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WEEK 24 (2021) – Pandemic Special?

WEEK 24 (2021) – Pandemic Special?

Today's Newsletter Special Update? Who would have thought that nearly 18 months after I first wrote about the PlannedDemic we are no closer to our freedom. It is beyond any rational thinking that governments and mainstream media could be still getting away with the...

WEEK 23 (2021) – How Do I Sleep at Night?

WEEK 23 (2021) – How Do I Sleep at Night?

Today’s Newsletter A Good Night’s Sleep? 7 – 9 hours of restful deep sleep, aiming for 8 hours, is one of my weekly tips for essential good health. Looking back, it’s been many years since I last wrote about sleep and stress, which explains why I still get so many...

WEEK 22 (2021) – The Facts Of Health

WEEK 22 (2021) – The Facts Of Health

Today’s Newsletter Is about the facts of health for staying healthy into your 90s and beyond, and especially avoiding the real pandemic of Alzheimer’s/Dementia. This is International Alzheimer’s Month when Big Pharma pretend they are researching cures. Their...

WEEK 21 (2021) – The Critical Nutrients Part 1

WEEK 21 (2021) – The Critical Nutrients Part 1

Today’s Newsletter Is the first in a series dedicated to why I follow one of the world’s top scientists, who famously said: “You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency”. He is Linus Pauling, two times Nobel Prize winner....

WEEK 20 (2021) – Infertility Risks!

WEEK 20 (2021) – Infertility Risks!

Today’s Newsletter I am getting asked on a daily basis for help with fertility and especially, fallopian problems. I was getting these questions before the current experimental gene-altering injections. However, with the roll-out of these jabs to women of childbearing...

WEEK 19 (2021) – Turning A Blind Eye

WEEK 19 (2021) – Turning A Blind Eye

Today’s Newsletter is about the various eye conditions I have helped people with for nearly 25 years. These include Macular Degeneration, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Diabetic Retinopathy, and many others including dry eyes, Computer Fatigue Syndrome and...