
Digestive Enzymes for Optimum Health

Digestive Enzymes for Optimum Health

Digestion is a complex process which begins the minute we put food into our mouths, and it’s crucial to make sure every stage is working optimally. Otherwise, even if we are eating the best organic produce, we may not be absorbing all the nutrients. Digestive enzymes...

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WEEK 28 (2020) – It’s For Your Own Good?

WEEK 28 (2020) – It’s For Your Own Good?

Health News (Week 28 - 2020) By Robert Redfern Did your parents state something you had to comply with was for your own good, or maybe your teachers once said it? I am sure they were mostly correct and you complied, but there would have been many instances when you...

WEEK 26 (2020) – The Final Solution?

WEEK 26 (2020) – The Final Solution?

Health News (Week 26 - 2020) By Robert Redfern Is this how it all starts? 1984? National Socialism? Do I need to have Beethoven’s 5th Symphony playing at this point? This disturbing music was played on the BBC radio in WW2 to enhance attention to instructions. (Find...