Health News (Week 04 – 2013)
By Robert Redfern

Since it is my birthday today (23rd Jan) and a young age of 67 I thought it was right to consider a health concern of men of my age group and what more important than helping them have many happy birthdays with a healthy prostate.

Prostate problems can range from minor urination problems all the way to prostate cancer. It may be a big killer but there are sim

Consider this: prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among men and 1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime.
But you can take a few simple steps to protect yourself from becoming a victim.

There are 3 powerful minerals that most men never think about but they’ve been proven to make a real difference when it comes to prostate health.

And I’ll show you the easiest ways to increase your levels of these mighty minerals.

Cut Your Prostate Cancer Risk by 65%

Selenium is an important mineral to keep your body young, strong and healthy, but researchers were shocked when they discovered how really powerful it is.

Scientists from seven American health centers wanted to know if selenium might reduce skin cancer risk. They gave 1,312 volunteers either a daily 200 mcg dose of selenium or a placebo. Unfortunately, there was no effect on skin cancer.

But the researchers were blown away when they figured out that the men who took the selenium supplements had 63% fewer deaths from prostate cancer.

They couldn’t believe their own results. So two years later Harvard University decided to take a crack at it. In Harvard’s Health Professionals Follow-up Study, researchers collected toenail clippings from 33,737 men and analyzed them for selenium levels. Six years later, Harvard confirmed that men with the highest selenium levels had a 65% lower rate of advanced prostate cancer than men with the lowest levels.

Slash Your PSA Levels by Up to 88.6%

Researchers didn’t discover that boron is an essential nutrient until 1985. Now we know that boron is necessary for healthy bones and good brain function, but its most important role is in your prostate.

Like selenium, boron significantly reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Researchers from the UCLA School of Public Health compared the diets of over 7,727 men and found that those consuming the most boron reduced their risk of prostate cancer by as much as 64%. But here’s where boron beats even selenium. It can actually shrink existing prostate tumors and decrease PSA (prostate-specific antigen, an indicator of prostate cancer). In fact, a study in the Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer Research proved boron can shrink tumors by 25%-38% and cut PSA levels by up to 88.6%

Beat the Odds Against Prostate Cancer Survival Zinc concentrates in higher levels in the prostate gland than in any other tissues of the body. It protects the prostate from infection and enlargement, but here’s why you really need it.

A 2009 study found that men eating a diet rich in zinc over a 10-year period reduced their risk of advanced prostate cancer by 39%.

And in a large study from the Harvard School of Public Health, researchers found that men with local prostate tumors who eat more zinc-rich food had a 76% better survival rate than those eating less.

How to Get Your 3 Mighty Minerals Every Day Here’s a quick chart of how much you need and the top food sources for selenium, boron and zinc.

Mineral Recommended

Daily Amount

Rich Food


Selenium 200 mcg Prunes



Boron 3-5 mg Brazil nuts

Crimini mushrooms


Zinc 20-25 mg Oysters

Calf’s liver


You can also find these minerals in supplement form but you probably won’t find all three in many multivitamins. Check out Active Life which has 90 Vitamins and minerals in a highly absorbable form to make sure you get whatever you’re missing. ProstatePlus is designed specifically for a healthy Prostate.

Of course if you have a serious Prostate problem then contact me for help by clicking the link above.

Scientific ReferencesCombs
GF, Jr., Clark LC, Turnbull BW. Reduction of cancer risk with an oral supplement of selenium. Biomed Environ Sci 1997;10:227-34. [PubMed abstract]
Kazuko Yoshizawa, Walter C. Willett, Steven J. Morris, Meir J. Stampfer, Donna Spiegelman, Eric B. Rimm, and Edward Giovannucci Study of Prediagnostic Selenium Level in Toenails and the Risk of Advanced Prostate Cancer JNCI J Natl Cancer Inst (1998) 90(16): 1219-1224 doi:10.1093/jnci/90.16.1219
Zhang Z-F, Winton MI, Rainey C’ ‘Boron is associated with decreased risk of human prostate cancer’ FASEB J, 15:A1089, 2001.
Gallardo-Williams MT, Maronpot RR, King PE; ‘Effects of boron supplementation on morphology, PSA levels, and proliferative activity of LNCaP tumors in nude mice’ Proc Amer Assoc Cancer Res 43:77, 2002.
A. Gonzalez, et al., Zinc Intake From Supplements and Diet and Prostate Cancer, Nutrition and Cancer, 2009; 61(2):206-15.
Epstein, et al, Dietary zinc and prostate cancer survival in a Swedish cohort, Am J Clin Nutr March 2011 vol. 93 no. 3 586-593
Michael F. Leitzmann, Meir J. Stampfer, Kana Wu, Graham A. Colditz, Walter C. Willett and Edward L. Giovannucci, Zinc Supplement Use and Risk of Prostate Cancer, JNCI J Natl Cancer Inst (2003) 95 (13): 1004-1007. doi: 10.1093/jnci/95.13.1004