Health News (Week 25 – 2017)
By Robert Redfern

Too Much of a Good Thing?

Recently a reader wrote to me querying the amount of Vitamin D3 in various supplements for a plan they had asked for. I confirmed it is completely safe and essential to take Vitamin D3 for good health.

Regular readers and those who ask for my opinion on the Help Desk know that I recommend Vitamin D3 as a core for most health problems.

I can understand people being confused because there is huge confusion if you do your research on the Internet. Especially if you read ‘supplement amount recommendations’ written by medical sources. The internet contains information which is good for you and bad for you. Your problem is knowing which is which? My problem is making sure you get the best information here to achieve excellent health (not just good health).

There are many studies showing that Vitamin D3 at high levels is a super essential nutrient and the recommended daily amount is much too low to achieve excellent health. As I am typing this, on the radio there is a report of a study that the time of the year and how the intake of Vitamin D3 is linked to the types of diseases you may suffer from (another good reason to take D3?)

My Current Example

Our personal goal is to achieve around 10,000iu per day and sometimes up to 20,000iu in supplements during the winter.

At present, I am having a little more D3 because I am taking Vitamin D3-K2 Spray. I cracked 3 ribs last week after slipping down some (very slippery) marble steps so I am taking the spray to help speed up repair of my bones (FYI the Spray is also recommended for Osteoporosis and Cardiovascular disease).

Vitamin D3-K2 Spray Total 1,000iu D3
I also take 3 x Serranol Total 3,000iu D3
Also, Active Life Capsules Total 400iu D3
Also, 3 Daily Immune (DIP) Total 1,000iu D3
Also from my daily sunshine Total 10,000iu D3 (approx.)

My Daily Total
15,400 D3

I consider this a moderate level and would not be concerned if I took much more – which I do occasionally. However, I consider 10,000iu Vitamin D3 as the minimum for excellent health and studies showing less than 5,000iu D3 per day as starting to get unhealthy.

A Large Number of Studies…

There are many studies that show how Vitamin D3 can everything, from anti-cancer to supporting lung recovery to improving the immune system (studies show D3 is better than flu vaccinations) and many more.

The latest Vitamin D3 Study shows how low levels double the risk of developing Dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Never Too Soon To Start

Since 25% of the population over 65 are destined to succumb to dementia (unless they follow my plan) it makes sense to ensure good daily levels of Vitamin D3.

As I point out, the recommended daily amount by the medical business is too low to achieve good health.

For those who have seen reports about taking too much, I can assure you that as long as you are eating leafy green vegetables or taking Vitamin K2 (an important co-factor) you are fine.

The truth is we need all of the super nutrients to work in harmony. Seeing all this sunshine at present reminded me of one of my pet disagreements with experts.

Experts seem to make out the sun is our enemy and to be avoided as much as possible. My advice on the sun is to get out in it at every opportunity with as few clothes as possible and to slowly build up to a point where you can be in it for a few hours. Very few sunscreens are healthy and are to be avoided if possible.

A few hours in the sun can deliver 10,000iu of Vitamin D3 and up to 30,000iu depending on how long and how few clothes are worn. Even with being in the sunshine as much as possible, I take around 10,000iu of Vitamin D3 in my supplements every day and then more in the winter.

Whether you are in the South and covering up from the sun or in the North with winter approaching, I believe Vitamin D3 supplementation is essential.

Just look at what the studies say:

Calcium intake associated with decreased arterial stiffness only in those with higher vitamin D intake

New study finds ar,n association between calcium intake and decreased arterial stiffness in individuals with highe but not lower, vitamin D intake.

New pilot study provides a more complete picture of vitamin D’s role in asthma in later life

In an interesting new trial, researchers explored the effects of vitamin D supplementation on elderly patients with asthma.

Vitamin D Deficiency May Increase Risk of Diabetes-Associated Eye Disease

New research published in Diabetes Medicine has found that vitamin D deficiency may double the risk of diabetic retinopathy.

New research indicates Vitamin D may help slow progression of Alzheimer’s disease

Researchers out of Argentina have found that patients treated with vitamin D experienced a slower progression to more severe stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

Vitamin D deficiency may reduce pregnancy chances during fertility therapy

Researchers recently found that low vitamin D levels may reduce pregnancy chances in women undergoing in-vitro fertilization.

New study finds low vitamin D levels may relate to deep vein thrombosis

A recent study published in International Journal of General Medicine found that low vitamin D levels are associated with idiopathic deep vein thrombosis.

New study finds high rates of vitamin D deficiency in kidney transplant patients

Researchers have recently found that vitamin D deficiency is common in kidney transplant patients in Southern California.

New study shows low vitamin D levels may relate to more severe CVry artery disease

Coronary artery disease occurs when there is a build-up of plaque in the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart.

Take your Choice

I have included Vitamin D3 in many of my formulations in small doses and in larger doses in supplements that are used in more critical conditions such as Serranol.

3,000iu D3 per serving (x3 caps) Plus Curcumin, Ecklonia Cava & Serrapeptase
Click Here

Daily Immune Protection
1,000iu D3 per serving (x3 caps) Plus 9 more ingredients
Click Here

D3 Capsules
5,000iu D3 per serving (x1 caps) Plus Coral Calcium
Click Here

D3/K2 Spray
1,000iu D3 per serving (x5 sprays) Plus Vitamin K-2 MK7
Click Here

Active Life Capsules
400iu D3 per Serving (x3 caps) plus x129 other nutrients
Click Here


A strong healthy body come from a healthy lifestyle – definitely including Vitamin D3. Supplements should be taken as part of a healthy lifestyle.