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WEEK 04 (2020) – THE NEXT 10 YEARS, STEP 3

WEEK 04 (2020) – THE NEXT 10 YEARS, STEP 3

Health News (Week 04 - 2020)By Robert Redfern I am acutely aware that to achieve good health over the next ten years using all of my super formula products can be beyond the means of many people. To make sure that no one gets left behind I came up with a simple...

WEEK 03 (2020) – THE NEXT 10 YEARS, STEP 2

WEEK 03 (2020) – THE NEXT 10 YEARS, STEP 2

Health News (Week 03 - 2020) By Robert Redfern Today's Newsletter is Step 2 of a 10-week plan that you can follow to get super healthy over the next ten years. You can then celebrate being healthier with me in January 2030 when I will be 84. I have been following this...

WEEK 02 (2020) – The Next 10 Years, Step 1

WEEK 02 (2020) – The Next 10 Years, Step 1

Health News (Week 02 - 2020) By Robert Redfern Since helping people for the last 30 years with their 'Good Health' plans, I thought it would be interesting to use this next decade to have a formal 10-year group plan. I have not done this before, and so I plan to use...