Genetic and environmental factors have previously been determined as being responsible for migraines. But now a new study has pointed towards Vitamin D deficiency being a potential reason. The study by Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centre found that children, teenagers and young people with migraines are more likely to suffer from mild deficiencies of Vitamin D, Coenzyme Q10 and Riboflavin.

From analysing the data of migraine patients, the researchers assessed the patients’ baseline blood levels for CoEnzyme Q10, Folate, Riboflavin and Vitamin D and found that from this study, teenage girls and young women were more likely to suffer from CoEnzyme Q10 deficiency than boys. Within this study, the migraines were also shown to increase the risk of heart disease and mortality within women.
Boys and young men were more likely to suffer with severe migraines and to have a Vitamin D deficiency and be more prone to suffer from Coenzyme Q10 and Riboflavin deficiencies compared to those who suffered with migraines on a off-on basis.
The study’s lead researcher indicated that more research is required to determine if vitamin supplements are effective for migraine patients in general. Many were taking preventive migraine medications and vitamin supplements – even though they didn’t receive vitamins so a conclusion into vitamin deficiency being the main cause of migraines was difficult to reach.
These findings do indicate however that a high percentage of children, teens and young adults with migraines may have mild deficiencies in Vitamin D, Riboflavin and Coenzyme Q10 – found in every cell of the body and used to produce energy for cell growth and maintenance.


Vitamin D Health Benefits
Many of us are not getting enough Vitamin D, primarily Vitamin D3 that is mainly obtained by exposure to sunlight. This is important for regulating calcium and phosphorus absorption, maintaining healthy bones and teeth and now as studies suggest, it may help with the prevention of migraine attacks. It’s believed this is related to the inflammation within the nerves and blood vessels of the body. There is also significant evidence to show that higher levels of Vitamin D may reduce inflammation and play an important role in migraine attacks and their development.
Therefore, taking enough Vitamin D3 is highly recommended for anyone who wants to avoid migraine attacks. By taking this supplement daily and incorporating it as part of a daily regimen into a healthy lifestyle, it’s possible to experience significant relief for migraines.
Another supplement worth considering is Serrapeptase as it can provide powerful and all-natural pain relief for a wide variety of health conditions, including headaches and migraines. When these two nutrients are combined as part of a really healthy diet and lifestyle, it’s possible to see significant and long-term improvements in migraines and general health, often in a relatively short period of time.


Recommended Examples


Screen Shot 2016-06-16 at 09.20.09Vitamin D3 and K2 Spray available from Good Health Naturally is highly recommended for anyone seeking to find pain relief for migraines. This supplement provides a daily dose of Vitamin D3 along with Vitamin K2 into the diet to support maximum calcium absorption and reabsorption for effective bone mineralisation.





Screen Shot 2016-06-16 at 09.16.49Serra Enzyme 80,000IU available from Good Health Naturally is the suggested Serrapeptase supplement for anyone seeking to find pain relief for their migraines.