Amazing Prostate Cancer Recovery Testimonial

We received this amazing 5* testimonial from Eric Young, detailing his prostate cancer recovery thanks to taking Robert Redfern’s lifestyle advice and nutrition recommendations…

“I am 81 years old and in 1996 was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer (PSA 24.6) for which I had Radiotherapy and Hormone treatment. I also have bilateral Nephrostomy drains, as a consequence of loss of kidney function. The past year I have been admitted to hospital on many occasions often in a medical emergency. I have had numerous Urinary Infections, sometimes resulting in serious Sepsis incidents, which could have been fatal. Over the last few years my cancer became recurrent and in January 2019 my PSA had risen rapidly, from 7.1 to 124 and the cancer spread to the bones.

My wife and I were absolutely shocked and did not know what to do. Unbelievably, I had no Oncology or Urology Consultants. Without any discussion or treatment plan, I was just given Hormone injections every 4 weeks, but without any follow-up or treatment monitoring. We felt so utterly lost, helpless and alone. For the past 24 years, I have been taking various natural remedies, as I believed they would help my general health, serious medical issues and especially the cancer. But facing this extremely devastating news we knew we would need more specialised help urgently.

It was the luckiest day of my life, when in January 2019 my wife found one of Robert Redfern’s Naturally Healthy News Magazine, in a health shop. This magazine was a goldmine of life-saving, exceptional clearly stated information. This together with the brilliant all-natural products, completely transformed our lives. We now felt hopeful and safe under the reassuring guidance of Robert and his wonderful Health Coach team, knowing that we are not alone anymore and that there is always someone at the end of the phone to help us.

With their supervision and guidance together with the fantastic products:

CureC™ Liposomal Vit C + Quercetin


The Krill Miracle™

Prescript Biotics™

Active Life™


Nascent Iodine

B4Health™ Spray

Vitamin D3 and K2 Spray

Also, Robert Redfern’s wonderfully informative e-book on Cancer, together with the incredible benefits from Robert’s advice, regarding the many advantages of taking Sodium Bicarbonate daily. I would not normally be able to afford all these supplements but only due to the special offers and generous discounts. Because of Robert and his amazing products, on 12 Feb 2020 my PSA had suddenly dropped from 124 to 6!!! It was inconceivable, we just could not believe it.

I cannot find enough words to thank Robert for saving my life, not only from the Cancer, but all my other serious health issues. It was such a huge miracle! In the 24 years that I have been taking natural supplements, I have never come across such an outstanding, reliable and caring company. The products are exceptional and the staff knowledgeable, efficient, always polite and helpful. Delivery is always fast, often next day.

Thank you again and God bless you Robert Redfern!”

-Eric Young




Other Cancer Testimonials We’ve Received:


Hi Robert, I always read your newsletters with interest. In March 2017 I woke up one morning with what felt like a twisted knee but couldn’t remember doing it. The next day I could only walk for 10 meters then had to stop for 10 minutes to get my breath back. I ended up in hospital with clots in my legs.

Many scans and a week later they told me I had prostate cancer with a reading of 188 which they said I won’t come back from. Luckily, I have always worked on keeping my arteries clean as the clots went from my legs through my heart and into my lungs.

PET scans showed it was in my prostate and spine. They can’t fix the spine so I turned down the radiation. They said I wouldn’t see the year out. A mate put me onto your SerraEnzyme and all my clots were gone after 3 weeks. I have been taking them ever since. I’ve also been taking baking soda every day.

Anyway, I’m still here 3 years later with no pain. I started a blog to help others with information about fighting cancer as there was none out there at the time, apart from doctors’ advice.

It pains me to see the amount of good people out there being killed by pharma.

Kind regards

– Stew Hamilton



I first started ordering Serrapeptase for my neighbor that has cancer. I am her Naturopathic Counselor. She had a cough that wouldn’t go away and one of the groups I am in recommended Serrapeptase. After taking 2 tablets 3x a
day of the 40,000 IU, for about six weeks, her shortness of breath had lessened, her voice was back to normal, and her cough had subsided to just a little.

After doing much research on this product, I decided to buy a case. I gave some to my brother and his wife, my sister, and my son. I started taking 2 capsules 2 x a day. I didn’t have any real ailments that I was targeting but, being a smoker, (I know I should quit), I realized the benefits it would bring. I had a constant pain in my back for over 20 years. It was something I just lived with, and never really took anything for it unless it got too unbearable.

After taking Serrapeptase for about three weeks, I was talking to someone about it, and I realized I had no pain. Ever since that time, I have been pain free. This is probably the first time in my life that no matter how hard I work, (and
I’m a hard worker), I am completely pain free all the time, and I feel great.

I am so amazed with this product that I talk to people all the time about it. Almost everyone I know could benefit from it one way or another. I now take 2 to 3 a day just for maintenance.

– Sylvia D.



Hi Robert,

My sister in law who is in remission from breast cancer and who had mastectomy more than two years ago, had so much pain this year and when it got unbearable two months ago, I recommended the Serrapeptase supplement. In a month’s time the pain on a scale of ten has reduced to 3. Also, it has now been reduced to her spine. She is taking the 40,000 IU.

I also have a friend who had severe ankylosing spondylitis and who lost his zest to live but after taking Serrapeptase for less than two weeks, the symptoms went away and to date, all pain is gone.


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