A Notice From Good Health Naturally About Serrapeptase

We would like to inform you that due to changes in EU regulations (pertaining to novel foods), Good Health Naturally can no longer sell Serrapeptase in the UK or EU.

We would like you to know that Serrapeptase is still available to sell in the rest of the world – so the product can be sold in the GHN USA, Canada and Australia stores.

However, this means that Good Health Naturally UK or EU stores can no longer sell the SerraEnzyme products, Serranol® or Blockbuster AllClear. They are still able to sell SerraPet® for animal use.

Many of GHN’s customers have used the following products as alternatives to Serrapeptase:


For Anti-Inflammatory Support:

Curcuminx4000 has anti-inflammatory properties that support a range of conditions like joint, heart, skin and brain health.


For Cardiovascular Health:

Nattokinase (which is in Blockbuster) is an enzyme that supports cardiovascular health and can be purchased on its own.

HeartPower+ is helpful for the cardiovascular system, and research shows it can benefit cholesterol balance.


For Energy Production/Heart Health:

CoQ10 is an enzyme that helps energy production, and many people also use it to support heart health.


If you have particular requirements, it’s recommended to call Good Health Naturally and speak to a member of the Nutrition Team.

Good Health Naturally can be contacted on the call line: 03337 777 333 (if calling from the UK). If international, please call +44 203 746 3283. Lines ae open Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm GMT.

Recommended Examples

Curcuminx4000® Original

Curcuminx4000® Original  for optimal health support. A recent study showed an increase in utilisation by up to 30compared to ordinary Curcumin. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Nattokinase™ Capsules

Nattokinase™ Capsules  – This is a potent fibrinolytic enzyme, extracted and highly purified from a traditional Japanese food called Natto. Research has shown Nattokinase™ to support the body in breaking up and dissolving the unhealthy coagulation of blood and to support fibrinolytic activity and may help to lower blood pressure.


HeartPower+™ – High potency 500mg of BERGAVIT Bergamot Fruit Extract. Benefits overall cholesterol balance and heart health. Supported by clinical trials to improve CVD risk factors and control ‘bad’ and ‘good’ cholesterol at the same time.

UB8Q10 Ubiquinol

UB8Q10™ Ubiquinol

UB8Q10™ Ubiquinol – Contains Kaneka Ubiquinol™ (a reduced form of CoQ10), 100mg per serving. A coenzyme Q10 is up to 8x times better absorbed than ordinary CoQ10. As the body’s powerhouse enhancer and antioxidant, it fuels each cell and every process in the body. Provides a wide range of health benefits for cell health, heart health, digestive health, blood sugar health, kidney health, lung health and overall support for a weak immune system. 60 softgel capsules.

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