7 Unusual Ways To Fight Your Post-Festive Fatigue

It’s the festive season, and many of us want to celebrate with our loved ones, especially after a turbulent year. Typical Christmas celebrations may include eating delicious foods and enjoying an alcoholic tipple or two.

While the festive celebrations are in full swing, following a healthy diet may be something we put off until the New Year. However, the results of eating many sugary and carbohydrate-rich foods during this time can play havoc with our general health and energy levels.

Excess sugar and insulin’s impact on our bloodstream can make us feel exhausted and stressed out. Many people also feel extra tired rather than rested from the holiday season.

Staying healthy during the festive season doesn’t have to be difficult, though – even just taking a few simple preventative measures can help you to feel at your best.

As it’s an easy time to overindulge, taking extra care of your health is essential. Our favourite nutrient recommendations to help you stay healthy during the holiday season include…


1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon can help lower blood sugar levels and promote better blood sugar balance. Numerous studies show that Cinnamon can significantly reduce blood glucose levels and triglycerides.

Various studies have shown that Curcumin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to offer protection from cardiovascular disease, amongst other health conditions. [1]

Consider taking Alpha Lipoic Acid with Cinnamon, as this can support normal blood sugar balance and pancreatic function, amongst other benefits.


2. Probiotics

One of the main benefits of probiotics is that they can reduce symptoms of bloating. Studies have shown Lactobacillus strains to be linked to less bloating, especially in people with digestive pain and bowel disorders. [2] It can also help to reduce gas production. [3] Probiotics also work well with digestive enzymes and help reduce acid reflux, gas, bloating and diarrhoea. [4]


3. Magnesium Oil

Getting enough Magnesium is essential for optimal health. The Magnesium mineral plays a vital role in over 300 biochemical functions in the body. Typical symptoms of magnesium deficiency include low moods, anxiety, loss of appetite, tiredness and weakness.

Applying Transdermal Magnesium Oil onto the skin can ensure fast and effective absorption into the body, where it’s needed most.


4. D-Ribose

Anyone who experiences low energy levels or chronic fatigue can benefit from taking D-Ribose, which naturally occurs in cells, especially the mitochondria. This is essential for energy production. [5]


5. Healthy Food Swaps

Eating healthy at Christmas doesn’t have to be challenging. It might mean choosing nuts and dried fruits over chocolate and sweets. Selecting lean meats such as turkey, chicken or ham, and eating plenty of fresh or roasted vegetables. There are also many vegetarian and vegan options, such as nut roast, whole roasted cauliflower and butternut squash recipes for those who don’t eat meat.


6. Look out for Hidden Sugars

It’s wise to be mindful of how much sugar you consume, especially when it’s tempting to overconsume sugary snacks and treats. Pre-made cranberry sauce, for example, might look healthy but can contain a high amount of sugar – around 4.1g per teaspoon. You may want to make your cranberry sauce using stevia (a low-sugar alternative) instead of sugar for a lower-sugar version.

Honey-glazed parsnips have a high amount of sugar per 100g serving. Consider using other types of seasoning on these vegetables or swapping them out for healthier choices such as sweet potato.


7. Maintain Healthy Routines

Staying healthy over the festive season doesn’t mean you must make many sacrifices. Simply ensuring you maintain a few healthy habits really can make a difference. That’s why we recommend the following healthy routines…


For example:

  1. Drink plenty of pure water with a pinch of bicarbonate of soda to stay hydrated and keep your body in an alkaline state
  2. Keep moving, and remember to go for walks to stay active
  3. Breathe deeply
  4. Eat plenty of natural foods, as much as possible
  5. Supplement with the above nutrients in particular
  6. Remember to get a good night’s sleep to feel at your best the next day




[1] https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2014/642942/

[2] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1756464620301262

[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5847071/

[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5900870/

[5] https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bJ9PVjSl1Os

Recommended Examples

Ancient Magnesium Oil Ultra with OptiMSM 200ml

Ancient Magnesium Oil Ultra with OptiMSM 200ml100% Zechstein Magnesium Oil with OptiMSM for enhanced cellular absorption. It is recommended for relaxation and for relieving sore muscles, leg cramps and various body aches. Recommended to meet your daily requirements for this essential mineral. Suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans. Available from Good Health Naturally. 

D-Ribose Plus™

D-Ribose Plus™Supports energy reserves during times of stress. Aids recovery from sports and conditions of fatigue. Helps produce ATP for the heart and muscles. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Available from Good Health Naturally. 


Cinnamon27® – A unique blend of seven powerful ingredients to support healthy blood sugar balance. Contains Ceylon Cinnamon and Chromax® Chromium picolinate. Provides antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans. Available from Good Health Naturally. 

Alpha Lipoic Acid ‘R’

Alpha Lipoic Acid ‘R’ – Antioxidant and free radical neutraliser. Provides support for normal blood sugar balance and pancreatic function. Recommended for peripheral nerve and endocrine function. Suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans. Available from Good Health Naturally. 

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