Health News (Week 33 – 2013)
By Robert Redfern

I Last week I talked about thyroid problems and iodine and I thought it was quite clear that it is a critical mineral and not optional. I had a multitude of questions, which is quite normal after the newsletter, but I got the distinct impression that iodine is not taken as seriously by doctors today as 100 years ago, when doctors realised how critical it was and would even advise supplementation.

There are many reports from around the world of various conditions caused by this shortage of iodine in the diet. As a recap, from last week’s newsletter, the well-known symptoms of thyroid imbalance/iodine deficiency are:

  • Thyroid problems (overactive/underactive)
  • Energy imbalances
  • Weight gain and weight loss
  • Mental imbalances such as depression and anxiety
  • Mental retardation (children of mothers who have had an iodine deficiency)
  • Autism
  • Cysts
  • Breast Disease Problems
  • PMS and Menopausal Problems
  • Fibroids and PCO’s
  • Infertility
  • Prostate Disease
  • Weak Immune system

Recently, the EU also authorised on its ‘Register on Nutrition & Health Claims’ that Iodine contributes to normal cognitive function, normal energy yielding metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous system, to the normal production of thyroid hormones and thyroid function.

I take it and my whole family take it. We will always take it. (We take Nascent Iodine click here for more information)

I have decided to go over the questions and have added a few of my own, to make sure everything was covered to persuade you that iodine is NOT OPTIONAL for good health (unless you eat 3 full cups of Kelp everyday)!

Question: What is iodine?

Answer: It is an essential trace mineral, or, one of the 105 elements the universe is made from. When in the soil, yeast first changes iodine from a mineral to a mineral salt, (which is the form that can be absorbed via roots to plants) and the plant then further changes it from a mineral salt to a ‘colloid or atomic form’.

Over millions of years, mineral salts and colloidal iodine have been washed into the oceans. It is no longer generally found in land food and even in the oceans it is only found in two varieties of seaweed in high amounts (Kelp and Kombu). It is also found in a smaller amount in various seafoods, such as shellfish.

Question: What supplement form is it found in?

Answer: Iodine in seaweed and seafood is 100% safe and perfect to eat as it was previously converted to a colloid or atomic state absorbed via plants. The problem is it takes a large amount of seaweed to obtain the necessary amount we need of iodine (around 4mg per day). Since iodine is toxic in its natural state (the same way that silver is) it has to be converted to a colloidal or atomic state to make it safe and effective.

Question: I have seen Iodine supplements by the names of: Potassium Iodide tablets, Lugols, Iodoral, Potassium Iodide in table salt and Kelp Capsules. Are any of these OK to supplement with?

Answer: Potassium Iodide is an inorganic compound of potassium and iodine and although sold as a supplement will cause toxicity problems to the thyroid and liver if taken in high doses. These problems have been reported in various studies. The confusing thing in studies is the word ‘iodine’ is used rather than potassium iodide. Lugol’s iodine, also known as Lugol’s solution, first made in 1829, is a solution of inorganic iodine and potassium in water. It is used as a disinfectant and has been used as a supplement. Iodoral is potassium iodide in a solution. Potassium Iodide in table salt is junk salt with potassium iodide added. Kelp capsules are fine except 12-20 caps would be needed each day for the amount available in 3 cups of kelp.

Question: Why is Nascent Iodine OK to take in high doses and does not cause any harm?

Answer: The recommended dosage of Nascent Iodine is 3 drops x 3 times per day, yet I take 40 drops per day and recommend in my ‘Good Health Helpdesk’ that others with serious health problems take this amount too. This is because it is as close to organic iodine as is possible. The studies to test organic iodine (Kelp) on the thyroid showed no ill effects. Please be aware of any internet opinions using incorrect information on different forms of iodine.

Question: Why does my doctor not advise me to take an iodine supplement?

Answer: Your doctor is unlikely to know the difference between inorganic iodine, organic iodine and potassium iodide and therefore will have simply read the articles on the side effects of potassium iodide and will advise you not to supplement with iodine based upon hearsay. Ask them if they know the difference.

Question: You recommended taking selenium in your newsletter last week. What is the best way to take this?

Answer: It is critical you have these two minerals together in your diet. The best way is a form called organic selenium or selenomethionine. This is usually found in a good multi vitamin/mineral formula or by simply adding 4 brazil nuts to your diet daily.

Question: I have Grave’s disease or Hashimotos’s and take drugs. Is it safe to take Nascent Iodine drops as my doctor said do not take Kelp or Iodine supplements?

Answer? Since this is an auto immune disease and there is a successful plan for auto immune disease I suggest clearing the problem and keeping a low dose of Nascent Iodine until it is clear. Even if your thyroid has been destroyed by the doctor’s treatments you still need iodine and selenium for all critical uses around the body. It is considered by many that both of these diseases are caused by an iodine and selenium deficiency.

Question?I have heard of a temperature test to check an underactive thyroid. Is this the most common indicator of an iodine deficiency?

Answer: THE BODY TEMPERATURE TEST There is one simple test anyone can do at home to uncover an underactive thyroid: Take your own temperature! The “basal body temperature” test was developed by Broda O. Barnes, M.D.

Because thyroid hormone is so vital to cellular metabolism, reduced thyroid function often manifests as a drop in body temperature to below the normal level of 98.6F.

Barnes recommended the following procedure: Immediately upon awakening, and with as little movement as possible, place the thermometer under the tongue or in the rectum. Leave it there for 10 minutes.
Record the readings on three consecutive days. If the average temperature over the three days is less than 97.8F, then, according to Barnes, you may have hypothyroidism, or low iodine. Even if you have had a blood test and were told you did not have a low thyroid reading, go back and look at the test results again.
You may find that your blood levels of thyroid hormones are actually low normal. Many people who are within the so-called “normal” range but below the midpoint could benefit enormously from thyroid supplementation with iodine.
Your optimum oral temperature should be 98.0 in the morning before arising. Your oral temperature should rise to 98.6 to 99 degrees for about 10 hours a day (from 8 am until 11 am).

A good test time is to take your oral temperature between 11 am and 3 pm. The next time to do this is 20 minutes after lunch, which is when your thyroid function should be at its best. It is important to work on getting and keeping your temperature at 98.6F. The thyroid system deficient in iodine is a vicious circle, one thing leads to another until bacteria, parasites, and viruses attack and cause other diseases and symptoms, including the body’s wanting to attack itself.
When body enzymes are not at the correct temperature, 98.6F, they don’t turn into the correct hormones, which then cause illness.

Even if your temperature is normal and you still have symptoms, you may have a low-grade infection that is raising your temperature. Symptoms are a really important factor, which need to be taken into account.

Once you have taken care of the low-grade infection with supplements, you will be able to take the test again and get an accurate reading that shows your thyroid function.



Why I recommend this – Nascent Iodine is a form of iodine that can be ingested into the body and it exists in an atomic form instead of a molecular form. It will hold its ‘charged state’ until you dilute it in water and drink it. It will then gradually lose energy over a 2-3hr time span. During this time, the body can’t distinguish between Nascent Iodine and the iodine that is naturally made by the thyroid. Therefore it is easily absorbed.

And easily the best form of iodine supplementation!

One bottle of Nascent Iodine lasts a long time (depending on your condition), even on 3 x 3 drops per day it should last you a couple of months. There are 600+ drops in a bottle. Each drop provides you with 400mcg Iodine! Shop here for Nascent Iodine

Take it on an empty stomach, 30 mins before or 1 hour after meals and it is better to take in the morning, lunch and early afternoon (before 4pm).


I have around 30 reasons why carbs and sugar should not be in a healthy diet but if there was one that stands out then it is the thyroid dysfunction it causes.

If you wanted to seriously upset your thyroid and prevent it helping you to become the strong healthy person you desire then eating starchy carbs and high sugar foods and drinks is the things to do as well as not taking iodine and selenium every day.