WEEK 08 (2020) – Inspiration Day

Health News (Week 08 – 2020)
By Robert Redfern

Have you started making changes from my previous Next 10 Year Newsletters?

Since the point of these 10 Newsletters is to inspire you to be celebrating 2030 with me, feeling younger and healthier than you are today, I thought I would share Eric Young’s story that may just do that. Eric posted this on on the independent website TrustPilot so I know he will not mind being the inspiration for you. In this case it inspires me to persist with the 10-year plan for me and all of those who will put their trust in natural health.

I am 81 years old and in 1996 was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer (PSA 24.6) for which I had Radiotherapy and Hormone treatment. I also have bilateral Nephrostomy drains, as a consequence of loss of kidney function. The past year I have been admitted to hospital on many occasions often in a medical emergency. I have had numerous Urinary Infections, sometimes resulting in serious Sepsis incidents, which could have been fatal.

Over the last few years my cancer became recurrent and in January 2019 my PSA had risen rapidly, from 7.1 to 124 and the cancer spread to the bones. My wife and I were absolutely shocked and did not know what to do. Unbelievably, I had no Oncology or Urology Consultants. Without any discussion or treatment plan, I was just given Hormone injections every 4 weeks, but without any follow up or treatment monitoring.

We felt so utterly lost, helpless and alone. For the past 24 years, I have been taking various natural remedies, as I believed they would help my general health, serious medical issues and especially the cancer. But facing this extremely devastating news we knew we would need more specialised help urgently.
It was the luckiest day of my life, when in January 2019 my wife found one of Robert Redfern’s Naturally Healthy News Magazines, in a health shop. This magazine was a goldmine of life-saving, exceptional clearly stated information. This together with the brilliant all-natural products, completely transformed our lives.

We now felt hopeful and safe under the reassuring guidance of Robert and his wonderful Health Coach team, knowing that we are not alone anymore and that there is always someone at the end of the phone to help us.
With their supervision and guidance together with the fantastic products: CureC Liposomal Vit C + Quercetin, Serranol, The Krill Miracle, Prescript Biotics, Active Life, CurcuminX4000, Nascent Iodine, B4Health Spray, Vit D3 and K2 Spray. Also, Robert Redfern’s wonderfully informative e-book on Cancer, together with the incredible benefits from Robert’s advice, regarding the many advantages of taking Sodium Bicarbonate daily.

I would not normally be able to afford all these supplements but only due to the special offers and generous discounts. Because of Robert and his amazing products, on 12 Feb 2020 my PSA had suddenly dropped from 124 to 6!!! It was inconceivable, we just could not believe it. I cannot find enough words to thank Robert for saving my life, not only from the Cancer, but all my other serious health issues. It was such a huge miracle! In the 24 years that I have been taking natural supplements, I have never come across such an outstanding, reliable and caring company. The products are exceptional and the staff knowledgeable, efficient, always polite and helpful. Delivery is always fast, often next day.

Thank you again and God bless you Robert Redfern!

The plans in my books are the same whether you want to avoid disease (or premature aging), or, whether you need to quickly recover from serious disease. You obviously need to do more if you need a recovery plan compared to disease avoidance but you still need help and guidance which is the purpose of this 10-year plan. I have 35 free eBooks and most available in print. In my, "The Miracle Enzyme" book, there are 160 health plans.

The most popular books are:

Download any of my other books, Click Here.

If you have a story for TrustPilot, Click Here.

I trust Eric has inspired you to join me in a 10 Year Plan to clear disease and feel younger and stronger.


Whether you want to avoid losing your independence, ending up in a care home, or like me you may end up still working in your eighties, good health is the way to go for 2030.


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