Health News (Week 40 – 2019)
By Robert Redfern

I have just arrived back from a little vacation to the news that ‘The Eyecare Trust’ has banned adverts for my book, Helping Eye Disease. My book shows, based upon 40 studies, how to recover your sight, even after you have gone blind. Even worse, it coincided with the arrival of my New MaxiFocus.

Will You Help?

Please share this email with everyone you know and help them gain the knowledge to prevent or reverse macular degeneration in just a few short months.

Don’t Be Blind!

I guarantee if your doctors tell you nothing can be done or offers injections, that they are wrong in many cases. Don’t be blinded by their misinformed and therefore dangerous information.
Below is a previous article I wrote, but I have many more in by searching macular and eyesight.

The Real Facts

25% of people over 50 will start to lose their eyesight from various causes. The majority will suffer from a condition called Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD), as this remains the leading cause of vision loss in adults over 50. The older you get, the more the risk increases, which includes losing your driving license.

The medical system has now renamed it to merely Macular Degeneration (AMD) because it is now being observed in younger and younger people. The fact is it was never an old age disease, but rather it is a malnutrition condition much the same as diabetic retinopathy suffered by those with Diabetes Type 2.
It is reaching epidemic proportions because the medical system is intent on finding a medical solution. The latest research is proposing a computer chip into the retina, which is about the most nonsense idea I have ever heard.

Some ARMD sufferers are as young as the age of 20. The future for the majority of today’s young people have failing eyesight due to following a diet based on malnutrition. You would think with social media and YouTube that people would be better informed. The unfortunate truth is that many younger adults choose not to foresee that far into the future. You may believe ARMD will not happen to you. You may consider ARMD a far-off risk that can be addressed once you reach retirement age. I repeat that the risk increases as time goes by.
ARMD is responsible for roughly 5 per cent of blindness around the world. The condition continues to progress; up to 196 million people may suffer from age-related macular degeneration by the year 2020.

The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness describes the condition of AMD as the third most important cause of blindness in the world. It is also the leading cause of blindness in higher-income countries with ageing populations.


Taking Off The Blinkers

One of the leading causes of Age-Related Macular Degeneration is an increased amount of free radical damage inflicted on the human body. Free radicals are anywhere. You may find them in sun exposure, junk foods, carbohydrates, sugary foods and drinks, pollution and environmental toxins. Even worse, the junk diet is sorely lacking in antioxidants and the specific carotenoids needed to protect our delicate eyes against the sun and this disease.

A diet of foods rich in carotenoids can protect your eyes from degeneration. As free radicals attack your healthy eyes again, and again, the macula becomes damaged. The macula is a small part of the eye that controls central vision.

Small and mighty, the macula provides you with the ability to see crisp detail and vivid colours. It depends on healthy nutrition and blood supply. A deteriorated macula resulting in ARMD usually starts in one eye and will soon affect the other eye, in most cases.

Age-related macular degeneration may be broken down into two categories:

1. Dry: The most common type of ARMD may develop slowly and will ultimately cause a loss of central vision, in 95 per cent of cases. The good news is that dry ARMD can be corrected with nutrition and lifestyle factors. It is possible to stop and reverse dry ARMD with an anti-inflammatory diet and eye-healthy nutrients.

2. Wet: Weak, malnourished blood vessels will result in wet ARMD. These deteriorating vessels are found behind the retina and will soon leak into the macula. Wet ARMD is very rare compared to dry ARMD, but does result in a rapid loss of vision. It is harder to achieve full recovery for wet ARMD if laser treatment has been applied, though damage can be minimized with the right lifestyle choices.

The Plan Is In The Book

ARMD described as a medical condition sounds complex, but the treatment is simple. The problem has already been identified as a lack of antioxidants in the diet. Many physicians agree.
According to Macular Degeneration International, patients with ARMD may be informed that there is no treatment available to reverse or halt the condition. Patients may be encouraged to take antioxidant vitamins at a bare minimum.
I have been helping clients recover their eyesight since 1996 and over the years have developed a complete plan that works in the majority of cases.

Will Your Doctor Agree?

Eye doctors have no training in nutrition, so it is unlikely they can offer knowledgeable advice on that matter, however they are excellent for eye examinations. An eye examination before and after implementing my program will be sufficient, but here is a warning – when you get your eyesight back, don’t tell your eye doctor expecting a pat on the head. They could even be offended that you claim to know what they don’t.

The Plan

While antioxidant intake is essential, targeted nutrient use is vital. Taking a run-of-the-mill antioxidant vitamin isn’t going to improve or stop vision loss. Understanding which critical nutrients your eyes need to protect and restore sight can reduce the risk of blindness.

Two specific nutrients are responsible for protecting the macula from degeneration:

1. Lutein: Lutein is an essential nutrient in healthy bodies. This vital carotenoid must be gleaned in food and nutritional supplements to prevent permanent vision loss. An anti-inflammatory diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables provides a foundation for healthy vision at any age. 10 to 14 portions of fresh or frozen vegetables a day are recommended to be consumed. Along with that, a daily lutein supplement can support eye, brain and full-body health.

2. Zeaxanthin: Like lutein, zeaxanthin is an antioxidant found in most fruits and vegetables; antioxidant levels are uniquely high in green, leafy vegetables. Zeaxanthin works alongside lutein to maintain the structural integrity of blood vessels that supply the macula to protect against photo-oxidation. Zeaxanthin both, in the diet and supplement form, is highly recommended.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are undeniably crucial to eye health. These potent antioxidants are known to be missing in sufferers of ARMD. A review of more than 25 studies that examined the dietary intake of carotenoids found that lutein and zeaxanthin were deficient in those with age-related macular degeneration.


Alongside essential nutrient support, HealthPoint electro-acupressure has been used to speed up the recovery of the macular to restore the health of the eyes. Many factors contribute to ARMD. One of the most common triggers, after free radical damage, is a lack of circulation associated with age.
For the macula to function in optimal health with crystal-clear vision; proper nutrients, oxygen, and detoxification are needed. Low circulation reduces antioxidant and oxygen supply to the eyes. This process will soon result in vision dysfunction and long-term degeneration.

Electro-acupressure micro-current stimulation is an exciting new technology that can be used to treat macular degeneration. For both wet and dry ARMD, early clinical trials have shown up to a 70 per cent improvement in vision. Electro-acupressure therapy can stimulate the retina and degenerated macula using well-mapped acupressure points on the body. When used with antioxidant, nutritional supplements, hope for recovery is available. Vision loss is not a natural part of the ageing process.

Recommended Products


MaxiFocus contains the essential carotenoids Lutein and Zeaxanthin plus a full range of essential vitamins and minerals to support the health of your eyes. These nutrients absorb at least 900 per cent better than their tablet equivalent and in most cases will be getting to work within the eye within two minutes.


HealthPoint, This electronic acupressure kit for home delivers all the benefits of acupuncture but without the needles! Stimulate the essential acupressure points for eye health with the help of this machine. 

Shop Here for MaxiFocus

Shop Here for HealthPoint

Other supplements shown to be beneficial for good health and especially Eye Health include:

Most of the eye doctors now use high definition cameras and can see if you have the start of AMD within a few minutes. If it is detected, don’t waste your time being referred to an eye consultant as they have no solutions. You do. It is my plan that can improve your condition within 30 days. The worse the problem, the more critical it is that you apply the whole program.


If you value your independence, then you need healthy eyesight. The facts are that by working to get your eyesight health back the rest of your body will also benefit. I have helped people of all ages, and the oldest being 96 who was ultimately able to get back to writing letters to her loved ones.