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WEEK 35 (2021) – Pay Attention

WEEK 35 (2021) – Pay Attention

Today’s Newsletter   This week’s newsletter covers two important subjects that cannot wait until next week. The first is that our children are going back to school or college and being subject to medical abuse. The second is about another new jag - this time...

WEEK 34 (2021) – Serrapeptase Recap

WEEK 34 (2021) – Serrapeptase Recap

Today’s Newsletter I am having a day off as Anne and I are in Mallorca. Since it is an hour ahead here it will not work. Instead, I am making available a replay of my Serrapeptase Webinar I did recently. Halfway down this email, you will find the videos from the...

WEEK 33 (2021) – Solutions?

WEEK 33 (2021) – Solutions?

Today’s Newsletter This week’s newsletter provides updated solutions for those who have had ‘it’ (CV) and those who have not. I use the word ‘it’ so as not to get even more censored than I have at present. I also included a condition called Long CV which usually...

WEEK 32 (2021) – Serrapeptase – Zoom webinar

WEEK 32 (2021) – Serrapeptase – Zoom webinar

Today’s Newsletter Hello. Welcome to my Thursday Live. Something different this week. On Aug the 17th at 7pm in the UK I am doing another Seminar after the success of the HealthPoint Seminar. Many people appreciated hearing the information directly from me rather than...

WEEK 31 (2021) – HealthPoint

WEEK 31 (2021) – HealthPoint

Hi All, I am enjoying the evening off tonight to celebrate my daughter Lucy's birthday with my family. As I won’t be around for my usual live slot, I thought I’d share one of my previous talks with you instead. My most discussed and shared live talk was the recent...