WEEK 30 (2022) – Finding Natural Relief For Stroke Symptoms

In recent times, we’ve been receiving more stories from readers, as well as our loved ones, who may have sadly suffered from a stroke. It can be a devastating experience for both the sufferer and those closest to them as symptoms may occur unexpectedly, or as the result of a chronic illness. In cases where a stroke happens, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately.

What Is A Stroke?

Our brain contains neurons or small nerve cells that need a consistent blood supply in order to thrive. This blood supply is crucial for bringing oxygen and nutrients to nerve cells while transporting toxins away from the brain.

A stroke, also called a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is a disease of the blood vessels, particularly the arteries. It stems from the limited or complete lack of blood flowing to the brain. It’s also known as an arterial-vascular disease, characterised by the arteries closing or narrowing throughout the body.

There are two most common types of strokes:

  1. Ischemic – caused by a blockage
  2. Hemorrhagic (intracerebral) – where bleeding occurs

It’s estimated that over 80% of all strokes are ischemic strokes. They often occur because of hardening of the arteries (Thrombotic), as a result of high blood pressure over a long period of time (Lacunar), or starting in the heart as an embolus (blood clot or mass) that travels to and stops the heart muscle, eventually breaking up and travelling to the brain – known as Embolic.

Fatal Stroke

When a stroke occurs in the vertebral and basilar arteries – known as the three main blood vessels responsible for providing blood flow back to the brain – this can often be extremely dangerous and even fatal.

Stroke Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of a stroke may include dizziness, falling unexpectedly, tingling, numbness, affected speech or vision problems.

There may also be warning signs that your body gives you as an indicator that there’s a blockage in the carotid arteries. This gives the body a warning, such as when a stroke may occur in transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) or “mini strokes”.

Additional signs or symptoms of stroke may also include one arm, leg, or one side of the face becoming weak or paralysed. One side of the face, arm, or leg may also experience tingling or go numb.

Difficulty swallowing is another indication, along with the inability to see or blurry vision in one eye. Passing out or going into a coma is yet another sign.

Risk Factors For Stroke

Various risk factors for stroke may include:

High Blood Pressure – The number one risk factor for both types of stroke. Known as hypertension, it increases the risk of stroke by 4-6 times

Smoking – Doubles the risk for ischemic stroke. It does this by increasing blood pressure and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke can decrease the level of oxygen in the blood, therefore decreasing the amount tranported to the brain. Blood can then become thicker and has a higher risk of clotting

Waist-to-Hip Ratio – Extra fatty tissue in the abdomen is associated with many chronic diseases including stroke

Lack of Exercise – A sedentary lifestyle is often overlooked yet can be a risk factor for disease

Diabetes – Uncontrolled diabetes leads to consistently high blood sugar that damages blood vessels. This can affect the brain, tripling the risk of stroke

Alcohol – Drinking excess alcohol can increase the risk for stroke

Chronic Stress – This can result in high blood pressure that contriutes to the stickness of platelets, possibly leading to a blood clot or plaque in the arteries

Heart Disease – People with heart disease have five times the risk of experiencing a stroke because they are more susceptible to blood clots. When plaque builds up in the arteries, it contributes to oxidised cholesterol, and as this progresses it narrows the arteries to the point that blood flow is cut off

Nutrients For Stroke Recovery

For best support after a stroke, we recommend considering the following nutrients as part of a healthy lifestyle plan to aid recovery.

Get 25% Off with
The Ultimate Circulatory and
Stroke Recovery Support Pack

from Good Health Naturally

Serrapeptase, Curcumin, Ecklonia Cava Extract and Vitamin D3 as found in Serranol® from Good Health Naturally. These ingredients can help to relieve inflammation in the arteries and promote healing.

L-Arginine as found in HealthyFlow™ powder from Good Health Naturally. L-Arginine is an amino acid that can support blood flow and the cardiovascular system.

Vinpocetine as available from Good Health Naturally. An alkaloid derived from the periwinkle plant that can enhance memory and mental function by maintaining a healthy blood supply to the brain.

24 Sublingual Nutrients for Eye Health as found in MaxiFocus® from Good Health Naturally. Includes Vitamin A, D, E, B6, B12, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folic Acid, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Chromium, Lutein, L-Taurine, Bilberry Extract, and Gingko Biloba Extract (amongst others) to support a healthy brain and body.

Microcurrent stimulation from an electro-acupressure device such as My HealthPoint from Good Health Naturally. This can accurately locate acupuncture points and, when stimulated effectively, can help to provide relief for stroke symptoms.

Vitamin E with mixed Tocotrienols – as found in Naturally Better Vitamin E from Good Health Naturally. Vitamin E can help to support stroke-induced injuries and also provide cardiovascular protection.

Soil Based Probiotics containing Class 1 Beneficial Microorganisms – as found in PrescriptBiotics® from Good Health Naturally. This can support a healthy immune system and provide normal assimilation of nutrients into the gut.

Discover More About How To Find
Natural Stroke Relief In Our Free Ebook!

Helping Stroke, By The Book – written by Robert Redfern
Learn more about how to achieve noticeable relief from stroke symptoms by following this dedicated health recovery plan for long-term good health.


Download for free here


By following the health plan as outlined in the nutrient recommendations and book above, it’s possible to find natural recovery from stroke. Our founder Robert Redfern, suggested the stroke health plan to his brother Frank Redfern when he suffered a stroke over 9 year ago, and the results were nothing short of miraculous…


My name is Frank Redfern and I am a Stroke Survivor!

On the 5th November 2010, I woke at 6.20am and proceeded to set up the shower.
Whilst showering I noticed a numbing sensation in my hand and dropped the soap. Upon retrieving the soap I experienced a “light headedness” followed by a loss of use of my right leg followed by my right arm.

I had what is known as a “Haemorrhagic Stroke” or Bleed on the brain.
I was rushed to hospital where I spent 6 weeks before being allowed home to recover.

Along with help from Physio and Occupational Therapists, I received a visit from my brother, Robert S. Redfern who brought me Serrapeptase, Blockbuster AllClear and the Healthpoint Electronic Accupuncture machine from Good Health Naturally.

Targeted accupuncture therapy, along with the Serrapeptase and AllClear were contributing factors in my overall recovery. The HealthPoint, in particular, helped me to recover limb movement by alleviating pain and stimulating the joints. Add to this determination and time, my recovery was complete when I returned to part-time work in 2016 and full time in 2018.
– Frank Redfern

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