Do You Need To Detox? 5 Healthy Habits To Develop In 2022…

Healthy habits are what we do every day, week, month and year that eventually forms who we are as a person. No matter where you’re current starting point, getting healthy is really about doing a habit consistently.

Over time and with consistent practice, the results of that practice accumulate – and we reap the rewards. If getting healthy is your main goal for 2022, then now is a perfect place to start. It doesn’t have to be the first week of Jan either. Simply make a decision and start now to focus on getting a little healthier with these five healthy habits…



1. Detox with Clay Baths 

If you’ve overindulged during the festive season, or you don’t feel as good as you’d like to, you may be in need of a detox. Clay baths are a natural method that can promote your body’s relaxation, while allowing you to systematically release toxins.

Raw Clay detox baths have been used for a long time to address chronic health problems, environmental sensitivity, and aches, pains, and fatigue, as well as for long-term maintenance

By acting as a catalyst, Bentonite Clay helps to quicken chemical reactions. Clays such as bentonite can pull the toxins through the pores, helping to eliminate them from the body. Regular clay baths can stimulate the lymphatic system and cleanse the skin, the largest detox organ in our body.

Detoxifying the body matters because it may protect cell health, keeping them nourished and protected against pollution. By releasing toxic overload, this improves our longevity and a bentonite clay bath is one of the gentlest ways to do it.


2. Target Inflammation Daily

If there’s one habit you should consider focussing on in 2020, its removing inflammation from the body. Inflammation is the body’s means of protection against infection from harmful substances. By removing inflammation, the body can then begin naturally healing itself.

Signs of inflammation include redness, swelling and pain. As inflammation is the prime cause of illnesses and diseases, its essential to address this underlying factor to stay healthy.

Inflammation is the major driving factor behind illness and disease, so its highly recommended to ensure you address this with a healthy diet and lifestyle to avoid any further complications.

Serrapeptase is one natural method that can reduce inflammation in the body, accelerating the body’s natural healing processes as a result. As a naturally occurring enzyme, Serrapeptase is derived from the silkworm intestine but now manufactured synthetically in a laboratory.

Taking Serrapeptase is a natural, safe and effective means of eliminating dead scar tissue and inflammation from the body, allowing you to find relief for painful health conditions. Many people find that by taking Serrapeptase, they can relieve various health concerns including lung health conditions, joint and pain problems, and more.

3. Give Up Sugar 

One of the single best things you can do to avoid and reduce inflammation in the body is to give up sugar. All forms of sugar contribute towards inflammation in the body, causing a detrimental impact on your overall health and wellbeing. This includes avoiding eating carbohydrates (especially starchy carbs) in particular, as this causes unstable blood sugar levels and insulin spikes.

Over time, when insulin levels are high, it can contribute to inflammation and the onset of disease. Indeed, large-scale studies have shown that more high-glycemic foods containing sugar can increase the risk of obesity, dental caries [1], diabetes and heart disease [2, 3].

If you do eat sugary foods, taking Cinnamon can support blood sugar level regulations and normal utilisation of hormones, making it ideal for high-risk diabetics and pre-diabetics.


4. Try Vegan Keto 

If you want to stay healthy and avoid the risk of heart disease, going plant-based or vegan (i,e. eating no animal products at all including no meat, fish, eggs or dairy) even for a short period of time may have a beneficial effect on your health.

As a very low carbohydrate diet, vegan ketogenic is preferable as it can support weight loss and reduce your body fat. On a vegan keto diet, you would keep your carb intake to just 25-50 grams of carbohydrates a day.

Low carb vegan diets in particular may improve the risk factors for heart disease as it significantly lowers lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, total cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

One 2014 study of 96,000 people found that vegans have a 75% reduction in the risk of high blood pressure, a 47-48% lower risk of Type 2 Diabetes and a 14% lower risk of developing cancer. [4]

As Veganuary is now under way with the first month of the year, why not get inspired and take a look at some of our many really healthy foods recipes that are good for your health and the planet.


5. Don’t Forget To Relax!

Good health begins with relaxation and being stress-free. January can be a stressful time for many who may feel overworked and stressed out by their current financial, lifestyle or even family situation. Relaxation is essential to your general health and wellbeing. It starts with feeling calm – meditation, yoga and deep breathing exercises are all helpful techniques.

To complement this, Magnesium is an essential mineral you should consider adding into your lifestyle. As Magnesium is involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions in your body, it may be surprising to learn that many of us simply aren’t getting enough.

The best way to ensure you absorb Magnesium is via transdermal absorption. You can also apply them topically onto the skin such as with magnesium oil, magnesium lotion or spray. Or why not choose to relax in a bath of magnesium bath flakes, so you can truly unwind after a long day at the office.










As with anything you read on the internet, this article should not be construed as medical advice; please talk to your doctor or primary care provider before making any changes to your wellness routine.



Recommended Examples

Bentonite Clay Baths

Bentonite Clay BathsProvides 100% raw, untreated clay in its natural state. Clay baths are a simple, mild and effective detoxification method to safely release years of pollutants, decreasing high levels of chemicals and metals. Available from Good Health Naturally.


Serranol® – A combination of four powerful ingredients including Serrapeptase 160,000IU, 250mg CurcuminX4000, 50mg Ecklonia Cava Extract and 1000IU Vitamin D3 providing anti-inflammatory support for optimal health. Suitable for vegetarians. 90 capsules. Available from Good Health Naturally.


Cinnamon27™ – Contains 675mg of Ceylon Cinnamon Bark Extract, 300mcg of Chromium and 2gm of Nopal Cactus. Supports balanced blood sugar levels, normal utilisation of hormones and may support Type 2 Diabetics. Available from Good Health Naturally.

Ancient Magnesium Bath Flakes

The Ancient Magnesium range provides a variety of topical solutions to support your relaxation and wellbeing. Topical Magnesium may lower inflammation, promote cell turnover and may support respiratory health. Available from Good Health Naturally.

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