Health News (Week 41 – 2012)
By Robert Redfern

At last some good news from Greece…

The citizens from Greece are having a really bad time as a result of them being defrauded of their country by the bankers and politicians. Money is becoming a problem as those that can are withdrawing it from banks and sending it to London or Berlin for safety.

When Al Podalenious contacted me asking for help with his arterial plaque I of course suggested my full plan including 6 different supplements (I always suggest my ultimate plan to give the best chance) and of course diet change. He also asked about his wife’s pain problems and I again suggested a multi nutrient plan to have the best chance. You can see both of these plan in the Knowledge Base in .

Al had to be straight with me and told me in no uncertain terms such a plan was out of the question. He asked could they simply take SerraEnzyme Serrapeptase 80,000iu and Ubiquinol CoQ10 which they were already taking. What could I say? I knew Serrapeptase had a good success rate, it was a step in the right direction and we agreed to make a few changes to the diet.

The Results! Well you can see below in just a few short months and in his own words.

The moral of the story?
More may be better but if you cannot afford more then there is still hope with SerraEnzyme and UB8Q10 Ubiquinol..

A Healthcare Success Story  by Al Podalenious, Greece

“I’ve suffered from arteriosclerosis – a disease which produces plaque formations in the CVry arteries – for some years. When my cardiologist saw the results recently of the routine ‘stress test’ I do each year, he sent me to a clinic for an angiogram (CVry artery examination).

Immediately following this procedure, in June, 2012, my cardiologist showed me a detailed diagram and an explicit video and informed me that my left CVry artery had five (5) plaque formations producing artery blockages of 70-90% and that I require bypass surgery. These blockages can cause angina (chest pain), myocardial infarction (heart attack), heart failure and death.

I am diametrically opposed to the concept of bypass surgery (extracting blood vessels from the leg and splicing them into blocked CVry arteries) for several very specific reasons. Because of this, I began an intensive research project into the availability of bypass alternatives.

This resulted in a remarkable discovery of a product being used successfully by thousands of ‘bypass candidates’ which is virtually unknown in Greece but well-known in Europe. It is a 100% natural enzyme extracted from the intestine of silkworms, called serrapeptase, which enables the silkworm chrysalis to escape from the cocoon and become a beautiful butterfly!

German Dr. Hans A. Nieper was the first to discover that serrapeptase has the ability to dissolve plaque formations in human CVry arteries, without causing harm to living tissue. This process cleans out the arteries and opens up the blockages. Because of its extraordinary qualities, serrapeptase is known as ‘The Miracle Enzyme’.

My wife, Vasiliki, has suffered from chronic pain and discomfort in her upper back and neck area for about 2 years. This problem is also accompanied by dizzy spells, which are associated with the condition. As serrapeptase is famous for its power to relieve various types of inflammation, she decided to try a course of serrapeptase in the hope that it might help her.

Within 3 days after starting the serrapeptase, Vasiliki’s neck and back pain and the accompanying dizzy spells she had been experiencing, disappeared completely.

In early August, I embarked on a therapy program involving a daily dosage of serrapeptase. Then, on 4 October, I undertook a new examination of my CVry arteries by a leading cardiologist, using state-of-the-art triplex technology. This procedure detects the volume and efficiency of blood flow and oxygen supply to the heart.

The result of this new test – after only 2 months of serrapeptase therapy – was that the blood supply to my heart through my left CVry artery (which 3 months before had 5 plaque formations causing 70% to 100% blockages) is fully adequate and my heart is functioning normally.

I’m now age 73. The cardiologist said I am free to engage in ordinary physical activities without concern about the capacity of my heart to function in a healthy manner”.

It is good to know that there are still good choices to get healthy when money is tight, and it was feedback similar to this that prompted me to introduce Serrapeptase to the world via my publications, almost 13 years ago!

If you have any questions, have arterial plaque or just want to know whether SerraEnzyme or UB8Q10 can help you, click Contact Me at the top. I will endeavour to answer as quickly as possible and it will be in the strictest of confidence.