Menopause is an important time of change in a woman’s life, where the end of menstruation occurs and as a result, a woman can no longer conceive. It is a natural occurrence and usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55, with the average age being around 51.
During this time, hormone levels can fluctuate, and changes in the menstrual cycle may mean the period cycles become longer, shorter, or irregular. Taking care of your hormone health through diet and a healthy lifestyle is essential during this time to avoid uncomfortable symptoms.
Melatonin and The Link with Hormonal Health
One of the most common complaints that peri- and post-menopausal women have is insomnia. This may include difficulties in falling or staying asleep. Melatonin is the hormone produced by the pineal gland (located in your brain) that can help to control your sleep cycle.
Studies have shown links between getting enough melatonin and the significant role this plays in regulating the circadian sleep/wake cycle, mood and even functions related to immunity.
Melatonin plays a central role in the circadian rhythm. As we age, however, our melatonin levels may decrease – especially around mid-life. Research also suggests that menopause-related sleep disturbances associated with depression, may lead to decreased melatonin levels.
Due to decreased levels of estrogen and possibly melatonin, as a woman approaches menopause, the levels of estrogen sharply decrease. Melatonin levels also decrease but more gradually. These hormonal changes may affect sleep directly and contribute to other health concerns, such as poor concentration, fatigue, and a decreased quality of life.
Menopause Symptoms
Common symptoms of menopause include hot flushes, night sweats, aches and pains, forgetfulness, headaches, irritability, reduced sex drive, tiredness, increased urination, and vaginal dryness.
Decreased female hormones after the menopause may also lead to osteoporosis or thinning of the bones, along with an increased risk of fractures.
There are numerous ways to find natural relief for menopause symptoms. Lifestyle factors such as healthy diet, regular exercise, reducing your stress levels and getting enough good quality sleep can all help you to feel good again.
Other things to consider include quitting smoking or trying menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) that was previously known as hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
Taking a Melatonin Supplement May Help
Research shows that taking a Melatonin supplement may help to reduce symptoms of menopause by making hot flashes and night sweats less intense. A small study of 250 menopausal women found that after three months of melatonin treatment (3mg each night at bedtime) women rated their hot flashes as less intense. [1]
Melatonin also has another primary benefit – it appears to play a role in the prevention of postmenopausal bone loss. It is thought that melatonin can inhibit oxidative stress and decrease bone turnover. [2] This can help to reduce the symptoms of osteoporosis, a health condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break.
Women treated with Melatonin have also reported considerable improvements in mood disturbances and depression. When postmenopausal women were treated with Melatonin, they were also shown to have improvements in their sleep problems. [3, 4]
One of the best ways to ensure you are getting enough Melatonin is to take a Melatonin supplement. For maximum absorption, a transdermal supplement is recommended.
We recommend Ancient Magnesium Lotion Ultra with Melatonin from Good Health Naturally as suggested below. It provides the essential benefits of Magnesium, a mineral required for optimal health, that can relieve aches and pains, while supporting general relaxation. When combined with Melatonin, it may also help you to unwind, stay calm and to enjoy a better night’s sleep.
Nutrition-Based Support for the Menopause
Nutritional support can also help to make the menopausal transition easier.
Eating a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruit and vegetables, along with good sources of Calcium such as milk, yoghurt and kale are recommended for healthy bones. There are also plenty of plant-based versions that may be good alternatives.
Getting enough Iron can also ensure you have consistent energy levels. Iron can be found in red meat, nuts, or beans. You may also consider taking an Iron supplement to reduce tiredness, while avoiding the risk of iron deficiency or anemia.
It’s recommended to avoid eating starchy carbohydrates and sugary foods because these can spike blood sugar and insulin levels. In menopause, estrogen and progesterone hormones diminish, so our cells become more resistant to insulin. This means that the body has to work harder to manage blood sugar levels.
High blood sugar levels are also linked to hot flashes. Studies suggest that the number and intensity of hot flashes may increase, based on your sugar intake. According to one study conducted across 3000 women in their 40s and 50s over eight years, women with higher blood sugar levels had more frequent hot flashes. This link was found regardless of their weight or oestrogen levels. [5]
By taking a Melatonin supplement as suggested below and following a healthy diet and lifestyle, it is possible to find natural relief for menopause symptoms and navigate this time of transition with ease.
[3, 4]
Recommended Examples
Ancient Magnesium Lotion Ultra with Melatonin
Ancient Magnesium Lotion Ultra with Melatonin – Ultra-pure Zechstein Magnesium Lotion with Melatonin for enhanced relaxation and improved sleep. Provides topical Magnesium for maximum absorption through the skin. Available from Good Health Naturally.
MacaPro® XP Black 18:1 Liquid
MacaPro® XP Black 18:1 Liquid – A high-nutrition superfood, Maca can help balance hormones, promote mental clarity and sustained energy levels. Use as part of your daily health regime to receive remarkable benefits to your everyday health. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 90ml. Available from Good Health Naturally.

Calcium, Magnesium & Potassium Plus
Calcium, Magnesium & Potassium Plus – A synergistic blend of Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, and enzymes to support normal bones and teeth. Contributes to normal blood pressure and may help to support health in various ways. Suitable for vegetarians. 90 capsules. Available from Good Health Naturally.
Ionic Iron
Ionic Iron – A rich, easy-to-take concentrated liquid dietary supplement that provides Iron in an ionic, bio-available form most recognised by the body. Iron is essential for energy production, cognitive function and immune health. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. 56ml (1.9 fl.oz). Available from Good Health Naturally.