Embracing Autumn: Lessons to take from Summer

Summer is usually the season when we feel at our very best. Longer days and warmer weather mean we tend to spend more time outdoors, exercising, making better food choices and generally living a healthier life. As we transition into autumn, it’s an ideal time to reflect on the health and wellness practices we cultivated during the summer months. Here are our tips on how to adapt the lessons of summer to stay healthy in autumn.

The Power of Sunlight and Vitamin D

One of the most significant health benefits of summer is the ample exposure to sunlight, which boosts our vitamin D levels. This “sunshine vitamin” is crucial for bone health, immune function, and mood regulation. In autumn, as daylight hours decrease, it’s essential to find ways to maintain adequate vitamin D levels. It is found in oily fish, egg yolks and some fortified products, but most people don’t get enough from food. It is generally considered a good idea to supplement with this important vitamin to stay healthy in autumn.

Embracing Outdoor Physical Activity

Summer naturally encourages physical activity. Whether it’s swimming, hiking, cycling, or simply taking a walk, the ease of outdoor exercise often makes staying active enjoyable. As we move into autumn, keeping up this momentum is essential. To keep motivated and stay healthy in autumn, try setting new fitness goals which align with the season, such as participating in sponsored walks or charity runs which fit the cooler climate.

Seasonal Eating

There is always an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables during the summer, making it easier to eat a nutrient-dense diet. As autumn arrives, the seasonal produce changes, bringing with it an array of root vegetables, squashes, apples, and pears. Embracing seasonal eating can help maintain a varied and balanced diet, which is crucial to help you stay healthy in autumn. The fruit and vegetables available in autumn are rich in fibre, vitamins, and antioxidants, all of which support immune health, essential as we approach the colder months. Try experimenting with new recipes such as roasted root vegetables, soups or even apple crisps.

Continue Summer Hydration Habits

Staying hydrated is often a focus during the hot summer months, as the heat naturally prompts us to drink more water. However, as the weather cools, it’s easy to forget the importance of hydration. Dehydration can still occur in cooler weather, especially as we start turning on the heating indoors, which can dry out the air. To maintain optimal hydration and stay healthy in autumn, continue to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Herbal teas can be a great alternative to cold water as the weather cools, providing warmth while contributing to your daily fluid intake. Remember that many autumn foods, like soups and stews, can also contribute to your hydration.

Immune Support for the Cold Season

As we move from summer into autumn, our immune systems often need a bit of extra support to handle the shift in weather and the upcoming cold and flu season. Summer’s fresh produce and active lifestyle lay a strong foundation, but autumn often requires a more proactive approach. To stay healthy in autumn and beyond, focus on maintaining a balanced diet rich in vitamins C and E, zinc, and other immune-boosting nutrients. Add immune-supporting herbs and spices to your diet, such as garlic, ginger, and turmeric.

Change Gear

Summer’s long days often bring with them a sense of energy and activity. As autumn arrives, the shorter days and longer nights naturally encourage a shift towards more restful activities. Consider integrating more mindful practices into your routine, such as yoga, stretching, or meditation. As the evenings grow longer, use this time to prioritise rest and establish a consistent sleep routine. A good night’s sleep is fundamental to overall health, supporting everything from immune function to mental well-being.

Prepare for the Seasonal Shift

Summer’s bright days and social activities can positively impact mental health, helping to lift mood and reduce stress. However, the transition to autumn can sometimes bring about melancholy or anxiety, particularly the shorter, darker days. To stay healthy in autumn and counteract this, it’s important to continue spending time outdoors, even on cooler days, which can help maintain your connection to nature and help boost your mood.

Maintain Social Connections

Summer is often filled with social activities, from barbecues to beach outings, which play a crucial role in our emotional and mental well-being. As autumn arrives, social dynamics often change, with fewer opportunities for outdoor gatherings. It can be a lonely time. To stay healthy in autumn, it is important to continue nurturing social connections. Why not plan some cosy indoor activities with friends and family, such as game or movie nights? Consider joining a night class, fitness group or book club. These activities not only keep you connected but also provide a sense of routine and purpose.

To Conclude

Summer is often seen as a time of spontaneity and relaxation, but as we move into autumn, there’s an opportunity to refocus and set new intentions. There is so much you can do to keep the spirit of summer alive as the days grow shorter and cooler. Whether it’s staying active, eating seasonal produce or nurturing mental and emotional health, take the lessons from summer to help you stay healthy in autumn.

Vitamin D3
The Krill Miracle

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