
A natural solution that can help to provide relief for chronic inflammation in both humans and animals alike, is Serrapeptase. As a naturally occurring proteolytic enzyme, Serrapeptase can help to safely dissolve inflammation and dead scar tissue wherever it is present in the body.
Once the inflammation is removed, the body’s natural defense system can then begin to kickstart the healing process, thanks to Serrapeptase safely clearing and eliminating the inflammation in the targeted areas.
Originally derived from the silkworm intestine, the Serrapeptase enzyme is now manufactured in a laboratory setting on a plant base, making it vegan and vegetarian friendly.
Serrapeptase’s Proven Health Benefits
In particular, Serrapeptase can:
- Support immunity
- Support blood flow circulation
- Support the body’s normal inflammation response
Thousands of people have taken Serrapeptase and also safely and effectively given it to their animals. Suitable for small and large pets and animals alike – from dogs, cats, birds, to horses and even donkeys, Serrapeptase is one of the best anti-inflammatory enzymes to support the body’s natural healing process.
Take a look at some of the many pet health testimonials we’ve received…
Ann’s cat had stunning results with SerraPet™
“Her 16 year old cat experienced discomfort when her hindquarters stiffened and she lost mobility in her tail. After two months on SerraPet™, she is out and about all the time and the leakage has stopped. Ann dares to hope she’ll even regain some hearing as well. “It’s really as if time has rolled back!” – Ann
SerraPet® For Dog’s Back and Leg Problems
“I was delighted with the results achieved on my Pekinese who had back/leg problems and wasn’t walking properly. The vet suggested an operation! But a course of SerraPet® got him back and winning in the show ring again. I have given my vet your brochure so that he could read up about it, as he was amazed at the lad’s recovery!” – Anon
SerraPet® for Horse Health
“Kirsty has a 19-year-old horse that was wounded so badly the vet suggested to putting her down. Kirsty refused and start giving her horse the equine-friendly SerraPet®. “The results are amazing,” Kirsty says. “There is no scarring and the hair has grown back. Now I have a reputation for producing my Hydrosol and SerraPet® bottle at the first sign of infection.” – Kirsty
This recent testimonial we received from Shani shows how SerraPet® has helped to improve the health of her donkeys…
“I use SerraPet® as a detox agent for my donkeys. Both boys had high levels of Lead and Aluminium and Puk was also diagnosed with Cushing’s disease, but I did not want to give him pharmaceutical drugs. Puk’s Cushing disease has improved a lot and the levels of heavy metals have dropped in both donkeys.”– Shani Marshall
How should I give Serrapeptase to my pet?

Giving Serrapeptase to your pet or animal is easy. You can give to your pet in two ways:
For small animals: Cut/break the tablet in half.
Add to water and administer with a pipette or add to a little non-protein food.
You can find the Pet Health Plan Here:
Serrapeptase is the best anti-inflammatory enzyme for supporting your pet’s good health. You can learn more about how it works to benefit your pet, by visiting the dedicated Serrapeptase site for pets here:

The Serrapeptase product we recommend os SerraPet® from Good Health Naturally as it:
- Provides 250,000IU Serrapeptase per serving
- Maximum strength support
- Is Vet Recommended
Recommended Examples
Joint & Skin Matrix™
Joint & Skin Matrix™ – Made with BioCell Collagen™ for comprehensive support for healthy joints and relief of arthritis. For small dogs, take 1 capsule, 2 for large. Available from Good Health Naturally.
Probiotic14™ – Contains a superior blend оf 14 vіаblе ѕtrаіnѕ оf frіеndlу bасtеrіа аnd 9 bіllіоn colony fоrmіng units. Contains fruсtооlіgоѕассhаrіdеѕ that саn іmрrоvе dіgеѕtіvе hеаlth. Suрроrtѕ dіgеѕtіvе hеаlth, аnd ѕtrеngthеnѕ thе іmmunе response. Avаіlаblе frоm Gооd Hеаlth Naturally.