How Vitamin D3 and K2 Are Essential For Your Child’s Best Health

Is your child getting enough Vitamin D3? Many of us have heard about the government guidelines calling for more of us to take a daily Vitamin D3 supplement as we simply aren’t getting enough. 

As an essential nutrient, Vitamin D3 plays a vital role in keeping us healthy. Yet not many people recognise the importance of combining Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K2, especially when it comes to providing children with optimal health benefits. 

Vitamin D3’s main benefits are that it can strengthen bones and muscles, boost immunity, and support heart health. Vitamin D3 can also reduce inflammation and improve your overall mood. 

Research shows that Vitamin D3 can modulate the body’s innate and adaptive immune responses. A deficiency in Vitamin D3 is also associated with increased autoimmune problems and susceptibility to infection. [1] While studies show that people with low Vitamin D levels often experience fatigue, along with feelings of sadness and depression. [2]

The Power of Combining Vitamin D3 and K2

Vitamin K2 has been shown to play a powerful role in contributing towards skin health, bone metabolism, proper brain function and preventing heart-related diseases. 

For children, combining Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D3 also plays an important role in supporting the following areas…

1. Calcium Uptake To Ensure Healthy Bones and Teeth

By combining Vitamin D3 with K2, this ensures that calcium is transported into bones where it’s needed most. Vitamin D3, K2 and Calcium are all essential for healthy bone growth. Without Vitamin K2, Calcium is unable to do its job properly. This has been supported by research assessing the Vitamin D and K status in children. The study published in the journal Nutrients, found a link between increased levels of Vitamin K2 and reduced rates of low-energy fractures. [3] Vitamin D3 may also help bones to heal after an injury or surgery. As the research suggests, Vitamin K2 when combined with Calcium and Vitamin D3, can support healthy bones and teeth.

2. Immune Health Support 

Vitamin D3 plays a powerful role in modulating the innate and adaptive immune systems. Research shows that taking Vitamin D3 can result in a significant decrease in incidences of influenza infection. [4] Taking Vitamin D3 has also been shown to provide protective immunity effects on the innate immune system. 

Recent studies suggest that Vitamin D3 can regulate immune reactions that may be implicated in autoimmune diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS). It does this by causing dendritic cells to produce more of a molecule called CD31 on their surface, and this hindered the activation of T-cells. As a result, the immune reaction was reduced. [5

Vitamin D3 can therefore enhance the innate immune system, regulate T-helper cells, produce antibacterial peptides, along with reducing inflammatory cytokines (e.g. IL-6 and TNF-α) and prostaglandin production. 

3. Optimal Health Support 

Nutrient deficiencies in Vitamin D and K may impact healthy development of vital organs, such as the brain and heart. Vitamin D is essential to the normal function of the immune system by regulating the T-helper cells and reducing inflammatory cytokines. It can also support in the development of a healthy gut by supporting the commensal bacteria ‘aka the good bugs’ that live there. Research also suggests that it may have neuroprotective effects in children [6]. 

4. For Pregnant Women: Vitamin D3 May Lower The Risk of Premature Birth

Women who are pregnant may experience a lowered risk of premature birth. Research shows that the risk of premature birth decreases by 60 per cent when Vitamin D blood levels are of 40ng/ml or higher according to one study. [7]

Vitamin D3 is essential for pregnant women as it can help to keep the baby’s bones and teeth healthy. Babies who are Vitamin D3 deficient may also be more likely to have affected bone growth or in severe cases, rickets (flexible bones). Deficiency is also linked with an increased development of childhood allergies. 

5. Choosing The Best Vitamin D3 Supplement For Children’s Health Support

Since 1946 all children in the UK were given free Vitamin D and Vitamin C as scientists realised that they were essential for all children for healthy growth, bones and immune systems. It stopped in 1956 to save money. Make sure your child gets the best protection by taking a Vitamin D3 supplement.

The recommended daily dosage of Vitamin D3 for children is 400IU. Now, children can benefit from taking a Vitamin D3 supplement thanks to the ‘all-in one’ vegan friendly Vitamin D3/K2 Sublingual Spray for Children from Good Health Naturally.










Recommended Examples

Vitamin D3/K2 For Children

Vitamin D3 + K2 Sublingual Spray For Children

Vitamin D3 + K2 Sublingual Spray For Children – All in one vegan friendly sublingual spray for infants and children. Provides flexible dosing for all ages. One spray provides 200IU. Children under the age of 12 are recommended to take 2 sprays per day, providing the government recommended 400IU. Available from Good Health Naturally.

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