Feeling Stressed? Calm and Centre Yourself With These Essential Nutrients

Are you struggling with stress? As April is Stress Awareness Month, this is the time to recognise that stress and tension are a normal part of life. 

Feelings of stress and being overwhelmed are common right now as we learn to readjust our work/life balance and discover how to navigate and find new meaning for ourselves in a post-lockdown world. 

Recent research from King’s College London has found that the effects of the CV-19 pandemic increased stress, anxiety and depression levels and that these were significantly higher in participants compared with previous norms. [1] Meanwhile a recent survey from the American Psychological Association (APA) stated that 78% of Americans have had significant stress in their lives over the past year. [2]

If you’ve been feeling tense and struggling with stress lately, the good news is that there are some simple nutrients you can take to calm and centre yourself…

Stay Calm With GABA 

As an amino acid derivative produced naturally in the body, GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) works as a “calming” neurotransmitter to support your body’s general rest and relaxation. When GABA levels are low, it’s difficult for the body to relax when feeling stressed. Research shows that taking GABA significantly increases alpha waves, works to support natural relaxation and one hour after being taken, has even been shown to induce relaxation and diminish anxiety. [3

Relax With Magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral that your body needs for achieving good health. It plays a vital role in hundreds of processes in the body and this includes supporting the nervous system. Therefore, by maintaining healthy magnesium levels it’s possible to help your body to manage stress. Applying Topical Magnesium onto the skin via a lotion or bathing in a magnesium bath is highly recommended for maximum cellular absorption benefits. [4]

Relieve Stress With Ashwagandha 

Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic herb that’s been used in India for thousands of years and has gained recognition as a treatment for managing stress and insomnia. A randomised, placebo-controlled double-blind study published in the Medicine journal, investigated the use of Ashwagandha extract on 60 healthy, yet stressed adults and found that the herb reduced their stress levels, without them experiencing any side effects. [5]

Find Natural Anxiety Relief with L-Theanine 

You can find natural relief for stress with L-Theanine, a well-known anti-anxiety nutrient and compound that’s naturally found in green and black tea. Taking L-Theanine is recommended for better mental focus and relaxation. Research suggests that L-Theanine can contribute to the feeling of relaxation by reducing a person’s resting heart rate. [6]

Sleep Better with L-Tryptophan 

Taking L-Tryptophan is recommended for enjoying a better night’s sleep. As an essential amino acid, it plays a role in creating serotonin that’s a hormone present in part of the body, including the brain. Serotonin in the brain can help to regulate a person’s mood, anxiety and their happiness levels. Studies support that L-Tryptophan can create positive mood changes and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. [7, 8]

Along with taking these nutrients, other proven methods of managing stress that you may want to consider include deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, going for a walk or enjoying a creative activity such as writing or painting. 

Eating a healthy ketogenic diet (preferably vegan) and avoiding sugar and carbohydrates is also highly recommended as this can help you to avoid blood sugar and insulin imbalances that may contribute to an inflammatory response in the body and also contribute to increased stress levels.

By following these nutrient recommendations above and choosing a healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to stay calm and centred even during the most difficult or testing times.



[1] https://www.kcl.ac.uk/news/covid-19-pandemic-significantly-increased-anxiety-and-depression-in-the-uk

[2] https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/stress/2020/report

[3] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/6818809_Relaxation_and_immunity_enhancement_effects_of_g-Aminobutyric_acid_GABA_administration_in_humans

[4] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318758085_Myth_or_Reality-Transdermal_Magnesium

[5] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31517876/

[6] https://www.mdpi.com/2306-5710/2/2/13/htm

[7] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4393508/

[8] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4728667/ 

Recommended Reading

The Magnesium Manual by Robert Redfern will help you to discover why you need this essential mineral to achieve and maintain good health. Available for free download as an ebook from Naturally Healthy News.


Liposomal GABA with Ashwagandha and L-Theanine

Liposomal GABA with Ashwagandha and L-Theanine – Powerful and fast-acting Liposomal GABA for effective support during times of anxiety and stress. Combines GABA that acts as a “calming” neurotransmitter to support the body’s rest and relaxation. Combines L-Theanine to calm and balance moods and Ashwagandha to manage stress and insomnia. Available from Good Health Naturally.

The Ancient Magnesium Range

The Ancient Magnesium RangeProvides a variety of topical solutions to support your relaxation and wellbeing. Topical Magnesium may lower inflammation, promote cell turnover and may support respiratory health.

The Ancient Magnesium range with OptiMSM includes Magnesium Flakes, Magnesium Oil, Magnesium Lotion, and Magnesium Body Butter products. The addition of OptiMSM, the world’s purest MSM allows for superior skin cell absorption. Available from Good Health Naturally.


Relaxwell™ –  Contains L-Tryptophan, L-Theanine, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B3 to help you relax and relieve stress. Supports sleep and relaxation. Available from Good Health Naturally.

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